>this dialogue
>this scene
>the transition to the ending song
Name a better moment in anime, pro tip: You literally can't
>this dialogue
>this scene
>the transition to the ending song
Name a better moment in anime, pro tip: You literally can't
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's he pointing at?
Imagine if the door closed too quickly, he could've lost a finger.
At us
You can't gain anything without losing something of equal value first
Is that his nose?
>Name a better moment in anime
Pity the way they drew it in the anime made him look like those penis nose tengus.
I skipped the first half of full metal brotherhood and watched the second half on blue ray for some reason
I honestly can't, but I've still got an honorable mention
next question
as much as I hate to admit this
Still GOAT.
Is full metal alchemist worth watching?
>having standards this low
This finger point still lingers in my mind.
The original anime is aight, but doesn't follow the manga too closely. FMA:Brotherhood is the the version that adheres to the manga pretty perfectly.
Also the dub is 100% solid
21 years and still unmatched.
You're gonna carry that weight.
Amuro pushing back the Axis
Oh fuck thanks for reminding me of this scene. Now I want to watch FMAB again
I'm pretty bias for the final fight of 0080 if we're talking gundam.
But cca is is good too.
The part where he was flailing around trying to hold onto his chair kinda ruined it.
FA is the most boring shit ive watched.
Meme anime
>meme opinion
Fuck off
>when they stopped him from killing Envy
maybe im a brainlet but i didnt understand this
what episode? i want to rewatch it.
that moment is always going to be burned into me, but some others like it would be the endings of TTGL and LWA
Fuck, came here to post this
This desu
Something something revenge is bad.
>That hot blooded ass speech.
>Said speech ends just as the OP music reaches it's climax.
>The entire final clash into the final blow.
Literally one of the most memorable moments of all time.,
Don't pretend this is anything meaningful when 03 exists.
Roy should have been the MC.
This one is good too.
03's ending fucking sucked and you know it. Sure it did the Sho stuff better but overall Brotherhood was the better show.
>Overall it was better
No, because Father wasn't an interesting villain. It doesn't matter if he was technically given a human personality by being bound to Hohenheim's blood. He was still ultimately a piece of good seeking an obtuse way of returning to it, which is exactly what truth brags about at the end.
A villain that ends up doing what it does by some undeniable nature isn't that great of a villain.
Not to mention, his only real connection was to Hohenheim. This differs drastically from 03 where most of all homonculi relate to the sins of characters in the show and Dante was a desperate human.
03 kept human transmutation has a major, major plot point while Brotherhood couldn't give a single fuck about it and basically makes a puzzle out of it that gets solved in the end.
I don't care how cool it was that Amestris was a giant transmutation circle, the entire thing grandiose plan of Father was retarded.
Even if the fight was okay the circumstances surrounding it, the twist, the literal four asspulls that immediately followed it and Dante as a whole were terrible.
Only better part of Brotherhood is that there's more well-animated fights and there's a bit more detail to the world-building. Literally everything else 03 did better. Only character done better in Brotherhood was Bradley
You're wrong is so many ways I could could write a fucking New York Times best seller on it, but this thread isn't for shitposting about FMA. Take it somewhere else.
In the same vein as what happened in OP, Al had a great moment too.
Dante was a good villain, you people just need your super powered final boss to be satisfied.
Dante was fucking awful and powerlevel faggotry has nothing to do with it.
the ending was perfect.
The first half sucks desu. The "comedy" is pure cringe.
What's wrong with the circumstances?
The twist was neat and the sequel movie was neat af, while I think the 03 anime ending had more heart to it.
What four "asspulls"? Brohood's Edward randomly decide to give up his alchemy around the end with no clear thought-process leading to it was quite the asspull. Also the asspull of no-one of the 10 powerful alchemists around him quickly using alchemy to break the wall holding Edward's pinned arm. Clearly Alphonse suiciding was the more reasonable option.
How was Dante terrible? For being a regular person just wanting immortality? For not being a "cool" cut af DBZ villain?
You're a shitposter, go somewhere else. This is the last reply you'll get from me.
But where did he get the hands
I still don't understand what Zeus has to do with anything
Please explain how Hohenheim's biggest mistake who just barely managed to complete her goals by recruiting the mistakes of every other character is somehow worse than a talking black blob with nearly unlimited knowledge of the universe that nobody honestly expected?
Don't forget about Getter. TTGL wouldn't exist without it.
Because for all you and certain fans keep talking up her "thematic significance" she's a completely generic, by the books villainous woman. She's written poorly, her motivations are as poorly thought-out and as shallow as Father's with the added bonus of being less interesting to watch.
