Alright Sup Forums, you managed to fuck up real bad and you got all three of them pregnant. What do you do?

Alright Sup Forums, you managed to fuck up real bad and you got all three of them pregnant. What do you do?

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But none of them is bestgirl

Fuck the maids

I'll make them get abortions and make up for it by letting them take care of me as if I were their baby.

can you get a servanto preggers?

Cool, so I got to stay in Japan?

pay for the other two's abortion and marry Rin

Bareback for months, oral near the end.


I'll certainly try.

What would domestic life be with that harem? Keep in mind you have to feed Illya and Taiga-nee too.

Oh, I know! It was in that one doujin! I just need to hang myself.

If I'd be essentially walking into Shirou's shoes and I had the ability to fix shit like Shirou and access to Kerry's estate I'd try and start up a mechanical contracting company with a primary focus on service and repair as opposed to construction. That'd be the only avenue I could think of to cover money. The rest of my life would be spent cooking (with Shirou's skill too I guess?) for three pregnant ladies, Illya and Taiga and continued passionate preggo foursomes until the kids are born. 3 housewives would be able to take care of the place and the kids and then I'd get them preggo again if there was money to afford more kids.

But that's only if I walked into Shirou's situation. I'm a low level maintenance technician with a bachelor appartment and basically no cooking skills to speak of, I'd be fucked.

fuck all of them again

I marry Rin, obviously.

>Sup Forums getting anything pregnant
>a fuck up

Right? The world needs more of me. Two incredibly strong mages and the once and future king to bear my children just make it all the better.

I got my bodypillow pregnant once. At least I thought so, but then it turned out it was just the cat sleeping inside the pillow.

>implying knocking up all 3 is fucking up


coat hanger abortions

>Not performing the abortion with your dick.

Continue to fuck them.

Most misleading picture ever created

>managed to fuck
>Sup Forums

Shouldn't have fucked them then, jackass!

Abort Rhino's mutts.
Keep Saber as housekeeper,
Marry Sakura.

>Want to marry a Used up slut instead of Pure Girl that just been knocked up once.


It's amazing how good of a "she sees your penis" picture this makes.

Saber's getting rid of that baby. She already proved she's an awful parent.
Sakura would make a great mother, but Lord knows what would happen to a defenseless fetus with all the worms.
Rin would be bitchy and neurotic at first because she's nervous about being a mom.
Gonna have to go with Rin for this one.

But Sakura has been officially stated to be pure.

>Not wanting to fuck your wife's pussy and daughter's pussy at the same time.

>Magical construct
First things first. I'll be amazed at my recently discovered amazing power.

I was about to say no, but then i remembered that Seiba ain't actually a spiritual being like other, "normal" servants in FSN and has a living body unlike them.
I certainly wouldn't risk it, 1500 years of child support would destroy me.

People can lie

>implying this is an issue
>implying i won't crawl straight up a womb and eat a fetus
C'mon, son.

Rejoice in the fact I will have a large family

If I have to pay child support though I'm fucked

Jokes on them, im black.


>DEEN Fategirls


I like deen's fate better than ufotables. Sure it ain't that shiny, but the direction amd cinematography are so much better.

You mean like that time it went full 24 or when they reused animation of Saber fighting Berserker?

Eh, at least I wasn't bored by it. UBW bored me to death with its overly shiny, 360, visual effects filled, fight scenes. And the rest of the series was pretty, boring. Like aside from that rooftop scene in episode 1, i don't recall a single amazing visual, while deens version had many memorable shots.

Next 3 haifus please

Become a sunday dad

Get Archer to take care of the kids desu.


Convert to Mormonism, acquire wives.

>implying she'd allow you to get a divorced
eternity with Saber doesn't sound too bad a way to go

Magus semen

How can Rin play melty on ps2 if she can't even operate a Tivo DVR?


>Tell Rin to go and fuck whoever she need to feed her kid since you wont do
>Tell Sakura you will take care of both of them, but you dont want to start a family with her
>Tell Artoria that this is the happiest moment of my life.

Fuck up?
This was the plan all along.
Now I need to find Liz, Sella, Illya, and Taiga. And Rider if that's possible.

This user knows what's up


Stay until the babies are about half a year old, then get the fuck out and move to another country. Fucking raising some stupid thots' babies.

Call Saber's baby Mordred. Order her to tell the kid how much she loves it.

>using technology

Sakura is Shirou's canon wife.

Rhino exists to get cucked, user.