>sex scene literally 3 days after they confess and 2 days after their first kiss
Why is this allowed?
>sex scene literally 3 days after they confess and 2 days after their first kiss
Why is this allowed?
Why shouldn't be allowed? They've liked each other for a long time, they are two healthy young people in a monogamous relationship. I see no problem.
Pretty much this.
Both of them want to fuck for a really long time already. They also want to get married.
sounds good OP. but is there a real sex scene? or is that just a bait illustration
I'm just trying to get responses to start a thread, relax.
It's real, Nayu keeps going long into the night even after Itsuki wants to stop. The description was "Even as Itsuki was covered in liquid, having been squeezed dry, and begging to stop like a female knight in an eroge, the banquet continued on."
So Nyarlathotep end?
can someone spoonfeedme some volumes? i really want to read it but i don't know where to start
Where'd you read the LN? I dont think the translation is out yet
damn is that illustration actually in the ln
That's not even the latest volume.
Although I read moon at a decent level as well, I read chink faster and chinks have way more LN translations available. That illustration is in and so is this.
>haganai author actually redeemed himself
What a time to be alive anons; looks like second chances really do work.
I never understood why he decided to ruin Haganai like that. Did he have a fight with the editor/publisher or something?
The author didn't like how people were more interested in who Kodaka was going to end up with than the series itself. Or maybe she was just disgusted at people on the internet and self destructed.
>make an harem with all the girls lusting for MC weewee
>full of waifubait characters
>mad about people interesting in romance instead of muh friendship
I hope this s not ending in ntr shit or mc cutting his balls
The editor started pushing the author into writing a love comedy while she only wanted to do a "progressive" work in which she could show what is the meaning of friendship.
looks like a slime without the nipples
The only works I've seen that sort of succeed in that were Baka Test and Grand Blues, and the former still delves in waifufaggotry. It's just not a place for putting friendship.
Negima did male friendship very well but it was also an enormous /ss/ harem so eh.
what happens to the loli hag did she lose her virginity yet?
>tfw no cutie fun girl who also is crazy for you
>why live ;_____;
>That's not even the latest volume.
Breakup drama incoming
That looks like a rape scene.
picked up
Anyone has Volume 9 spoiler?
Because Nayuta is clearly best girl.
Will she reveal her real name to Itsuki soon?
Which volume is this pic in?
BDs when, or S2, I need more Kani
Seems like she's going to be paired with the kaiki of this series, scumbag old man who definitely doesn't secretly care about younger writers.
>act like you're in love with a guy
>still go around and fool around with other girls
What a cheating slut....i still fap to it though.
I mean, how can you say no?
>imouto in the title
>imouto isn't the main heroine
Fuck this
>Rape other contestant.
>Getting raped by potential contender.
>Rape & mind break MC.
Other harem heroine need to take a notes here. Hope those booze money enough for S2.
Well thanks to YenPress, I'll be able to read this volume in 2030.
You mean like all those series where their titles aren't exactly about their themes? What a surprise.
And in this case the MC loves imoutos so it still fits.
Is Kani wins?
I was told she was dying or something. Was I lied to, or is that really the case?
You got bamboozled
Editor pushed author into writing Yozora as a love interest this creating a shitty love triangle.
Remember all Yozora wanted at first was returning to be bros with Kodaka.
Sena was the romantic interest since the start that much was obvious.
I actually haven't finished the anime (probably will do so later today) but if I remember right, Nayu had some life issues going on that she got over after reading the guy's work, and that's why she initially fell for him; what sort of issues did she have going on, exactly?
What is going on
That's entirely normal in japan. Basically kiss = getting laid. Girls aren't generally going to kiss a guy the don't want to go all the way with.
Also consider that their relationship was a lot longer than the time they were officially dating and they both had been holding back for a long time.
Did that user who wanted to translate it ever start?
Bullying. Also having boobs that are so big she accidentally ntred someone, leading to said bullying. Honestly, as much as I love nayu, she's the least interesting of the bunch as a character.
quads of truth
Old man Kaizu is by far the best character and best bro in this series.
I just kind of assumed it, since Yomi is not the kind of name I'd see a boy having.
Considering this is also made by Haganai author. This will likely happens.
It will happens.
It's a pen name. He even mentions through his characters that he got exposed to his parents as a pro author once (since basically everything IRL exists in universe).
He's 99.99% a guy.