ITT shows that desperately need a remake. I'll start
ITT shows that desperately need a remake. I'll start
Candy Candy so that we can see again how she and her friends suffers
For the love of god someone do a remake of this but following the manga's storyline from beginning to end.
The only thing that needs a remake is Watsuki's image
To be fair they only need to remake the third season to follow the manga better
Nothing. Make something good instead of recycling old shit. Try to make some good shit without needing to piggyback off a manga too.
not happening
I really don't know what KyoAni was doing when they made this show, but I want them to redo it.
Needs a BD if anything.
They also made kanon twice in a few years for some reason.
I agree we need more original stuff, but a lot of adaptations of older manga suffer from filler episodes due to the manga not being ahead enough to have enough content to be adapted into an episode. Either that or they just end up not adapting the manga after some point and going with anime-only content until the end like did.
These shows could definitely use remakes that follow the source material as closely as possible.
The first kanon adaptation was awful and not by kyoani
kyoani also remade air because the first adaptation by a different company sucked
The shows aren't relevant anymore. They should have thought of that before deciding to make an anime before what they were adapting was finished. Money is a big thing here and going back and making new adaptations of old stuff generally isn't going to be worth it.
I watched recently and didn't think anything was wrong with it, other than the last 30 episodes or so being crap filler. All Kenshin really needs is a proper adaptation of the last arc.
2002 Kanon was actually made by Toei.
Depends on how popular the old thing is, if DB Kai is anything to go by.
Am I the only one who actually liked the christian arc?
I somewhat enjoyed most of the last season. I was kind of biased against it since I was in the middle of reading the last manga arc when I started watching the third season but I still thought it was fine
I mean I'm pretty sick of TM as the next guy, but it's weird that this also hasn't been repeated
A new carnival phantasm would be great.
Given what we know now, I'd vomit in my mouth when they got to Misao.
Watsuki was arrested for child porn. Misao is a young girl drawn to look like an even younger girl, attracted to a man a decade older than her.
Oh that. Kaoru is like 16 whereas kenshin is like 32. Bigger difference there.
Women love that kind of pairing. There's nothing wrong with it or with Misao herself regardless of Watsuki's 3D preferences.
Eh, Kaoru and Kenshin still mostly checks out, despite the bigger age difference. Kaoru is more or less portrayed as an adult throughout the entire manga's run. But when you read stuff like
>While Misao is 16, Watsuki wanted her to appear like a 13-year-old.
>The author admitted that he enjoyed drawing Misao and she was one of his favourite characters.
That doesn't really pass the smell test anymore.
After watching what I consider to be the greatest remake of all time, Space Battleship Yamato 2199, I long for a true remake of this masterpiece.
That would be absolute chaos on Sup Forums. One of the hardest rides there is.
Sounds delicious
I wasn't even joking about it being a ride that rivals geass. It's not called lord of the flies in space for nothing.
Not happening because "not muh music"
The music in the original was great, but come on
Who cares.
Misao was hardly a child. If it's true that Misao was suppossed to look 13 like said, then it's shady.
It already was remade. It's called DYRL.
by all means
Kenshin is fine.
It was remade twice before the mangaka was v&'d
It'll be like Brotherhood where the first episodes are rushed as hell
I actually am fond of the anime we did get, but it only covered about between a third and half of the manga with a lot of unresolved plot lines.
Iriya no sora needs a better adaptation. Why did they even fuck up adaptation of such an important Light novel?
Grisaia series needs to be remade entirely. What the fuck were they even thinking?