Spoilers next week
>Gabi killing someone from SL
>Pieck attacking Zeke
What do you want to see the most?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Do Animeonlyfags already know you have to eat a titan shifter to become a titan shifter? Probably because of that Ymir flashback right?
Leaks now.
What will they show in the s3 trailer and what SHOULD they show?
all i know is we deserve a zackly OVA
I want to see Armin-sama, admiral of the seas next chapter.
>Even children
How will Mikasa react when she finds Gabi with a rifle?
She will kill her.
Or, since Gabi is a female Eren, Mikasa will start a /u/ relationship with her.
I doubt many have realized that just from the Ymir flashback.
That was already heavily implied in the Marcel flashback and Ymir's conversation with Bert.
That's some really good fanart
i want to see the shit machine
Mikasa is beautiful.
Good art but you should replace Mika’s a with erens canon wife, Annie.
This may be hard to believe but Annie is actually in love with eren
Tru desu senpai
One week from now
5 minutes
why not both
I'm impressed how dead these last threads have been, probably people started other mangas
These threads have rightfully been dead ever since
LM soon.
This shitstorm will hit soon with the new chapter, whatever happens in it
Pieck will destroy the survey cucks
Just wait until the chapter with EH child. The threads will blow up.
So it's never going to happen.
the manga has actually been more interesting lately, but the threads have attracted hardcore autist with their endless fights, making it a place to avoid outside of the first 2 weeks of the month.
Monday - Tuesday
Everyone abandoned these threads now that they're infested with redditors and landwhales.
When are the recap movies for S2 coming out again?
>dumblr didn't understand manlet and Mikasa plot
It's out in Cinema.
How could Annie be dead when she's at home taking care of Eren's children?
Is there an updated character chart?
Yes, check reddit
I dont think so. I already told my friend after S2 ended that many of the answers he needs to figure some stuff out are in the Ymir flashback. It took him about 30 minutes and me constantly telling him to think about it until he came to the conclusion. He pretty much figured it out when he started questioning where Erens father is. Fun day.
Most of them complained it was filler and didn't pay attention.
No, alive and running around.
I remember watching some reaction videos, because I was curious how anime only fags were reacting to some episodes. Funnily enough the majority of the girls went "Awww so adorabel and heartbreaking" during YH's moments, while a few guys went "enough of the dykes, give me muh action already"
>enough of the dykes, give me muh action already
>muh action fags next season
Could Paradis win against the Marley shifters without their own shifters?
They have 2 Ackermans, so yes.
Two Ackermans could beat all the shifters.
They would need an extremly good strategy though
Marley has an army, you can't ackerhax several thousands men
Only the shifters, not the human soldiers.
>3dmg fight inside the city
>Rescue of Trapmin and Jean kidnapped
>Hange wrecking the MPs in front of Reevs
>Hange and Manlet torturing the MPs
>Fight inside the cave when rescuing Eren
>turkey titan
It's going to have as much action as season 2.
>you can't ackerhax several thousands men
Oh you're right
I'm a speedreader now
Remember that they were mostly killed inside the walls.
>Zeke already lost to Levi in an open fucking field
>Galliard had a literal panic attack the moment the SL started attacking him
>Pieck is fast, but in bad terrain like Liberio the SL can get around and disable her with lighting rods, making her an easy target to defeat
>Warhammer Titan is pretty damn strong, but the SL could probably sever her connection and kill her
Dont forget about
>Eren vs Reiner
>Eren vs Bort
>Levi vs Zeke
>O MY OCEAN DREAM toastmin
>Kruger filler where he doesnt offscreen wreck the Marley fleet
Are we only getting the uprising arc, and no Return to Shiganshina?
I would imagine anime only watchers would freak out if they ended the series at the start of Grisha’s flashback
Ah yes, but I was talking only about Uprising.
They still didn't show any teaser of RTS arc, and they haven't confirmed the number of episodes yet so I'm not 100% sure this will be animated this year.
