why did he get this haircut
Why did he get this haircut
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Because it looks awesome. Btw did you hear this awesome song? m.youtube.com
Because every incarnation of Asura has been a major dork.
Naruto? More like Chadruto
what the fuck
Fuck off you filthy spic. No one wants you here, go back to hispachan.
He was balding.
It's a japanese thing.
They wanted him to not only sound like a 42 year old butch lesbian, they wanted him to look like one as well.
He is losing hair while Sauce is growing more.
because it makes salad wet
Good lord, the salt still flows to this day? Morton's must be making a killing.
what could've been.
>they wanted him to look like one as well.
Should've gone full time with Oiroke then desu.
Now that I think about it, would Hinata still all over Naruko's clit?
that's what happens when you have kids
It makes him more sophisticated.
Once you grow up, you cut hair and adopt a more utility oriented hair instead of childish long hairs.
is that just minato with the whisker things edited on? It looks so much better than the current old man naruto design
>the endgame is a big-titted submissive housewife that's been in the background for the whole series
>every singe shonen, every time
>not social engineering
A meme is a meme for a reason, user.
>you will never coax and tease a shy Hinata into a drooling sex animal that demands the barbed fox penis
From what region?
Yeah no, this is 100% shit taste of the mangaka at work.
Although to be fair early Hinata was top tier.
Yea. What user said.
what was the fucking alternate option? Sakura? Some other known female character that never showed any interest at all in naruto? A chick that we've never even seen before?
He's just the main characters loser dad now.
no its from naruto meets nagato in paper tree
burn all spics
This is actually kinda neat
this is fucking art and if you think otherwise you should kys desu senpai
ichigo looks fucking great tho
Why the fuck do we have unironic nurutu threads now? Sage and report people.
Yeah Boruto-era Hinata is the worst Hinata design wise and probably the worst ninja mom design wise too.
Haha man I only like anime ironically am I right guys
Hinata is losing portions of her boobs, while Sakura and Kakashi still look the same (young) and Iruka aged terribly.
Name any other given shonen where the MC ends up with the big titted character as opposed to the flat character.
The times are over where we used to dub bomb these shitty threads.
Jiraiya never grew up. He's still got crush on his old team mate, the big titty one. He never solved his old team mate problem. Two big development, friendship and love never bloomed properly in him.
The mods stopped deleting them when people realized Sup Forums's standards of what constitutes good anime was ultimately arbitrary and based on memes.
Nobody ever said Naruto or Bleach were good, but Sup Forums's autism towards them was completely hypocritical.
It looks lame as fuck. Apparently when you become a dad in Japan, all your fights and experiences and epic adventures culminate into asian pedestrian haircut
Now this is the meme
Kishi's pedo successor making Hinata flat is not canon and I hope that the animators don't cave to his hatred of boobs.
I too hope for a milf Hinata with an F cup and hair down to her knees but we can't always get what we want.
I liked this
>That random bleach character at the start
to make him look like a boring adult. he's not allowed to look like a shounen hero mc anymore because of Boruto.
Character development.
What the fuck
So does Japan goverment makes mangaka to end their manga with the characters marrying and having kids despite not having a proper relationship with a girl or boy because they are desperate to inspire young people to make more children?
please be a joke
Naruto did show interest in Hinata. First time was when she gave him a pep talk before his exam. The second was when Hinata protected him from Pain. The third was when Naruto sensed Hinata's feelings right before everyone got sucked into the dream tree. There were more moments that I didn't mention.
Just because you don't thirst after a girl doesn't mean you don't like them. There are plenty of girls that I wouldn't mind being with that im friendly with but wouldn't act on unless I knew they felt the same way.
Naruto was pretty much
>Hinata actually liked me this whole time?
>Well I always did like her too let's hook up
This fucking song and its memes reminds me why I hate humanity as a whole.
>The absolute state of Rukia and Sakura fans
Theirs is a butthurt rivaled only by the 2016 elections. The combined anal pain between these great events will sustain me in the dark days ahead.
Show should've ended with Naruto marrying both Hinata and Sakura. Then Sasuke travels the world reviving his clan by impregnating dozens of women, takes the kids and founds his own hidden village with Orochimaru's help and never visits Konoha again.
I don't know user, us boob men got beaten down pretty hard with the ending of Konosuba. I'm still salty about it.
I love NaruHina and am mature enough to admit they have no chemistry. I'm not sure he'd get together with Sakura either though.
>the ending of Kkonosuba
Konosuba ended?
Naruto is the lamest shonen protagonist ever created and one of the most unoriginally predictable.
>ichigo and orihime
Saying they have "no chemistry" implies that they are characters with developed personalities that can be compatible or incompatible. They are not.
>Hinata and Naruto
She's the nurturing soul who's been fawning over the dorky outcast since before he was remotely important. How is there no chemistry in that?
Megumin won
> is a virgin so he doesn't know how a lot of relationships work.
That fucking loli ended up with the MC? Are you for real??
ichigo will become shinigami calvo in the future
They have "no chemistry" because Kishi chose not to focus on romance.
The fucking Boruto's dad meme
>save the world
>run the biggest military dictatorship
>son still thinks you're a loser because you aren't edgy
Such is life as hokage
>save the world
But he didn't win by talk no jutsuing Kaguya like he did every other villain in the manga so he gets zero points. Also aliens are just going to keep invading earth, if the ninjas had Kaguya on their side then they might stand a chance but as it is sooner or later they'll get drown in numbers, he didn't save shit.
>run the biggest military dictatorship
Konoha is and has always been a cucked nation scared of war. They're pathetic and the only reason they haven't been ground into dust is because they roll over for everybody. Like how Neji's dad was killed because he fought back a kidnapping attempt or how Sasgay can't visit Konoha because he has the Rinnegan and the other nations will get scared if he stays in Konoha too long.
>son still thinks you're a loser because you aren't edgy
Nartardo is a loser and it isn't because he isn't edgy.