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S2 never
And the English VA was good for it too, a crying shame.
true goddess
Watched this up to episode 10, only just noticed how much she looks like Jabami Yumeko
Is there a name for the himecut accompanied by wide mandibles
Just fuck already
>second best girl never
Who's bringing cookies
Is this shit worth watching?
>tfw you will never demonstrate how your sausage works
Not op but I loved this show it is really good
And I would love to wash it down with some nectar
Yes if you're a sexually deprived teenage boy
A girl with a thingie?? Great idea
It's already been 3 years already. Do you think she got finally married in heaven anons? ;.;
>short hair
>delicious full chest
I forgot about this i didnt need this feel
>forgetting Miyu ever
Why would God's dog need an actual VA?
Why are there no doujins of this? Subject matter hits too close to home?
I blocked the pain senpai
Forgive me
Best girls
i approve
More like, is this worth reading?
Second season when?
>flopped hard
>second season
>anna's VA no longer with us
>no h-doujins of this series at all
Ayame is unironically my waifu.
Are there any English translations of the LNs?
>she sees your degeneracy
Featuring the most smug anime girl you've ever seen
She had an ailment and the only cure is 20cc of hot dickings.
>the anime is 3 years old
Alright, what do we do at SOX?
Decensored in BDs?
Yes, BDs also have Anna tits
>always making a dick jokes
>doesn't want to try it herself
shit girl, why she even make a sexual inuendo jokes when she don't even wanted to see a real dick it self?
>uses extreme lewdness to cover up her fear of actual lewdness
That revelation moved her up a few tiers
Because she is sacrificing her shyness or whatever is the best word in favor of a greater good.
She needs to do that in other to achieve her goal of freedom because she is the only one willing to. A watchful protector. A Pink Knight.
Summer 2015 was a really memorable season
Jesus Christ.
Sure smells like plebbit in here.
I want to teach Fuwa all about cucumbers
Just look at this animal.
Overshadowed by other shows
That and 2 untranslated Okuma x Kajou doujins.
Wish there was a Anna and Sophia rape Tanukichi doujin even if it's cliche and brainlet tier.
No depressingly. Kajou's dickpuns scared most translators.
There was a reason why the fansubs took forever to be finished.
/k/ please not anymore.
>no Harumi
Why would you save such a useless homage that skips one of her best roles?
SZS finale OVA never
I don’t know whether I like Ayame’s laugh or don’t
get your glasses, it is a fucking rabbit
Condensed milk!
We can go fatter
You are better not be bullshitting me, user.
stupid newfag, go away
I would gobble her cookies down pleading for some secret ingredients straight from the source
I was having a really hard remembering this show
like I recognize the characters but it escapes my mind
until it finally hit me
it's that shitty show from who cares years ago, fuck your shit taste
pic related
The show was shit, a total flop.
I want to SOX her.
God damn it. It's been a few years but has there been any fan translations or anything of the light novels? This was such a great gem and I can't find anything on it
>We will never see this megane girl animated
A still just isn’t enough
>Kajou's dickpuns scared most translators.
If there's a willy there's a way
The first Austin Powers film tore through like a dozen in its last scene
I wish there was more ayame fan art
i wish there was more fanart in general
I wish there was more ayame fart
Fuck, she was too young.
Add toaster to the bath.
I forget; did the show ever address how the international community treats Japan after they go full surveillance state and curtailing the rights and freedoms of its citizens? How do they react when foreign tourists in Japan are arrested for lewdness crimes? Does Japan persecute Japanese nationals abroad for their actions?
Japan is one of the most vulnerable nations in the world to economic pressure if say, a US citizen was arrested while in Japan, or Japanese law enforcement violated US territory to arrest a Japanese citizen at a strip bar or something! The last time the US cut off Japan's oil supplies, PEARL HARBOUR happened ffs!
Never noticed Araragi on the doujin cover there, neat.
>no green bush
I was disappointed.
Just because she is a science nerd who doesn't get enough sleep doesn't mean she needs to be unkept
It's a parody, nothing has to make sense.