Is it just me or is this show getting stale
Is it just me or is this show getting stale
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You aren't alone but I'm not finding it stale
What were your expectations for this season?
Matsu funpost thread
imo season 2, from the get go, wasn't half as funny as season 1. Season 1 is in the top-tier of comedies I've watched ever, and season 2 just isn't as good.
It really started on a bang, though, which was really great since I gelt s1 ended on a whimper. And then aside from some reasonable eps it never got to that level of unpredictable fun again. Where did the budget go?
I think the second cour is better than the first. It's like they had a few forced episode concepts that they felt they had to get out of the way, but the latest episodes have felt more organic to me.
Yeah I dropped season 2 after just 2 episodes. Wasn't nearly as good or original.
Budget =/ quality. It doesn't even really equate to animation quality.
Tag yourselves
Karamatsu confirmed to use make up to give himself thicker eyebrows.
Post the rest
Hit or miss, some episodes are good and some are mediocre
I don't have full set of them saved. I can post the final product, though.
Mobage is not canon I believe.
Ichimatsu best trap
Totty is so gross.
Man, they're really pushing the trap thing with the bros, huh
Totty is cute! CUTE!
I wish they'd push it in the show. Maybe it started with the religion AU and nun Ichi, but I really want to see Ichi in drag in canon. I want to see him make the full Sup Forumsnon transformation. Starting as a degenerate edgelord, becoming a softhearted pussy who is obsessed with cute things, and finally wearing the skirt and becoming the little girl.
Karamatsu is worst trap by far
>Those bulges in their tights.
Totty is lewd! LEWD!
>Starting as a degenerate edgelord, becoming a softhearted pussy
Isn't that what season 2 has been doing to him so far
Totty is cute and lewd! CUTE AND LEWD!
Karamatsu looks like a rich ojou-san. Osomatsu is the genki main girl, Choromatsu is the childhood friend who will never win, Ichimatsu is the smug girl with slutty eyes that everyone thinks is best girl, Jyushi is the even genkier aho girl, and Totty is the annoying one who thinks she's cute, talks in first person with a baby voice and calls herself -chama.
Yes, and that's why he needs to reach the final stage in his evolution. He'll find the self confidence he could never get in his ordinary life by dressing like a cute girl and getting lusted over by strange men.
They really toned down the brothers individual traits and made them boring to watch.
Things like Choros tsukkomi moments and Ichis degeneracy or Tottys slyness were all god tier, but they have really been missing a lot this season and it feels weird. Like these weren't the characters I loved from the first season.
Only true men of culture can appreciate Totty's combination of cute and lewd
Can't relate to that fantasy, but whatever gets you off, user.
Can we talk about these outfits Ichi got in the paper doll game please?
I mean also how they don't have the other writers to help out so the main one is burnt out, too.
I knew people would jump on this. Baby pics prove Kara's got all-natural brows.
We don't know who is who in that baby pic. Jyushi's on the far right so it would make more sense for them to be in sleeping order, which would mean that the one with the thicker brows is Totty.
I think Totty is on the right of Matsuro
The one to the right of Matsuyo is obviously Totty.
Besides, no one goes to sleep with makeup on. It's just a non-canon joke that the western fans will eat up since they love their Kara as a gay stereotype.
i wish they would stop making poop jokes. i didnt need to see chibita shit himself in that one ep.
I don't think the choice to only use Matsubara as writer has anything to do with budget. They probably just looked at the amount of successful popular episodes he had done and reasoned that since he was the head writer and the primary visionary for the direction of the script they should cut out the fat and give him sole control. The other writers really weren't worth shit. If you look episode by episode you'll find that they mostly just wrote shitty Iyami skits. Matsubara is and always has been the one responsible for writing the characters and the comedy you love.
I remembered that part earlier today and wished I hadn't. What in the flying fuck were they thinking? How does Chibita still have fans?
How about Iyami shitting into a bag? I can't decide which one was more disgusting and unnecessary.
>I Can Be Your Angle Or Yuor Devil
I wasn't arguing that he didn't wtite well in the past, but I think in some cases the collaboration was good. He's clearly not doing as well as he used to, either out of tiredness or sheer carelessness at this point.
You're right, it should have been Hatabou that shit himself
At least with Iyami you know he's already disgusting, so it's less uncomfortable than Chibita.
If they had to do it, they could at least have done us the service of keeping it a mid-shot and using a regular fart noise with Iyami reacting. The slo-mo closeups made it feel like I was watching something adapted from a fetish fic.
It's hard to know what their creative process was in their first season. There's no reason to believe that the different writers were collaborating with each other from the start. However, it might be apt to conclude that the greater work burden might be wearing Matsubara out and preventing him from giving his best work. I can't know that either without some sort of interview indicating something of the like, but if less writers has had a negative effect on the quality of writing that's where I would assume the problem happened.
