So who won?
One Piece
>Luffy was knocked out second, but got up second, but he stayed up
I'd say he won, then he lost, then he won.
Katakuri. Brainlets will disagree.
Where to read this Chapter.
I really want to know guys :D:D:D:D
Does it matter.
>Straw Hats move on to Wano
>Katakuri falls into irrelevancy
Everything is as it should.
Not the fans
>Covers his teeth
The fans are those who support the series. Not shitposters on Sup Forums.
the Hack
Thank you captain obvious. What would we do without you?
it's happening
LuKafags did
oh my god this arc is so fucking shit, i don't even care about wano anymore
>i don't even care about wano anymore
Like you even cared in the first place
Tie. Luffy comes out as victor.
I know it's not over, but this arc and Zou were pretty great. I just fear all these potential great characters from the Charlotte family, will fall into irrelevancy.
I think we will see Katakuri sometime in the future, Big Mom will either end up defeated by the end of this arc or she will love Sanjis cake so much she will agree to join the fleet to get sweets and recipes
I hope so, I want to see Katakuri again!
The Shipping Community, Oda, and ZA WARUDO!
I can't believe how people keep eating up this shit.
Were did the random hat come from?
Luffy was wearing it on top of his straw hat.
Are you fucking dumb? He has been wearing it over his straw hat since they met with Bege. Holy christ man get it together.
How are Lawfags dealing with this? You homos sure are pissed now that fujos jumped ship to Katakuri and Luffy, right? The amount of art the two are getting might have surpassed Law and Luffy by now.
Seurously, what's up with Toei's color scheme in their adaptations? This shit dates back to Hokuto no Ken in the eighties, Luffy and the others wearing black is way cooler than all the fucking red.
>Are you fucking dumb?
Nah just don't pay much attention to One Piece.
Luffy, at least, is red in the manga.
Fucking really?
See you next week. And the week after that. And the week after that. And the week after that...
This is it, I'm dropping this shit. I hope every mugiwara except for Sanji and Robin dies at the end, see ya losers in other threads.
>wanting Chopper dead
You monster
> except for Sanji
Jesus Christ, leave already. I won't miss you Sanjifag.
>hasn't even read the chapter yet
What if Bege eats a part of Big Mom while she's KO and gets the Soul soul fruit for himself?
sasuga, sanjifags
>writes that we'll see him in the next thread so I don't have the chance to say see you next week
They're learning.
and dies because he already has a df
I'm sure thinking about it. At least for a bit.
Luffy lost
He was the first to collapse
>the size of Katakuri's heel next to Luffy's tiny sandals
zehahahaha oh user
Is it just me or does doffy seem a lot stronger than katakuri
it's just you
I just want this series to be good again. I thought it was improving with Dressrosa. But that shit dragged on for too long, and this arc was a fucking mess. Doesn't even feel like Oda cares anymore. What happened to the quality of story from before the time skip? Sure it had ass-pulls and MUH NAKAMA. But it also had endearing characters with great development, an interesting world, and every arc brought some new twist on the old "beat the fucking shit out of this guy" Shonen formula.
But Im allready dead!
Yo ho ho ho ho
The NW also has a lot of what you just posted, you're just too blind to see it.
It still amazes me that an arc villain like Caesar managed to stick around as an active side character for two more arcs after his was over.
Just you.
I'll juust ignore everything that happens, except fights. Then you begin to make sense.
Yes, because a terrible rehash of Robin's story arc but with Sanji is so amazing
>oh my god this arc is so fucking shit
you said that last arc and the arc before that etc, faggots
>Yes, because a terrible rehash of Robin's story arc
I should say this, I'm not trying to shit post or be negative for the sake of it. I just really love One Piece. And I want it to be good. I care about these characters and I don't like seeing them milked to the ends of the Earth.
Aside from the climax fight, which was great on both, tell me how WCI was in any way shape or form similar to Enies Lobby.
Maybe that's telling of the drop in quality? Ever considered that?
I meant in regards to, "I'm leaving the crew" and "WAAAHHH I WANNA GO BACK"
> I care about these characters and I don't like seeing them milked to the ends of the Earth.
>Sure it had ass-pulls and MUH NAKAMA. But it also had endearing characters with great development, an interesting world, and every arc brought some new twist on the old "beat the fucking shit out of this guy" Shonen formula.
>Implying the NW isn't exactly the same of what you're describing
Or you areally are shitposting, or you have the tightest nostalgia googles ever seen
It's just shitposters
Some people invest a lot on shit things like, hxh, dbs, shit academia, etc
They come here to vent the frustration
>This arc is shit
>Doesn't give reason why
Sure user it's the drop in quality
It's not, though.
