Whats the meaning of this scene

Whats the meaning of this scene.

dude, it was about, like, human instrumentality, man

Shinji's (Anno's) subconscious fear of women

sun is a head, mountains are tities, and he is a pussy

This one you can actually just Google. Next time ask about a scene which hasn't been dissected to death already.


Do you really think that was Anno's intention?

It's an abstraction of Shinji's character. He treated riding Eva as a game that allowed him to get closer to other people, but in the end he was always alone. The playground is shaped like a woman because while he is playing/riding Unit-01, he is inside his mother, both somewhat literally and figuratively. The sand pyramid is placed where the figurative vaginal canal begins, because it is NERV that allowed Shinji to pilot Unit-01.

The womb, throughout Evangelion, is associated with comfort. So by staying inside Unit-01, Shinji is safe and comfortable. On the other hand, Shinji is also exposed to a centrifugal force while riding the Eva, so he is constantly being pushed in and out of his mother, which enrages him.

That's what that scene is about.

>because it is NERV that allowed Shinji to pilot Unit-01.
That is, to re-enter his mother.

Imagine being this retarded. Have you ever read a book?

Why is the womb a symbol of comfort and isolation while also being something through which he controls eva and bonds with people? Seems contradictory.

Stories work on fuzzy logic.

Thank you Dr Freud.


On top of that, with crawling back into the womb being symbolic of staying in the comfort zone of eclusion, and shinji's story being all ab out how over time he realised he wanted to be closer to people rather than cut himself off, why does he go from not wanting to pilot the eva to wanting to over the course of the series? Should it not be the other way around? If his character arc is all about the hedgehog dilemma, according to which one must not isolate oneself but also be cautious when it comes to interacting with people, which is the final message "fuck it just don't be afraid of going full out extrovert so what if you get hurt no biggie"?
It's almost like all the symbolism in eva is superficial and the messages and psychology it portrays are outright sophistic. But surely, you wouldn't expect something like that from a writer who is a self loathing otaku, right?

>which is the final message
fuck these meds

Are you legit retarded or just pretending?

It means jack shit

>the grapes are sour anyway

It's a scene similar to something Shinji might have experienced at that age, moshed with detail from his more recent life. On a stage. It's a line being drawn.

yes but also i recall someone making a good argument it also can represent the uncle shinji was staying with before the series. Obviously not as the primary symbol but that was a huge part of him becoming an introvert.

Uncle is manga, he's only Sensei everywhere else. Either way he's painted as the guy to not give a shit about his little ward disappearing to the playground or go look for him after dark.

It's a recapitulation of his time as an Eva pilot. The two girls who were playing with him are Rei and Asuka, and the mother who takes them away is clearly Misato. He even smashes the sand pyramid like he did with NERV HQ before. Him smashing and rebuilding the pyramid is him leaving, then changing his mind and returning to pilot, which he did a couple of times.

The bigger question is who was the person standing on the edge of the pipe-structure-thing

Then again, it is Shinji's own impression and half the ending was about those all being wrong. Do you give a five year old a cello and lessons if you're trying to ignore him?