New chapter raws, Kumi's going full yandere
Hajime no Ippo
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shinoda wants ippo to come back as a cornerman
Does anyone else think that Kumi might actually be a futa? That jawline has me thinking that Kumi went under an operation. It'd make the story more interesting if it gets revealed her dick is longer than Ippo's.
I think you mean living up to the Mashiba name
>that death stare
But can you blame her? Her boyfriend finally left the boxing world which she was never a fan of, and now this guy comes and asks Ippo to come back.
shinoda a shit
so what's the big setup here? ippo does cornerman work for a while either itagaki gets all apollo creed'ed or some dude challenges him after a fight and he is sucked back into boxing?
>itagaki gets all apollo creed'ed
user I can only get so erect
Don't give me false hope user.
She should have raped him when she had the chance
>Itagaki gets BTFO
lolwut why is shinoda doing this?
1. ippo is obviously going to fight again--soon. An arc with him as a cornerman will take n longer than the filler fights and build ups to other fights he's had.
after the imai rape shock in the corner he hasn't done squat. his za warudo powers were broken
She wants to remove any idea of boxing from Hippou's mind. She won't stop, for the sake of her and Ippou's future kids and her "mother".
She just wants Ippo's elephant dong
Black Kumi?
She looks fuckin' PISSED
And so begins Ippo's long career as a Cornerman. But man Kumi-chan's fucking boiling, I fear whoever gets in her way.
she almost had him out of the whole boxing world just one more push
She is fucking pissed. She wants Ippo to settle down with her, not go back into the boxing world.
w-what does a cornerman?
Maybe if she'd put out, this wouldn't be a fucking problem. The dumb bitch.
Nice job cuck for linking me something I'm not going to read LUL, if you think I wasn't going to take the time to google it, then why do you think I'd read your shitty article.
Ippo's mom is kind of cute desu. I wonder if she knows her son has a massive cock.
waiting for the bitch to scream you can't win
If Kumi doesn't murder someone at the Gym by the end I'll be surprised.
>ippo won`t fight again
Why even bother now?
I won't be surprised if she legit leaves him if he goes back.
Because this will probably be a setup to get Ippo back into the ring.
Is Kamogawa still alive or did he decide to stick around till he has finished turning Ippo into a vegetable?
Kamogawa is the real villain of this series, isn't he? He's just murdering kids for fun by having them get BTFO over and over on purpose.
So who is the real protagonist of Hajime no Ippo? Wally?
Ippo is a fucking retard, what the hell good is he as a cornerman to anyone? Wanpo would be more useful.
Maybe with being a cornerman Ippo finally learns that Kamogawa is absolute shit and goes back to box with a real coach, or better yet becomes the rival coach.
What did she fucking expect? Dating a boxer come with the territory. Is she only dating Ippo cuz he can kick Ryo's ass? lmao
Man, that's a Mikasa level death look
How strong will be Ippo (Gordo) after years of retirement?
fucking Creed all over again.
Is Kumi finally living up to Mashiba's name?
>what the hell good is he as a cornerman to anyone?
Rocky wasn't a stellar one either, this seriously reeks of a copy pasted setup to get Ippo back onto the ring, like everyone is saying in this thread.
This is why someone else should've won the Ippobowl.
There's no someone else, the reporter was never an option and Itagaki's sister appeared when Ippo was far deep fantasizing about Kumi.
>the reporter was never an option
She was always the one to pick Ippo up when he was down and get him back in the ring.
Yet she never had dedicated chapters about what she thought about Ippo, and Ippo himself only actually got aroused by her only a few times, it was obvious George wasn't trying to make her a love interest.