I know it's subjective and all, but it's obvious how many people hate read One Piece here.
They can't drop it, but they will trash it until it ends.
I experienced something similar before, I just didn't waste time shitposting about it.
Uh huh. You keep thinking that.
It's rehash after rehash, it's soul less, it's a fucking mess to read, too many side characters, pacing is garbage, the stakes feel hollow and pointless. "OMG BIG MOM DEFLECTED CANNON BALLS" Yeah and Luffy has been doing that since VOLUME FUCKING ONE
The only valid point is it being repetitive
The rest is just you being a brainlet
>rehash after rehash
Of what
>it's soul less
Hollow words when you don't have actual criticism nice
>pacing it's garbage
Don't read it weekly
So this is the first couple pages.
What happens back on the Sunny?
Will we actually see Mom eat some cake and react to it somehow?
Let me go deeper on the too many side characters point.
I really started to notice it in Dress Rosa. With those little munchkin elf fucks. Why do I give a shit about these kikes? Oh wait, I don't. I care about the straw hat crew. So it's the author's job to make me care about them. Except Oda didn't. He just throws worthless sob stories at the wall and expects me to give a shit. Well guess what? I don't fucking give a shit. WHY THE FUCK HAS LUFFY BEEN RUNNING AROUND FOR SEVERAL CHAPTERS AAAAAAAAAAAAÀAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Luffer won and Katakuri Honor allow it
Honorless Kata would OWN luffer from several chapters ago.
I guess. Still, it's just that, everything else that led to said moment, is not similar, at all.
since he can't be forced to come back, as soon as left, this was the only possible outcome.
The question was what was going to happen to the wedding.
Dressrosa was really bad for that. I didn't give a shit about the majority of it.
The moment Sanji defeats Commander Snack will lead to more arguments regarding Luffy's top 2 guys being stronger or about equally strong to the worst Generation captains will reach bigger heights in arguments than regarding power levels of admirals and commanders
No this is the middle/end of the chapter. Read the spoilers. They have a whole conversation before this.
This is better than the majority of pre-timeskip, if you can't see it either you're blinded by nostalgia or you need to wait for the series to be finished to read it all in one go.
>The moment Sanji defeats Commander Snack
Sanjifags, when will they learn?
sportsmanship did
so how u rike my chapter Sup Forums?
i mean if sanji can't even manage that he might as well be chopper tier. he did blow oven away with a kick so he's definitely capable of dealing with at least one of the jobbakuri triplets
Anyone else notice these two low key want to fuck?
there was sexual tension in the beginning even toei postured it that way but that was done by the time they entered the grand line
Part of Dressrosa's purpose was to set up the Straw Hat alliance. The dwarves (Tontatta Kingdom) play a large part in that alliance.
They are important to the story because they connect together Kyros and the Straw Hats to the factory. Straw Hats planned to attack the factory on their own, but there was already a rebellion in the workings and the increased numbers factored into that plan.
The dwarves were specifically fighting for this policy because they themselves were being used by Doflamingo as slaves to make the Smiles. So they are battling against their captor, so to speak.
It must suck being sexually repressed in a series that doesn't want anything to do with that. People with sexual drive like Sanji are seen as comic relief. Ships are thrown out of the window because "little boys don't care about romance." They are perfectly fine with bloody massacres, alcohol, people getting killed by fire, and drag queens, though.
>the hat was actually important
I'm not even considering whether he can here, maybe, I don't care. My point is: this is not happening. Katakuri vs Luffy just ended. Do you seriously think anyone but you cares about Sanji vs Snack? Usually fights of lesser scale and the fights of the other SHs end before Luffy's. It's a matter of stakes, structure, and rytthm.
I've been wondering for the whole fight how come Oda is so persistent to not let the hat falls off.
Arc isn't over until they are on the sunny heading to their next destination there is still a lot of opposition to get through before the big mission complete pop ups. Also that shit monk took him out before sanji has to be at least shit monk level no?
Where is the image of this with the lines coming from their eyes?
Is this the first time luffy has won a 1v1 without help? At least for a long while.
Except he lost
If oda isn't making luffy defeat big mom, how are they going to shake off their entire fleet chasing them? Even if they get out of sight, big mom will chase them to the end of the world
user Snack is not alone theres a lot of BM simblings gathered in One Piece besides him, Sanji would get completely gang banged
>Shit Monk
Oh don't you dare to disrespect the Ma D Monk ever again