Is there any actual good Light Novel series around or they are just overhyped memes made by hacks who can't draw or write serious novels?
Is there any actual good Light Novel series around or they are just overhyped memes made by hacks who can't draw or...
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Go back to whatever shithole you came from, we have enough of our own turds.
I really loved reading bakemonogatari, and I have never seen the anime. I do believe however that you should experience a story that is most suitable to your own preference, like there has always been the option of reading manga instead of watching the anime. Also Welcome to the NHK is great.
Yes, there are. Multiple of them.
Some of them can draw
Out of all the thousands of light novels out there some are good, yes.
What a retarded thread
Will the west ever catch on to the light novel format?
Seems to be a perfect match for all the shitty derivative teen fiction that comes out nowadays
I'm sure there must be some. But most light novels are trash. Just like most young adult fiction is trash.
>Also Welcome to the NHK is great.
If by great you mean terrible and awful and and out of body experience, then yeah. It was great.
Could you recommend some other light novels (or normal novels) that you liked? Feel like I have similar taste as you.
hmmm those are the only 2 Japanese novels that I have read, otherwise I've mostly read normal literature. I would highly recommend Crime and Punishment, as that bing my favorite book.
No, there really isnt. Most popular ones are trash and less popular ones are not translated
We may never know
I have a copy of War and Peace. Those old-school russian writers are too dry man.
You should try Onizuka's manga, I think you'd like that.
>Terrible and awful
You must be fucking retarded, go and read SAO or other harem LN shit my friend.
>bother to setup a meeting with him
>flatly tells him he has no talent
was that some kind of jab at LN authors in general ?
Or a trap to convince him to write LN stories ?
ill check it out.
I rate NHK quite highly. It's a pretty negative experience watching it when Satou's situation mirrors your own life though.
Not going to insult you because maybe my post was not clear how I felt about it.
I was going to read some of the older ones in the future. It looks to me like the whole industry has been fucked by labels publishing stuff from those WN syosetsu sites which are all wish fulfillment.
Where can I find the English version to read? I don't know where to look for translated novels.
YA novels are pretty much LN's in the west. There's no way the west will ever accept LN's considering there's practically zero anime subculture in the west.
You go read some mainstream novels and you'll realize how better LN and eroge industry is. Most of the japan's greatest contemporary writers are all contributing to VN/LN world. Most people here just don't read japanese novels to realize 1)how fucking ambiguous the distinction between LN and novel is and 2)how trashy these so called normal novels can get compared to those marketed as light novels
What is even light novel format?
Oh boy you don't know how much haruhi influenced the Japanese literature. I mean you can even find its influence even in normal novels. There really isn't that much strict distinction between LN and general novel. You think LN screams anime then be prepared to find that most japanese literature screams anime in one way or other. You think LN is easy to read snack form of literature then go fuck yourself cause you have no idea what you are talking about. It's just some marketing label to target certain audience that has nothing to do with writing quality or anything. My favorite Japanese books jintai and iriya no sora are both light novels and are considered to be one of the best things mankind ever made in japan. You think light novels are trashy isekai and then good luck with your different type of trash novels. Fuck seriously if you check all the light novels published previous year there aren't that many isekai anyway.
How can you retards even talk about Japanese literature when you guys don't even get to see most of the Japanese writing that isn't some badly translated popular light novel or fucking hack murakami's trashy works.
Just so you know light novels are never meant be young adult fiction equivalent of Japan you fucking retard
Are there english speaking people writing light novels? Where could you find them?
Don't ask the anime community. They've decided all light novels are bad and are all the same and now refuse to have anything to do with them.
Maybe his writing style(not prose) is marketable for light novel audience, that way he can gain more readers instead of publishing for label whose readers don't read the type of stuff he writes. Light novel industry isn't some trash containment area of Japanese literature as much as retards here like to believe it to be so. I mean yeah there's this prejudice against light novels being low art or 下らない物 or whatever for not conforming to stupid mainstream standards but there are many writers who like the freedom offered by this subculture and try to write interesting stuff to change the perception of it. Some of the best works of this decade from Japan came from VN/LN industry tho
Just stupid Japanese politeness
The funny part is they are not even that familiar with light novels to make such broad statements. It's like reading few Shonen series anime adaptations and coming to conclusion that all anime are same shonen trash.