I smell selfcest porn potential.
Though, isn't selfcest kind of redundant when you're using a character that has identical siblings?
Not just you, i can't figure what exactly happened but it feels like the brothers lost their s1 charisma
>How does Chibita still have fans?
Oso's never been as charismatic as he was in the mixer episode. I wan fug niisan.
Only tumblrs like karabita, and they don't matter.
Oh I know. I'm just secretly still happy it was blown the fuck out in Cinderella Kara's attack, even if it is in hesowars. They'll see one doing as much as acknowledging the other as shiptease so it's probably the best we'll get.
He was just being creepy, it was painful to watch.
Said only you ever. He was personable and honest and laid back and he set an atmosphere where everyone could let down their guards and relax. 10/10 social skills, would have a beer and a one night stand with. Just have to make sure I'm not carrying any cash at the time.
They've been really pushing this "Oso is worst brother lol" idea while showing a bit less of his surprisingly thoughtful side.
Also is it just me or is s2 guilty of a lot of telling instead of showing?
>Also is it just me or is s2 guilty of a lot of telling instead of showing?
I don't think it's any worse in that regard compared to S1. Do you have any examples of gratuitous exposition? It's not a problem that's ever stood out to me.
Less in the exposition sense - I just dont see Oso as the worst-off brother. Even with the pawn shop gag. He's clearly capable of scraping by in his own scummy way. I'd argue Ichi is the most screwed, but his ineptitude is treated like its moe instead. It kind of becomes the elephant in the room sometimes.
That said I still think Oso should've been picked in this ep because then we could of had a fun plot with Oso on his own, and I think he's pretty fun by himself.
So is there porn of Osomatsu getting fucked by a horse?
Probably. I remember seeing fanart of that scene but with Kara instead of Oso once though, and that's when I realised Karafags are truly the most powerful degenerates of all.
I've seen joke art but also intentionally lewd pics too. In ep 24 it was OsoxSushi, then we got HorsexOso - what's next?
>bunching up all fans of one matsu together
At this point there are so many fans for each matsu that there should be more specific names.
The show illustrated why the brothers turned against Osomatsu in the episode where Ichimatsu couldn't fall asleep. And Choromatsu who made that claim has been staunchly anti-osomatsu since at least the fappymatsu episode. Osomatsu has been well established as the biggest trouble maker, ringleader of their shenanigans, and more than likely to take advantage of his little brothers, especially if there's some monetary gain in it for him. Not that he doesn't have a heart of gold that sometimes shines though, but Choromatsu's reaction last episode has been well built up.
Of course there is. You're talking about the internet here.
Well, let's see them
Who the FUCK is Tougou?
No no, I didn't word myself right, sorry. I was fine with Choro's reaction (in fact I liked how quick it was - it was funny and made me think it was going to get right to a plot). I know Oso is the biggest bad influence towards his bros too. What I mean to say is that more in regards to how they'd manage on their own, I think Ichi would be the most fucked, and I find it strange how aside from the "don't baby me" joke in ep 5 it hasn't been addressed again.
I think we all know that Ichimatsu would be the most fucked without his family to support him. In letter when everyone else was looking for work the ended up homeless on the street. Osomatsu is the one most emotionally attached to their status quo, but Ichi is the one who needs it the most.
>episode 20 with the Dayon reaction cam
Try the tag 馬おそ on pixiv.
Will we ever see chounan redemption?
Holy shit, thanks
There's a WHOLE doujin that was just posted a few weeks of osomatsu getted "horsed".
I can't stand how overrated Tougou is. Even Atsushi is better.
The whole concept of touoso is so retarded.
That's for eyelashes
Y'know, the first part was kinda hot, before the horse got involved.
There's a headcanon that Atsushi is Tougou's son.
No shit sherlock. But as you can plainly see his eyebrows look the same as his brothers.
That felt so worthless to me. There was barely any animation in the thing, it was just the same picture the entire episode. Bad concept, should have been scrapped.
a shit
what a fucking fake
>Ichi in that cow suit
Fucking lol
Why does everyone hate astushi? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with shipping Totty with some rando bg character. It’s not like he really has anyone else.
Who the hell would feel jealous over Totty?
The way his legs just dangle there in the air is especially horrifying.
That was a magical time.
Sup Forums obviously. They're jealous of Totty's friendship of a successful man
oh god
This was cute. Does Karamatsu just keep special bribery material in his pockets at all times?
I like to imagine so, also post kara
I always do.
I dare anyone to look at this image and not smile. You can't do it.
damn I smiled before even reading what you wrote
See. Not possible.
Are there any photos showing all the outfits from the new costume book? I only saw 2.