One Piece


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Oda confirmed in the latest SBS Luffy is not interested in Nami.

Make sure to laugh a lot Sup Forums.


>Q: What is Luffy's criteria for a 'beautiful woman'? Why is Alvida a beauty when Nami, Robin and Hancock are not?
>A: Luffy has indeed said that Alvida is a beautiful woman. When normal people say it, it's meant as high praise. But to Luffy, it's just a way of categorising people. Even though his senses are not normal, Luffy can tell. But no matter what they look like, he's not interested.

SaNA won

Shipperthread. Ignore and move to this one.

Based GODA

>lunafags trying to damage control

Shipperfags woke up. Dont mind this thread, its just bait. Raws out on other thread.

They woke up but they ain't posting


New pics out

facebook? where are the pics from?

There is more than one no?

The other thread with no shippers. Anyone here is autistic. Raws are being posted there. Go there.

Katakuri actually called Big Mom as "Big Mom" instead of "Mama" there.

That's big news actually. Katakuri becomes Marco when BM falls, confirmed?

Well objectively, LuNa lost, but that's not an indication that SaNa won.
I don't care either way, I'm just saying, don't get pulled into a false sense of security. Coming from Sup Forums, ships are a tenuous thing.

It's a bigger chance for SaNa to win though, which is the point I guess.

Is this really news to anyone?

Lunafag world got destroyed after the epic trashtalking they did yesterday


Feels good man

Didn't oda also say there's gonna be no intercrew shipping in the sbs too?


He wants to be rescued by Luffy, he even got the hat moment like Nami. LuKa is stronger than ever

Reminder that Luffy is more interested in Katakuri's feelings than in women

>moment like Nami
Bad comparison user Luffy is not interested in Nami

Lord Gedatsu! You can't talk if you don't open your mouth!

It shows Katakuri‘s independence


H-Hack careless!!!


>all this luna shit
Move in, brothers.

Katakuri’s usual battle style is not receive enemy’s attack,so he is vulnerable to attack
Katakuri could stop Lufffy‘s gear4 easily ,but he don’t do again because he want to fight with Luffy with full force
And he gets up earlier than luffy,so he had time to kill Luffy

advanced human-bunny posting I see.


He didn't keep his promise with Franky and Robin

To retards, yes

Beige soooooooooo cooooooool

>The whole point is putting forth reasons for our claims
That's my point, you are just saying your opinions, I refute them with my own, it's an endless cycle of nothing. You are entitled to your opinions, but it's different saying "I don't like current OP" and "Current OP is inferior to the good ol' perfect days of muh Skypiea".

Now let's stop this ceaseless back and forth of nothing.

>If the cake plot will be that it saves BM from death, then the "issue" the Germa face could solve itself without any cake by just letting BM die from her illness.

Did you miss the point where it would make Sanji humiliate and get back at his family by doing so? Didn't you complain about satisfying pay-off earlier? Fucking retard.

The hat Luffy gave to katakuri is not his strawhat

Read this

OK, everyone. Say it with me, With Gusto:

But a-user!! Luna got epic btfo!!!!!

LuNa died this is a win for us


Post LuKa!

Why aren't you people talking about LuHa or LuVi? Just asking.

But he is right, the hat is not the strawhat.


Chapter should be out within the next hour. It's always around this time.

Hancock will find a way to put Luffy's child in her. I belive in her.

Kek, Raisin is a smart man, but he's projecting a little too much. Also Yuen a cute.
>what's the probability of katakuri losing?
>you... are yiou serious?
>say it!

>obviously it's zero!
>exactly! katakuri nisan is a perfact man!
>say it!

>if i were mugiwara this is what i would do
>if you turn around the promise to meet at 1am on its head
>it means my nakama won't come until 1am

>in that case i'd just take control of the only key to mirroworld, brulée
>come out on another island, and just wait for my nakama until the time is right

>makes sense...! especially since brulée is missing right now!

>that sheep did me good

Can't stop the truth

Nobody cares about them. Hanock was too old for luffy.
LuNafags give the best salt too

>liking LuKa

>the people posting the Luna shit in the thread are just luha fags

I was hoping luna and luha shitposting would be gone now
Cut the head of the snake, another takes its place.

Sure brother!


Opinion =/= Reason. You have an opinion, also known as a claim, and you develop arguments that support your opinion. Those arguments can be further examined and then supported by more arguments, until one of the people arguing stops caring or concedes a point. It doesn't fucking matter if there are "hard facts" at the end of it all, the point is not to rob people of their opinions but to expand on your own and confront it against a different perspective. The whole "it's all opinions" is a defensive mechanism when you just don't give a fuck about discussing and want to be left alone. It's the youtube commenter syndrome. The only thing your tirade lacks is the classic "if you don't like it why are you in this thread?"