My dad has an 83 volume "light novel" series in the cellar from the 60s and 70s.
I can't explain why there isn't much like that made any more, but the concept was clearly used in the past.
The Devil Is A Part Timer
Monogatari series
what is the name of the series user?
Wait a fucking sec. I don't think there was any light novel labels in fucking 70's and 60's you retard.
Morgan Kane.
There's a reason why I wrote "light novel".
I've read half the series and can confidently say it's pretty close to a light novels in volume-length and writing.
can you please explain? Ik there is no possible weaker form of literature then YA fiction, but I want to see what exactly makes light novels so much more better.
I couldn't care any less about most western literature but i do know the concept of young adult fiction. YA is always seen as preparing someone to enter "real" literature, "low form of art", targeted for a certain young readers. Light novels aren't the same, it started as a marketing term to sell a certain type of writing to certain readers. Slowly it developed into a subculture which allowed writers to do what they want to do without any care for mainstream standards. So the closer approximation maybe pulpfiction? As much as people like to believe LNs to be all trashy isekai, that's not really the case. It's just an outlet closely tied to otaku culture for writers to express in a way that they can't do in other mainstream outlets. That's the impression i got from the readers and writers within this LN sphere. The distinction between LN and general novel is too ambiguous and makes no sense if you see it other way. It's not really easy to read snack form of literature.
12 Kingdoms is the only one out there that is actually good. The rest are actual novels that will never be translated, because translating actual novels and not the dime novel schlock written at a middle school level is actually hard.
A serial, but printed in a way to steal as much of your money as possible. Generally for teens and preteens.
>Slowly it developed into a subculture which allowed writers to do what they want to do without any care for mainstream standards.
but couldn't writers already write about what they wanted to?
What are you talking about? Light novels are dirt cheap unlike money stealing Western literature. Yeah it's serial, but most of them i own are about 300 pages per volume. I can't comment about teen/pre-teen because different LN publishers target for different type of audience. It's not even uncommon for people aged above 25 to read light novels. Hell, i see that some of the light novels by nisioisin are very famous among JDs and even bored japanese housewifes write isekai fiction in narou.
>Light novels are dirt
Well, mainstream publications got its own standards and aims to select works for publishing. So for example a work about an underground idol community or some crazy action series playing off weird otaku subculture tropes or work about ourselves in this hypermediatized world through otaku culture lens would be pretty hard to find other general novel publishers. I mean yeah there are works that seem like they would fit for light novels get published under other labels but as a subculture it offer a way for authors to escape from mainstream values in writing.
ahhh okay, thanks.
Fuck off retard. Why are you people so blind to reality and so stubborn to only believe in "light novels are inherently trashy" memes
Not if they want someone to publish it.
For example in the West you're going to have a hard time to get a publishing deal in Fantasy if you're not willing to turn it into at minimum a lengthy trilogy and have "female representation" (i.e. show you're deeply entrenched in ideological bullshit),
If it shows at all that you're not a committed leftist willing to debase yourself your only option for SF and Fantasy is pretty much "Libertaran" Mil-SF publisher Baen or smalltime operations where you might as well self-publish.
It's mostly due to the big six publisher's old guard of "old white men" who created them died off and now the only ones left are 90% HR women who publish what they want to read. (the remaining 10%, without going retardedly Sup Forums about it, are inevitably ethnic "minorities")
Thankfully self-publishing has become a lot better in recent years, to the point that big publishers can't do as much for you anymore so they're increasingly losing relevance. (really the only big incentive they have anymore is payment upfront but then you generally sign over the long-term moneymaking instead)
They're about the same actual writing quality as the modern 'celebrated' regular novels I read only with more overt trope signalling. (the real "weed" novels are the kind of stuff that wins writing awards imo)
I avoid the overtly trashy isekai harems tho.
>it started as a marketing term to sell a certain type of writing to certain readers.
Man, that post really inspires great confidence in your knowledge of the whole thing.
Yep, mainstream publications pick what you can and can't write about. They won't tell you a list of topics that you're not allowed to write about, but an editor could scrap them or they just won't publish you.
I don't think they'd publish a story in the west where MC is a lolicon or a rapist in the story with details.
