Spoilers out. Scans in 4 hours.
Theta is safe.
Hunter x Hunter
Is Benjamin the biggest jobber since Uvo?
I just wanted to let you all know that my wedding with Pitou is this weekend and you are all invited. That is all.
Who is best boy and why is it killua?
guys please dont shitpost during release days!
>Theta is safe.
Based Togabro
I can't wait until togashi makes this happen!
I still think Korean scans come out more around 2 AM EST.
What are you talking about? Me and Pitou just got married last week.
Sex in the missionary position with the lights on with Kalluto.
>with the lights on
>single handedly BTFO's Benjamin and his speshul forces private army with only a half loaded 9mm
>humiliates them in court
>gets away with murder
The state of Benfags!
>ywn find a best bro who looks at you the way killua looks at gon
You meet Alluka/Nanika and for whatever reason he likes you so much that he'll give you one consequence free wish of your choice, what do you wish for?
>when twink stomps big guy
Probably could have waited an hour or two for another thread. But whatever, I'm bored as fuck.
Killua isn’t even that good of a character fight me nigga
tell us who your favourite character is then you fucking neanderthal
Asking me who my fav character isn’t a counter point. Killua isn’t that good of a character because all he wants is to friends with gon and then he is and then he’s a character with no flaws.
Then why do you think we haven't seen him?
>tfw cant enjoy anything anymore
more fights in HxH
What he wants isn't just to be friends with Gon, he wanted to always be by his side which clearly wasn't granted.
What killed the hype?
I don't.
Wishes are cheating. Nothing good ever comes from them. Like how lottery money is cursed.
That question makes no sense. I’m saying he had one goal acheveied it oh no he got another! He’s a flawless character you can’t have a flawless character.
Killua left.
Did Togashi intentionally half-ass Killua starting from Rammot?
Are they gonna kick ass together soon, bros?
Killua didn't even have a goal to begin with though, until recently.
His goal was to ask Gon on a date and he chickened out
I certainly hope so.
His goal was to figure out what he wanted his goal to be.
Leorio will appear once the Troupe reaches the 3rd deck, which should happen soon, I hope.
Why is he so based?
I miss them
Since this thread is pretty dead, I'm gonna share with you all my favorite chapter in color!
Hope you all enjoy!
Spelling Kurapika sure can be hard sometimes!
The legal system is a harsh mistress
I hope they come back eventually.
Im going to write my own version of HxH, and this time Leorio is MORE relevant!
If Morel and Knov are on the ship, it's possible they followed them along.
>blonde twink tops and chains muscled bear
Oddly enough, besides Hisoka vs. the Spiders I'm most hyped about the potential for some bullshit legal shenanigans in this arc. I wonder if Cleopatro got to his position solely on politics or is a legitimately impartial and objective judge, Ace Attorney style.
How do we know that Gon (chad) isn't fucking bitches right now and preparing to leave his first child?
Here's a Hypothetical.
If Toagashi kept a normal output like most Jump series or hell doubled his current workrate, where would HxH be right now?
For example, the Chrimera Ant Arc was 2003-12. Lets say he finished somewhere in 2009.
They're so adorable. All of them.
holy fuck that's pathetic
Who is the father?
Probably in the Dark Continent, or some filler arc with Gon
why do the characters look so weird in this chapter?
Because Gon is a loyal boyfriend.
Take a guess ;)
So, how strong are they, together?
The guy says that's "top level ability" (unless the translator sucked ass), could they take down a Royal Guard?
What if the end of HxH had a flashforward and it showed Gon and Killua as husbands raising kids?
>color scans
Killua is MINE
It'd be finished by now, I think. Togashi said he had like 3-4 arcs left in mind after the Ant arc.
>using morse code as to not pass information to enemies
>studying her ability
they will save themselves
are the dead siblings going to reinvigorate the jar?
That's it for them kek
I would be happy for them
O fucK
i miss him...
That's the narrator talking.
So the answer is "It's possible."
I think Gotoh's death was pretty out of the blue. As if Togashi just needed some kind of kill count and this poor fool was just randomly chosen.
Why yes, those are the DSL of a perfectly masculine man.
Makes sense that Nich is a specialist since Nen types run through families. Benjamin, his only full sibling, seems to be a specialist based on his hatsu, so it makes sense for Nich to also be one. Nich made his water bubble and emit a foul stench, with that stench likely to be the stench of death.
Fugetsu is most likely a conjurer due to how she over-analyzed the tunnel to determine its exact properties, and tried to learn more about while minimizing her own personal risk. It's not sure if this is her own hatsu or her Nen Beast's. In any case, I'll be surprised if she isn't a conjurer.
I think nen beasts and their owners share the same type (such as Halkenburg being an enahncer and Camilla being a manipulator). If that is the case, Zhang is probably a conjurer. He is a very cautious and deliberate strategist, so this category would make sense on him.
Kacho may also be a conjurer since she is extremely cautious and hides her true motives from everybody. Makes sense since, again, nen types run in families. .
what did they mean by this?
>tfw Meruem doesn't have a ressurection ability
kek, pathetic
I would've killed him with bare hands
I always tought Meruem's ability was fucking useless, imagine Meruem with a decent Hatsu. Becoming strong "just because" is good but you'll forever be without an actual ability.
Or was he that strong because he already had this ability in the Queen's womb and absorbed all the Nen?