LuKa wins!!!!!!


Hey, you missed my post

>compote still on wci
What the fuck, what was that cool panel of her even for? She's not doing anything.

>Missing the point
The problem here is that you're presenting your opinions as if they are facts.

You're still wrong no matter what you do:)

If you don't like it, why are you in this thread?

Your post makes no sense. How would it be humiliating if it's not actually "besting" them in anything? In fact we already got a small scene of Sanji getting the moral high-ground on his family and being condescending to them when he saved them at the wedding. It was really related to food, yes. Also his flashback and childhood trauma was really related to food, as opposed to being perceived as weak for being 'too human' and feeling like he didn't belong because he couldn't keep up. Yes, all food. Don't you just see that amazing pay-off coming up?

That makes no sense because opinions can't be facts. If I say "OP was better before" it is self-evident that it is what I think, in the same way that if you say "you are presenting your opinions as fact" it is just what YOU think about my posts. Got any hard proof that I was trying to tell facts?

Also I referred to the stuff I've been arguing as "my opinions", "I think that...", "what I see is..." since the beginning

Today is Sanji's birthday.
Say something nice about him!

Don't make Luffy a faget like you

jobber like ace

He's good at cooking.

Oda killed your ship not me. Sorry

>luffy being interested in any woman until eos

He will be at eos. No worries user.

You'll be hitched with Nami, just hold on a bit longer

I hate him so much. I hope Zoro butchers him when he comes back.

>no intercrew relationships

btfo user

>O-Oda will change his mind EOS, I-I’m sure of it! I-I-I can’t be wrong! H-He’s the one that’s wrong!


Now that the arc is ending I can see that Oda made some mistakes and had a lot of problems with the pacing
>Sanji´s year
For what reason? you have so many subplots that trying to focus on one of the SH was stupid
Awful plot, terrible characters. It hurt Sanji´s character.
Oda didn´t expect this character to be so liked and he literally stole Sanji´s Year
>The cake plot
Stupid and it hurt the pace, it was a shit excuse to use Sanji somehow, even if Sanji´s character was enough damaged by now.
Her powers were irrelevant or used in a very boring way. Oda should just have made WCI a short saga like Zou and be the BMP introduction if Oda is planning to use them later in Elbaf arc or something.
Oda needs to focus more

Shit I didn't notice the decuplet girl was hitting her fellow decuplet with a death scythe. There is no "say it" it's just the poor guy going "aouch!".

>How would it be humiliating if it's not actually "besting" them in anything?
He proved them wrong. He would show them what food can do. Knock out a Yonkou, something their brute strength wouldn't be able to do.
>as opposed to being perceived as weak for being 'too human' and feeling like he didn't belong because he couldn't keep up. Yes, all food. Don't you just see that amazing pay-off coming up?
"Hey, look. Sanji is making food for the rats again". He was bullied for liking to cook which is the extension of being "too human". Germa only cares for heartless soldiers to solve everything with military might, and to see a normal human being knock out a Yonkou by cooking is a pay-off. Keep on being smug and sarcastic only for you to get BTFO, though.

>Got any hard proof that I was trying to tell facts?
"Oda has forgotten how to do x". That was a statement. A statement of fact. How the fuck do you know that that was a "fact"? How the fuck are you so sure that the things you don't like about current One Piece is because Oda "forgot" how to do something?

Not interested, sorry
Denial is the first step LuNafag


Franky and Robin are in a relationship now? Where is it stated or said?

>Saying this is a mistake here and there when the arc is not over
Every single arc.


oh lawd nazomuzu better be a recurring character with choppermask

The arc isn't even over yet.
Germa, Sanji and Pudding's plot is still ongoing and referenced in this very chapter. So is the cake.

Wait a month.

Imagine if Alabasta came out today
>Crocodile is too weak, being a shichibukai used to mean something
>Bon Kuri crossdresses and changes his sex, what is this SJW faggotry?
>weaking trio members like Usopp and Chopper shouldn't be able to even touch shichibukai crew, let alone beat two of them
>Miss Double Finger went down in two hits, Daz Bonez went down in one, HACK
>this arc is too long, all the crew fights are done and there's still 2 whole volumes to go
>O MY random ass child who saw everything
>How did Luffy get out of the tombs? HACK
>LuCro, for some fucking reason
>Pell lived, HACK
>Vivi will join
>Crocodile will join
>Bon Kuri will join
>Smoker will join
>Another chapter, no Robin


She is so ugly wtf

Rape time

This was the SaNa btfo you people were expecting?
Never go against SaNa again, faggots.

>This is Luffy's big win
And this is why forming opinions using text summaries is always fucking stupid.


She is so ugly. Sanji is a cuck if he kissed that thing


I wanna see how handsome you are when crying.