Today is discuss Shinka day, let's discuss Shinka!

Today is discuss Shinka day, let's discuss Shinka!

I respect Shinka.

I have donated lots of semen to Shinka!

Will Shinka ever receive dick?

I hope not, she needs to remain pure to fulfill her duties as Mori Summer.

i want to rape Shinka and then let the shelter dogs to fuck her too

whats there to discuss

In Reality,Japs banned Teenagers from wearing bikini in 2018 for the excuse of Tokyo olympic and preventing child porn.these Retarded barbarians are getting degenerated for years.But Teenagers of America are superior for they can wear bikini!!!!!

I really like Shinka.
Other girls should appreciate her superiority.

Why are they licking her?

Rikka > Sofia > Kumin > Deko > Fake Mori Summer > Shinka's classmates > Shinka

I chose not to choose the best girl. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got Shinka?

to worship her
we all need reason to live

A dowdy one piece is better

Bikini is the one of the symbol of Liberty.

And It is the most humane way to sexualize.

Sweaty pits.
They're attracted to Shinka's superior pheromones.

What does it taste like?

Does she always make cute noises when getting licked by dogs?

I don't like where this discussion is heading.

It taste like hopes and dreams.

I want to put my dick in her anus.

God, I would pay for lick her sweaty armpits.

Is it possible to talk about Shinka without sexualizing her?

>I want to put my dick in her anus.
I'm first, though.


Hope you're willing to pay really well, if you're gonna take your sweet time savoring them.
Shinka's too busy to get her armpits wet without good compensation.