What are your hopes and dreams for the new OVA releasing on the 25th anniversary?
Yu Yu Hakusho Thread
I don't expect much. The ideal for me would be a well animated ova of stuff left out from the manga.
Hopefully they will keep the same style and charm of the original.
English dub w unaged cast
Mainly Botan
I just want funimaiton to dub the second movie
it would be a pleasant surprise
give me a dub with the original voice actors and i'll be happy with anything
That we get actual good official subtitles so dubbies can stop saying the dub is better written.
I really enjoy the dub cast except for Kurama, guy voicing him can't act for shit and doesn't sell the androgynous vibe at all.
if I wanted to read I'd just get the manga
Yu Yu Hakusho thread? Yu Yu Hakusho thread. I find it hilarious how Funimation butchered Freeza's portrayal with Linda Young, and then proceeds to use her as a great adaption of Genkai. Fucking bonkers.
That's not the point retard, fuck off back to Sup Forums
Have to disagree with that one. I love dub Kurama's suave voice. Makes it easier to take him serious when he fights. His sub counterpart meanwhile sounds like a kid.
But I never saw DBZ m8
Yoshihiro Togashi a shit
Then how come every time I told anyone in school that my favorite was Kurama they asked if I was talking about the chick with the rose whip?
finale episode with funidub commentary if y'all haven't seen it.
Im curious what would be a better sound?
higher pitch? or just straight up more feminine
kill yourself
>wearing two different shirts & a jacket
good way to overheat your body
do half demons even get hot/cold?
His demon shit wasn't awake at the time of that gif.
Ever heard Kurama's Original Japanese voice? Something like that or what Kurapika from Hunter X Hunter (Also by Togashi) has.
Fuck you nigger. You have shit taste and are sub-human. Now burn in hell.
Just heard Jap Kurama for the first time. 1 question. What exactly is wrong with you? Sorry, turns out I have a follow up question. Did your mother drink while you were in the womb?
I'm expecting something short and sweet. I want a beach episode desu.
I'd love a no explanation jump to an episode based on the last chapter of the manga. I loved how Yusuke handled that last threat to the world. And I'd love to see it animated.
25 years later, Yusuke and Keiko are a happy middle-aged couple. Kuwabara's a really good engineer. 'saboutit.
Firstly, have you ever read the manga? Secondly, have you ever watched an anime from the 90's and 80's that WASN'T in English? Thirdly, you don't speak Japanese, so you probably can't recognize the quality of the voice acting anyways. And fourthy, Kurama is supposed to be super androgynous but with a sense of calm and determination. Which is much better than some horribly acted, breathy soft spoken garbage by a low-life dweeb in a closet somewhere in Dallas Texas. Now neck yourself you worthless dubbie and get the FUCK off my board. Nigger.
Also, anyone that doesn't have MASSIVE nostalgia glasses like the scum you are would instantly recognize how awful the dub performance of Kurama is. I've seen it happen dozens of time. It's fucking shit, and it's a misunderstanding of the character.
Hiei's voice actor is my favorite of all time.
What are some of his other works?
he plays Bones in star trek continues on youtube
I love Jin!
I wish we had seen what he was up to in the human world
>What are your hopes and dreams for the new OVA releasing on the 25th anniversary?
For the last arc to be deleted.
Yusuke finally railing Botan.
it wasn't that bad though
I always thought this too. When I was younger watching Z on Toonami I didn't know for sure that Frieza was a guy until the fighting with him started against the group. Linda Young as Frieza was easily the worst decision Funimation ever made for the original dub, it completely butchered Frieza's character. It felt like they threw darts at a board for how they wanted to portray him in aspects of voice actor, voice direction, and written script. I imagine Young was told she would play a character that was the polar opposite of her voice then given some scribbles from some underpaid retard and told to wing it with what she thought would sound menacing but still have to do those shitty localized one liners. But I unironically love Chris Ayres more than Nakao in Kai and F, the best decision Funimation ever made.That guy is pretty much synonymous with Frieza to me.
In YYH the lead voice director was the guy who voiced Yusuke so that it wouldn't sound like a rehashed Z dub, that dude must have been amazing to work with. Young as Genkai is the difference actual good script writing and voice direction can do, her and Yusuke were the voices I liked most in the dub compared to their originals especially with how they interacted.
best song coming through.
MC's mom being gangbanged like the prostitute she is.
*blocks your path*
best arc too
>that banter
the late 90s & early 2000's were something else lads
>the genkai dub va is the mom of the kurama dub va
So, which villain was better? Toguro or Sensui?
toguro. sensui had a cooler concept though.
Sensui seemed unrelateable and gimmicky with his split personality bullshit, retarded black/white morality bullshit, and the sacred energy bullshit. Toguro was a much better foil to Yusuke and a much more complex character. The way the whole DT arc played out fight to fight and his relationship with Genkai made it all even better. The Sensui arc in general was when YYH started to shift toward trying to have some sort of message about "not all demons" that led into the demon world arc, it was okay but really unnecessary and not well executed.