All thanks to World Three
Watamote 130.5 english translation
Thanks op.
That's all. See you in 3 weeks again like usual.
Nice work op.
Jesus christ Ucchi
Base W3.
What do we know about our beloved delinquent? Is she a violent yankee who likes cute things, or a cute girl who just has violent responses?
And I thought she was gonna wander off completely and abandon the company.
She's cute, that's for sure.
She ditched Tomoko after getting pissed off
Who Yoshida's seiyuu in a hypothetical season 2 be?
Who's saying what here?
Thanks OP.
probably someone with a deep voice
they all sound the same anyway
Gonna be your friend until you like it
She's basically a more violent version Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh. I wonder if she has a cat?
From right to left
>either Tomoko or all of them
All >>> Nemo >>> Uchi >>> Mako >>> Yuri >>> Yoshida
Emily-chan is beautiful
I like how they leave who says what here open to interpretation.
My theory, right to left:
Does nemo have autism?
Could also be Akane.
Everyone in Tomoko class had it.
An /u/cchi arc might actually happen at this rate.
Did Yuri mom and dad die ?
I really wish we get an Emiri spin off and see how she deals with her newfound obsession.
>Yoshida : Suke tanoshii
Kemono friend parody ?
I rather a Y/u/ri arc or an As/u/ka arc.
It's a nice revenge on this, she made it.
Thanks to W3 and OP
would be a tragedy everybody gets along with Tomoko better than her
good chapter, but...
Where is the second season you all promised me?
Good, let's keep it this way.
is it me, or there's a good chance that Yuri left because she's annoyed at Tomoko for giving keychans to Asuka and Nemo?
I want the pure pervert to get some screentime
Oh boy, Nemo's gonna get shanked in the ladies room.
Kill the dragon rat's and will happen.
It's pretty obviously Yoshida, Yuri, Pineapple, Ucchi, Nemo and everyone i.e. all of the non-Tomoko members of the group that had somewhat important plots going on throughout this arc.
Nemo isna fucking annoying bitch and I want her to die.
I was really expecting her to say something like "I was original Kuroki friend in school, she is mine" to Yuri
>Komishit on her own
Who cares? She's only valuable as part of the Pervert Sisters with Akari and she's the lesser half of that duo.
Probably annoyed at Nemo.
"Now we (are evenly) match(ed), Tamura-san!"
Nemo's a good girl who spent years having to hide her power level and now that the shackles have been broken she's still adjusting. I like her.
>yoshida is making her plushy wave at the parade
Jesus Nico, every time I think they couldn't make Yoshida cuter then this happens.
Good chapter, but needed more Katou.
Thanks W3
I can't believe Mako betrayed them.
>yoshida carrying her plushy like an infant
wife material
the harem keeps growing
The two most obvious one is Kuro(Nemo) and disgusting(Emily).
Sugee should be Yoshida.
.... should be Yuri
The other two is harder to pinpoint though.
From right to left
Highly likely to be pineapple
Last bubble was probably everyone.
Nemo is such a cunt.
Fuck off Nemo haters
>not even calling your friend by her name in your internal monologue
Unless you're a shounen manga hero, friendship isn't something you should try to force on people
Kii-chan meeting Tomoko's harem arc when?
I wouldn't be surprised if tomoko still doesn't consider Yuri a "friend" and keeps clinging to mongoloid-slut-chan
>what a moron
>i know right she really is
This is how it starts.
>Hey Makocchi, can we go home already?
Are they both going to the same house?
But since they're both friends of Tomoko they're going to end up interacting, so she's basically just saying let's try to get along.
Yoshida, Yuri
Likely Mako, she counts more as one of Tomoko's friends than Okada.
round 2
Mako is outside of the panel with Minami though
deep meaning cover
How many more keychains do you think she bought, now that she thinks she can make a profit?
Mako already seduced Fangs. She's that fast
Look at that sassy ass
I cant tell if she's happy or sad. Maybe satisfied she atleast get to watch with Tomoko?
Nice chapter but it needed more Asuka
No? Minami's the one outside. And the view is zoomed out anyway when covering their thoughts.
Thanks OP! See you in three weeks!
Got more?, asking for a friend.
What season is it right now in the story? I miss summer with Kii-chan
I want to hug Minami.
Which is scarier. Solid black eyes Nemo or Screentone shaded eyes Nemo?
Mako might be away from the group for several chapters due to Minami being alone. Until things get patched up, atleast. RIP makofags
Psychopathy vs. autism...
Have some more patience, it takes time to schedule so many best girls in a seasonal anime format.
>character literally named Yuri
>isn't gay
Color me shocked, usually they're the gayest characters in the story.
who is your favorite watamote
I've been converted. I want Ucchi to end up with Tomoko or at least hold hands or hug at some point.
I can't choose, I love both Yuri and Katou.
What's wrong with this bitch? Why does she smile all the time even when she's mad or fighting with her best friend?
It will be always Tomoko.
>sleeps like this
>gets mad when tomoko peeks her panties
What the fuck is wrong with her?
But where the fuck is Ucchi?!