Why were they so fucked up even though they were sons of DIO?
duwang autists need to die.
Gappy makes me happy
Joshuu makes ME happy
Reminder to stop replying to shitty bait. Last thread was a disaster.
Mods need to do their job.
And you need to do yours by not responding to it at all. Stop relying on mods all the time and prevent the plague from spreading yourself.
I want mountain Tim to blow me and use his stand to fuck my ass at the same time
I don't respond to it, though.
I mean that in general, not specifically you. Just don't respond. Simple. If you don't respond anymore, he no longer has any material to throw you with.
Are you gay?
Rikiel is perfect.
I'm glad we limited the memery after 2 threads were nuked
He’s my favorite of Dios kids. Would have preferred to see him as a protagonist.
Rykiel is so cute. cowe
Is this the GOAT Jojo's death scene?
Because they were sons of DIO.
I want Versace to fuck me in the ass
Is the DiU film any good?
We'll find out this month when the DVD and BD rips come out.
part 4
>without lets go hunting
>josuke looks like a girl
>those god awful stands
>jotaro is 40
>koichi isn't 3 foot
>okuyasu will be butchered
>no shigechi death to grip you
>no kira
>none of the neat SOL stuff that makes part 4 good
>fucking forgettable-ass okuyasu's brother as the only seeable villain
>probably no time for rohan either
>>no kira
SHA appears at the end though
your mom is fucking forgettable-ass
lets go hunting was lame
fucking off yourself you tasteless cunt
SBR >>>> SO
SO >>>> SBR
t. SBRainlet
I want to die
Also remember to report shitposts, the mods don’t just trawl through every thread themselves, neither do janitors. The reason shitposts go undeleted is because they don’t know about them. JoJo threads aren’t very fast moving or have very many people posting in them (low poster counts but many repeat posters) so they aren’t the mods focus. The more reports on a specific post are lodged, the higher up on the mods queue it becomes, so if everyone reports shitposts they’ll be deleted very quickly.
It was called ‘chapter 1’ for a reason user. All those other things would most likely have been adapted in planned sequels that we’re no longer getting on account of the movie being bad.
how about no, sweetie?
Just caught up from Chapter 69 to now. Fuck I loved seeing Speed King in action during 73. I'm really glad Araki is characterizing Jobin much more now too. Jojolion is looking great.
I've been avoiding these threads for the past 6 months or so and there's STILL no part 5 announcement? What the fuck.
Yeah it’s been great, it seems like Araki’s most ambitious Part yet tbqh, and I really cant wait to see where he’s taking it. 18 volumes into SBR and we were already in the D4C arc, yet 18 volumes into SBR there’s still no end in sight.
DP wanted a break from JoJo since they didn’t want to get burned out, which apparently almost happened with the DiU anime since they did over 100 episodes in 4 years. They still want to adapt the whole series but they don’t want to just be the studio that did JoJo and then never get any other type of project than battle shonen adaptation. 2019 seems like a safe bet since they’ll have done 3 different projects since then, not counting their continually ongoing Toei-tier Monster Hunter anime.
What's the best Jojo stand and why is it Stone Free?
Because it's the weakest and yet has the most creative uses.
Why were people so enraged last thread anyway? It's what, two lines in the entire translation? Get a grip.
Because DIO was fucked up, if you hadn't noticed.
Nothing about part 6 is the best.
Based hairwindow poster
and it was so obvious the copy paste guy was just baiting. you guys fall for the bait too hard.
based hairposter
>writeanon will never come back
He never left, faggot.