Season 3 ends with the ocean.
>This may be hard to believe but Annie is actually in love with eren
But Eren is only in love with revenge, so he has to freed Annie to someone to get another weapon.
>Behold, the sea...
Did he found the legendary "Hackerman killing guide" that was used in Paradis?
That seems like a lot, how many chapters is it from the start of uprising to the ocean?
Season 3 less than 12 chapters. Capture my message
For comparison, season 1 covered 33 chapters. They can easily cover everything, especially after they announced to cut down and simplify come stuff from the political arc since even Isayama wasn't pleased with it in the manga.
Maybe they'll change the order
It wouldn't shock me too much if they skipped the Grisha arc and ended directly at the ocean, then started S4 with the basement reveal
I bet none of those Ackermans had their powers awakened. They were all like Mikasa's father and Levi's mother; oppressed people who were kept poor and uneducated.
That would be the biggest "fuck you go buy the manga" in anime history.
Mostly excited for the new music... Linked Horizon's songs are what got me interested in anime music... they're almost a perfect balance between classical and power metal with a little Ennio Morricone thrown in for balance.
Does manlet have a hero complex?
Only brain dead retards would say yes. Marley is a nation of billions while Paradise doesn't even scratch one million. The Wall Titans are pretty much their only hope of victory.
Yeah if they cut the BS from the plots all arc and speed it up, they could get to the Ocean then
Only hard part would then be starting season 4 on WWI battlefield.....
Big Stepping Gabble
>Only hard part would then be starting season 4 on WWI battlefield.....
That isnt an issue, it wasnt in the manga either.
The issue is marketing season 4 without spoiling anything because everything after the ocean is a fucking plottwist and big spoiler.
>having a 4 year timeskip is a plottwist
>showing off Cart Titan with guns is a big spoiler
>showing Porco in titan form could easily imply Ymir is fucking daed
>showing any characters after the timeskip is a spoiler
>showing the MAIN CHARACTER OF THE SERIES is the biggest spoiler of them all because it would ruin the Mr. Kruger twist
They really shot themselves in the leg by not making season 2 have 24 episodes and then just releasing the Return to Shiganshina and Marley arc in one batch as season 3.
I literally have no idea how the fuck they want to show any footage of season 4 if they end s3 on the ocean reveal.
Reiner x Gabi doujin when
>this is Armin next chapter
So beautiful and brave, her transition is moving along nicely.
She's a bombshell
By the time the anime reach the ocean,everyone will know what is outside of the walls,so what they can do is make a trailer focused on the Warriors but showing only their titan form and also the young Warriors,they can show the fort slava operation and also the Liberio battle but make it look like the Warriors are fighting against the Marley soldiers.
They can also show glances of "Kruger" but keep it like a secrete(like quick flashes of him and scenes where he is hidden),and also Zeke's plans to the festival and Warriors reunion(both of them).
Just keep season 4 on the Warriors and keep Pieck and Porco away from the trailers.
Never. Don't be gross.
Gabi isn't for Reiner.
Do you think Armin has access to Berts memories when touching Eren and Historia and thats how they were able to infiltrate Marley?
>Armin has access to Berts memories when touching Eren and Historia
>Porco has access to bits of Ymirs memories just like that
There is absolutely a way to exploit this if even a retard can see past shifters memories.
Porco seeing Ymir's memories is nothing like this
Post the nude shoop I can't find it
Please god let her die
I hope Floch rapes her and Erens kills her.
Seems fun. Will definetly pirate it.
Do you like her too?
There is no such thing as gods, but if there was he would want Gabi to live.
I hope someone throws acid in your face.
Gabble gabble
I would love to see Annie again, but it won't happen. Gabi or Pieck killing SL members is a good replacement for me.
I can't wait to see try to act heroically and fail miserably because she's just a useless child
Colt and Gatebros tried to warn her of the danger but she wouldn't listen
Now is the time for more suffering
>not wanting for her to kill a relevant SL member.