Girls bloom after 20

Girls bloom after 20.
Before that they are dumb as fuck, naive and trash tier in bed.

Other urls found in this thread:

How would you know?

>applying 3DPD mechanics to 2D

Would do anything to become Kaede's slave.

Kaede a shit

I want to drink some beers with Kaede

Don’t their sex drives go up as they go older?

Girls are always dumb as fuck. Literal subhumans.


Better then, you and you're waifu learn together on the act.


>dumb as fuck, naive and trash tier in bed

Even with those qualities my waifu is still a wonderful girl. I love her.


The only right answer.

This girl makes my dick feel something it never felt before


Old men...


The Future

I know she is from im@s, should i watch her show only for her?

She only has a few scenes, the anime is just silly teen girls.

(meant to add) There's an official manga with her and other delicious 20-somethings, called After20, but only one chapter is translated.

2D is based on 3D, like it or not. Everything that was ever drawn, painted, or whatever else is based on the artist's experience of the 3D world.


There is literally a point on that graph where the two lines intersect. That would be the point with the most compatibility.

>used, old women are good
Kill yourself

2D females are pure by default.

no. that would be the point of highest compatibility if both partners were the same age.

In this graph the mom is at the female high point and the son is at the male high point, so if you add up both values that is the true maximum potential of two separate people

>implying any of that changes after 20


Girls are worthless after they are 18
Before that they still have some innocence left and can be salvaged before they become whores.

>he doesn't know

>he doesn't know
You certainly don't.

So, we're even. Good of you to admit that.

Kaede thread.

Three facts about Kaede:
Her jokes are funny!
I love her!


So you little virgin got rejected and now you're here complaining huh.

One of my favorites


>There are three kinds of people: those who understand binary, and those who don't.

what the fuck is that graph


Do we like Meto's pic of her as an ice skater?

"Doctor! Doctor! I feel like a pair of curtains!"

if being a decrepit old hag is so great why are they all drinking themselves to death?

Make me forget, sweet Kaede~ ;_;

There is nothing greater than death.

I want to feel her pair too.

Don't you believe in imagination? Or are you a materialist?

Please enjoy rare cakes too.



looks like there's a second tl'd on m*ngad*x, didn't know about this so thanks

>you will never be the communal sex-toy of a swarm of cakes

Remimder you shouldn't call them cakes if you are older than them.

>But no Wedding Ring

He's as good as dead.

Will she ever get love?


2D is perfect, it's all up to however the artist imagines it. Or are you retarded enough to think half the things that happen in hentai are possible?

3D pigs don't compare.

>"Miyuyu on Monday"
>a Producer protects his 20-something idol on the train every Monday

I don't know who she is but every post with her in this thread has made me swoon.

I love this punny girl.

>He's as good as dead

They're no fun when they're dead.




>trash tier in bed.

What's the ideal size of a cake harem? Bonus for OLs.

>dumb as fuck, naive and trash tier in bed
Just how I want them.

Women are pretty dumb even up to 30.
Asian women remain dumb all their life.