What do you mean? It was just a marketing term in the beginning to attract different readership interested in different types of content. Enlighten me if i am in the wrong.
I'm going to believe you here,since i don't know much about LN's. But why is it then that the good LN's never get adapted to anime? There is a decent one every few years or so.
Kinda like the John Carter of Mars series I think.
They tried making a movie based on the series, but it failed to really take off.
I think we still have them to a degree, like with the Warcraft novels, Warhammer, certain detective novel series, and whatever else. It's just fairly niche so it doesn't get widespread appeal.
Part of the problem is there isn't really any great way to get into reading trashy novels in the west due to bookstores largely aiming at young women now. You go into a major bookstore chain like Barens and Nobles and all the new releases are Mary Sue inserts, history books, politics, and just a few oddballs.
It'd probably help if we had more shows like Overlord done in the west that are just aimed at promoting a light novel series. Though you'd also need more light novels that were aimed at just being fun rather than shoving in grim dark bullshit routinely.
Becasue the Japs have shit taste.
Literally Lolita, you hack.
>Part of the problem is there isn't really any great way to get into reading trashy novels in the west due to bookstores largely aiming at young women now. You go into a major bookstore chain like Barens and Nobles and all the new releases are Mary Sue inserts, history books, politics, and just a few oddballs.
You ought to be horsewhipped for your laziness.
>I don't think they'd publish a story in the west where MC is a lolicon
Almost always anime is meant for promoting light novels. So big companies like kadokawa contract studios for anime adaptations to boost the novel sales. Studios somehow show remarkable ability to fuck up even best of the best light novels like iriya no sora. More than 100 light novels get published yearly and you can't expect all of them to end up having anime adaptations so it's natural that many gems just slip the radar of many and not all publishers can afford anime adaptations. I mean we do get some good light novel adaptations and the ratio of LN adaptations to those that turn out to be more than ok isn't that bad actually.
LNs are just fun reads, there's barely anything in the west that caters to male taste nowadays and there's something fun and comforting to read about a hero beating a dragon with his harems.
Sure there are many classics worth reading in the west but there's nothing modern nowadays that really fits the cheap thrills you get from a dumb LN novel.
>Nabokov finished Lolita on 6 December 1953
>The manuscript was turned down, with more or less regret, by Viking, Simon & Schuster, New Directions, Farrar, Straus, and Doubleday
>first published in Paris in 1955 by Olympia Press.
>Olympia Press. specialized in books which could not be published (without legal action) in the English-speaking world, and correctly assumed that the French, who were unable to read the books, and were more sexually tolerant, would leave them alone. They were books to buy if your travels took you through Paris.
No problems at all ...
Pretty much.
Same reason I enjoy Xianxia, there's almost nothing in there that isn't male-oriented.
Meanwhile I go and read modern SF like The Three-Body Problem and the fucking Anglocunt translators have removed "problematic" lines about how good a woman is for being pure and angelic. (nevermind the english-original garbage they publish like "what if I were a dinosaur instead of a woman and could stomp all these icky white males" or "man you know what we need? another Star Trek fanfic by a faggot who doesn't get Star Trek in the first place".)
>(the remaining 10%, without going retardedly Sup Forums about it, are inevitably ethnic "minorities")
They're jews.
No need to beat around the bush.
>LNs are just fun reads, there's barely anything in the west that caters to male taste nowadays and there's something fun and comforting to read about a hero beating a dragon with his harems
Thats not true though. We have had this fad with DnD and its derivatives. We just got bored of it but it is still being written for young teen males.
There are plenty of fantasy books for males but current trend favors grit with GoT and Witcher being most famous examples. Its practically the polar opposite of LNs which are marketed as stress relif and selfinserts for otakus aka database animals.
They still make a bunch of Warcraft, WH40k, MtG, etc. books for that though. Also there's no shortage of cheap fantasy, it's just not very DnD-ish anymore.
They're trash, people who think that LNs aren't lowest common denominator shit are delusional.
Nah, outside of Abercrombie, Lynch and GRRM I can't really think of a writer who does grit.
They do still do self-inserts but it's generally ruined by "strong womyn" characters that are there to put them down to be politically correct.
The funniest shit in the world is when the worst political posers try this and end up making the women even more 2-dimensional than the average h-doujin. (see Rothfuss)
>Is there any actual good Light Novel series around or they are just overhyped memes made by hacks who can't draw or write serious novels?
