Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro

Chio-chan no Tsūgakuro Anime Delayed to July.


Newest Chio-chan.

>there will never be Chio-chan porn by the author
You guys think he has any Chio-chan lewds stored in some HDD somewhere?


I felt tricked after I read a couple chapters of this manga. I thought I was getting a westaboo with bad taste and got school SOL and /u/-bait

I told you Diomedea is shit

Wait, wasn't that one chio-chan doujin by the original author?

Well, that's obvious, they doing 2 cour anime in this season.

Pretty sure Chio chan was originally based of that one story of his about the little girl running to school who keeps getting ambushed by horny homeless men. Think it was called perfectly perpendicular.

God dammit.
I guess there's still a ton of good shit next season though.

Yea that's the one.

>Chio has a fridge body

oh no!

I want to molest Manana.

I hope it's going to be good.


I was kind of looking forward to this too.

They've given you the gift of looking forward for a little while longer.

when's the next chapter?

So was it going to do well anyway had it not been delayed? Or was the show DOA in any case?


So she's been at it her whole life, then?

Makes sense because she's an autistic nerd, not a hollywood actress.

Man, forget tennis, Chio-chan should start the parkour club! I mean even she admits that it's really fun!

The PV was very l0w quality, this is for the best. I don't want this to get a shitty budget.

Kinda saw this coming. They hadn't even launched a website or revealed any staff/cast/music which are usually done several months in advance.

I don't think this is a big series so I doubt it's going to sell well in any season. Just relax and hope the show itself is good.

too bad