Darling in the Franxx

How much better would this show be if Hiro was a girl?

All characters in fiction should be girls

Sup Forums wouldn't be able to self-insert and thus the threads would be 100x worse than they already are.

Hiro is cute and perfect whether he's a boy or a girl.

The threads are already as bad as they could be

The betaness of hiro would be excused due to the beta-gender-clause and 02 is would look and act the same but just be a trap. So, pretty much, show of the millennium.

Let run with this idea.

The gender of the MC in the last anime you watched is reversed,what changes?

this but unironically

>Sup Forums wouldn't be able to self-insert
>self-inserting as the male MC in the year of our savior Jesus Christ 2018

No dumbass, you self insert as 02 and imagine getting with Hiro. It wouldn't be the same if Hiro was just a girl.