Monogatari is amazing.
>If I don't know about it, then it doesn't exist
I don't know which is greater: the arrogance or the ignorance. It's just fucking staggering.
Are LNs full of isekai stuff? Why do people often bring up isekai while discussing light novels? What percentage of published light novels does isekai consist of?
Who knows. A lot of people read Webnovels and assume they're the same.
Isekai is a popular trend but not all of what's called Isekai really is. Some are just standard fantasy with a faked out first world-transition chapter to get isekaifans to read it.
>Why do people often bring up isekai while discussing light novels?
Because half of LN anime are isekai lately.
I just want tou to know your bookworm waifu would be disgusted by your LN reading ways. It's not too late to change Sup Forums.
Just like i'm disgusted by faggots on /lit/.
>tfw I remember helping those uneducated plebs learn about decent fantasy when that general was brandspanking new years ago
>tfw when philosopher-skimming homos took over the board to circlejerk about works they barely grasped
>tfw it's still shit
Get this retarded meme outta here. Wataru watari is fucking shameless writer and a biggest hack who is just salty that he's far below best writers in the game so he looks down upon writers who are below him and frame it as if all LNs are trash to taint the reputation of good LN writers.
>fantasy literature
>what is George MacDonald, Lord Dunsany, Mervyn Peake, E. R. Eddison and Clark Ashton Smith
First of all, Lolita just talks about the subject, but that's about it. It also shows that stuff like this never works out.
Oh, and Lolita actually did have trouble getting published.
Eh i can only see one isekai anime this season and from the previous year statistics there are more non isekai LN adaptations than isekai
People who complain about isekai and LN trash are the same group of people who don't watch anime and claim everything is moeshit.
You're right. i was exaggerating. It just feels that way because i come across a bunch of them every season.
Overlord is Isekai too. I agree it's not as pronounced as people make it out to be though.
i only read eroge or light novels ever since i learned Japanese when it comes to fiction. i don't fucking care what you retards think about them but i fucking love reading them
Please name some.
I really like the Monster Hunter series by larry correia and struggle to find fun books like that.
Any suggestions?
I remember reading shit from around early 1900's where MC was literally a former delinquent who became a teacher, and all women were after his dick. Shit was bizarre.
uh forgot to reply
You also forgot to give sauce.
Sukasuka and NHK have been my all time favourites so far.
Might not be a good idea reading either of them unless you want to wallow in absolute soul- crushing despair.
The thing is Harry Potter fucking took off in the West and this resulted in longer books for younger audiences coming into vogue. One older YA writer even mentioned this and her works shifted from small volumes to longer works. In terms of content and skill, however, they're largely the same. The idea of the series with like 18 fucking volumes isn't really there though, again due to the aforementioned longer individual installments becoming popular. The series that are longer are usually either without any particular overarching plot, and usually for younger children, or one of those weird soap opera novels series for adults that just go on forever.
>asking about LNs here when hardly anyone knows Japanese
Re:Zero and Violet Evergarden are good.
Probably because they /are/ trash. There are a few exceptions where the author can actually write worth a damn, but the set standard is teenage drivel where their only inspiration is other LN and Anime series, repeated ad nauseam until the whole "industry" is simply one big incestuous mess filled with the same recycled tropes completely disparate to anything resembling verisimilitude to the point where the only attraction to the series are the "girls" or "power fantasy" because we've come to the point where the only inherent value in literature is the actualization of carnal needs and desires rather than any artistic merit or thrilling content.
Really, the only people who don't think this way probably don't even read real books.
Yes, I am pretentious.
>inherent value
>artistic merit
>can't japanese
>knows nothing about LNs
Why don't you just jump off a tall building?
Why can't you just accept in your heart of hearts that you're reading trash?
I enjoyed this though its more of a short story.
Stuff like Konosuba are obviously low effort trash (barely 80 pages, written like a wattpad fanfic) but LN's like Haruhi, Mahouka or Monogatari are pretty much written like a book.
>they are just overhyped memes made by hacks who can't draw or write serious novels
this one
>calls people plebs
>reads fantasy
oh the irony
Are you retarded or what? Konosuba had at least 250 pages per each volume.