Nobody defending Dante ever has the fucking balls to talk about what a nothing of a character she is or how she drains the life out of every scene she enters. They all just want to wank off about how much she "meant" to Hohenheim and the Elrics by existing, and if that's all you fucking have to go on then I'm inclined to give the better villain trophy to the little black blob that not only created modern alchemy, but has a deep and inextricable bond with Hohenheim, having both freed him from slavery and damned him to a cursed existence.
Every fucking time people won't shut up about Dante I see the same thing: pretentiousness.
Motivations poorly thought-out?? She just wants to keep being alive, how is that a by the books villain? What writing is poorly written, you just keep making blank shit statements. And I don't know where you're getting it that she's only relevant because she means something to other characters. Dante has good scenes and dialogue.
Calling her pretentious literally makes no sense. I'd love to see you try and back that claim
>She just wants to keep being alive, how is that a by the books villain?
Dante is good because she's was basically abandoned by Hohenheim and had to literally use the mistakes of the entire caste in their desire to bring their loved ones back to get there.
There was no grandiose planning, she fucked shit up entirely by circumstance. That's something rather refreshing for a villain.
This is better than having god severed pinky come to earth and trick knowledge hungry people into making it god. It's the fucking snake in the garden of eden villain for the 500th time. Another "evil god taught humanity to worship it for power but for its OWN GAIN!" shit.
Seeking immortality might be cliche, but guess fucking what it's a show about alchemy and the philosophers stone, an object stated to gift immortality. It thematically fits better than a black blob that doesn't even look like a homonculus trying to become god.
Is there ANYTHING in the world better than using the main theme during the show's most climactic moment?
How about doing it while also dropping a title card instead of playing the intro
>Is there ANYTHING in the world better than using the main theme during the show's most climactic moment?
Unironically this.
After enduring years of smug Aizen and useless Ichigo, to see the tables turned so casually. To see Aizen shocked that things aren't going his way for the first time.
just admit you said fuck yeah at this
Too bad the rest of the fight was hot garbage
>Name a better moment in anime, pro tip: You literally can't
That scene from Parasite where he's fighting the human dude about a girl, and it transitions into the ending.
The whole point of the scene is that Mustang is consumed by the need for vengeance, much like Scar was at the beginning of the series. At this point Scar has forgiven those who have wronged him and is in the game to make a better world, something that is brother envisioned. It's poignant because Scar tells Mustang is he gives into his hatred he's unfit to be the leader of the country, i.e. "a man held hostage by his own hatred". A big theme of the series is forgiveness and the looking to heal wounds of the past in the hopes of making a better future. Also, Envy's death is much more satisfying since he basically gets so humiliated he kills himself. It's a pretty fitting end for the 2nd most despicable character in the series.
What episode was this again ?
26, "Reunion". Right after they get out of Gluttony's stomach.
Thanks bud
>a sudden cliffhanger right at the climax of a story
>followed by a year long timeskip
come the fuck on, you had so many better options to choose from
I just rewatched that scene, and fucking hell, the amount of chills I got is amazing. It's been so long since I watched it that I forgot how amazing this scene was. Fuck, OP, for the first time, you aren't a faggot.
What about playing the OP of the source material?
>the villain is the only deciding factor over the show's qualities
>thinking Dante is in any way better than Father
Dante's urge to just keep bodysurfing is generic immortality motive and immensely more boring in execution than a centuries-long machination and manipulation of multiple countries.
>human transmutation
Brotherhood actually handles human transmutation/revival much more seriously by outright stating that it was impossible. Ed digs up his failure's corpse and confirms with Izumi that their attempts failed outright. Ed reclaiming Al wasn't human transmutation persay so much as reclaiming him from the Gate. In doing so Ed did the only thing he could to show he'd actually grown. He got where he did by playing God, thinking he could revive his mother. His sacrifice in the end was to give up that ability, his biggest source of pride.
We'll talk when you grow up.
>watching the bloopers from the dub
"when I considered the enormity of what was at stake and what I could do, I relented... I accepted my only choice... I bought that shake weight you see on TV"
I think it has something to do with Envy being completely and totally helpless at the time. Like if he was still capable of hurting people like Lust was until the very end, it wouldn't be a problem.
>a big ass cliffhanger
That's the beauty of it.
>Hey! Don't forget to come around for dinner! Granny's making stew tonight!
>"I'm a man I'm good with directions"
Also this piece of art: youtube.com
>That sound.
It was literally a lightly animated still frame.
It was terrible.
I still remember this scene as one of the best in any manga/anime
>"What's your real name?"
>My name?.... FUCK YOU"
Truly a gift from the gods
I literally can't. Fma is the only god tier shonen.
Prove me wrong
Never has a fight left me as speechless as this.
one of the best character arcs in anime
>when Jupiter gets cut in half
I don't know why, but that scene always felt more impactful than the galaxy fight scene in TTGL
Vegeta was the best DBZ character by far
Then Super shat all over his character development for some quick buck