you wouldn't want to catch the dino cooties, would you user?
Darling in the franxx
how much do you shitheads get paid to start new threads with the same fucking title and no content when there are 14 other threads exactly like it currently up?
i do it for free
dumb anonymous posters, strawberries are the best
dinosaurs are stupid and have piloting transmitted disease
I fucking hate 002
Can't get cooties from oni anal user
that's how you get the dino cooties
delicious cooties
>you wouldn't want to catch the dino cooties, would you user?
I'd wear that blue tumor like a badge of honor until the day I died, however soon that may be.
The Absolute State of Strawfags.
You can keep on with twisting the facts to suit your agenda, you can keep overanalyzing things like the Spider, you can keep claiming one frame where she isn't smiling while going trough a door as a proof that Zero Two is a manipulator. Yes you even can keep doubling down and say what a nice and good girl ichigo is. But we will show you the truth, for we have the Oni. You can keep on saying that she gave Hiro DemonAids, but we know that he is only growing stronger. You can say that Goro will die, that Delphinium is better, but you will never defeat the Strelitzia, the Flower of FAITHFULNESS IN RELATIONSHIPS! You can say that the Jian will die, but you are nothing but fools, for this motive will carry the story like the Winds of Love the Wings of the Honored Couple. Great Shitposters like the Blessed Floweranon, our Sup Forumsngel of love and his tremendous victory with Episode 4, that made his name immortal. Or the Blue Oni Theory, that still is possible and while not winning the war yeat, certainly the possibility of Hiro deeing due to his badge is defeated, you lose again after Episode 6. Yes, even the Prophecy of the Charlemagnefags from /his/ say that the strawberry will fail. You cannot win.
And while your losing and your shitty waifu is bullied, we will remind you of the moment, she showed her true colours.
yes, yes I do
for real tho this show is pretty bad
for real tho this post is pretty bad
nobody asked for your opinion on my opinion b-baka