What is your opinion Sup Forums?
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wasn't really that funny, the general tone and animation carried it
I liked it.
Genuinely funny with charming characters and top notch animation. It's a masterpiece, 4/10
I loved the art style and the animation.
Some jokes are funnier in retrospect, some are just really funny.
Characters were pretty good.
Mio is best girl.
It looked pretty but could have used some actual comedy.
Yuuko is waifu material.
Behead those that worship at the false alter of Mai.
Daily lives of high school boys was much better. Was not funny at all. But cute.
Good animation but the type of humor wasn't my kind of thing
Nichijou is an enjoyable SOL Anime
*aren't funny in retrospect
excuse my typo
Cute show with great animation. Made me laugh consistently.
As good as nichibros tbqh
fuck you I meant what I wrote
Masterpiece 10/10 AOTY FOREVER
2/10 anime of the decade
It was sort of funny and enjoyable, but not good enough for a decent score
>What is your opinion Sup Forums?
My opinion is that I want to fuck the Nichijous
you cant
Best ghibli film.
One of the few legit 10/10 anime
It was well animated and Mio was great and that's where the positives end. And for some reason pleople like to act that it's one of the greatest things since sliced bread.
Contains one of the worst and most unfunny gimmick characters
One of the greats.
Must've been great to watch when airing because you take breaks, it's very tiring if you don't.
Eh, she was ok.
Hakase on the other hand is the worst of all time, people putting up with her bullshit too were annoying. I seriously hate that character.
Yuuko and Nano are lesbians. The OPs prove it. Nichijou is a story about their love and how they met. Very subtle and well-done. 10/10 anime.
Forced comedy
Forced meme
I loved it!
Nichijou not being funny is the worst meme.
Will always be in my 3x3
I don't think her purpose was to be super funny, just to show off lots of explosions and shit
One of the shows I'm always in the mood to watch.
It can be pretty hard to get at times, but it usually makes up for it with eye candy.
Can't stand characters that are essentially just the same joke over and over again
Hey fuck you my wife is nice.she makes me pickles
I'm sexually attracted to Yuuko.
I really enjoyed it.
I don't get the complaints. A lot of times it didn't even try to be funny, just heart-warming.
Satan is right. It was very enjoyable.
First anime and only I've ever dropped
i don't get it
really, i enjoy other anime about girls doing nothing but even after watching it thrice, i just don't get what everyone else sees in it
i very much enjoy the music and character design though
Flopped hard because it was unfunny and had unnecessary overanimation
If you insist; I will guide you, and your cock, on the path to nichijou enlightenment.
I wish I can watch it again for the first time. I really enjoyed it a lot.
I'm ready.
To begin, you must become like Mai-chan. Come back and see me after you have achieved this feat.
I second this sentiment
>'Where's the Joke?' - The Animated Series
>forced animation
>forced comedy
>forced __________
I had fun watching it but it the first cour was pretty boring
unironically a hilarious, unconventional, comfy masterpiece
I enjoyed it. The show was comfy and fun so there's that I guess.
gone to soon
The characters weren't great but it was entertaining enough as a comedy.
I've loved it since it aired. It took what the manga did and took it to a whole new level with the art direction and animation, while maintaining the absurdist and quaint humor the manga was so good at delivering. It's just another KyoAni masterpiece. Their library is outstanding.
The animation was great, but it really wasn't that funny overall.
Thought they got me on the last episode with both the closure of the one-side love and finishing with a new view of the first episode first sketch. That was neat.
>hard to get
The entire joke is her overreaction. That's literally it. Outside some Nano/Hakase parts and small segments like Love Like, this is pretty much the entirety of Nichijou. It's comedic value is a flat 0.
It's good. Wish more was adapted.
Only about half the episodes were actually decent.
You've done it, user. That tangential 30 second excerpt from a skit has clearly summed up the entirety of the series.
Kid Humor... Not even laugh one, I drop it at ep 2
What's wrong with Hakase?
I really, really like the OP
She is a horrible person that is mean to those close to her for personal amusement, provides nothing to nobody and throws tantrums all day. She is annoying as fuck, just like any entitled child in real life and the way people react to her makes no sense; when Nano finally got rid of the key only to put it back to plase Hakase i probably should've stopped watching, the show would've been so good without that bitch.
>manlet being visibly jealous
Will they ever learn?
Did they finally translate that? Nice