
what the fuck did people like about this guy?

the looseness of his asshole

He's my favorite Griffith

Gappy no longer makes me happy. Support for Gappy will be in hiatus until mods stop deleting our threads.

mods = gods


He was meant to be more of a catalyst for the rest of the group to develop than the main focus of the group like the four protagonists prior. He created plenty of situations for the other cast members to shine, but as his own character he’s kind of meh. Like ‘more than the sum of it’s parts’ kind of deal. It was interesting twist on the types of protagonist Araki had written before, but it really only had enough steam for the one Part so you can see why he reverted back to his old style of protagonist for 6 onwards.


Then actually post something relevant instead of spamming the same fucking off-topic shit every thread and it won’t get deleted.

he literally cannot stop shitposting

Nigger should have taken the hint the very first time his post got deleted.

A fate worse than death. Imagine being Diavolo but instead of dying every 10 seconds you have to make the same exact post every 10 seconds for all eternity.

What the fuck did people like about JoJo?

She was hot.

I think it has to be a combination of his appearance, coolest moments, and what he was like at the beginning. When he was first introduced he was fun, and emotive, and capable of failure. He wasn't completely serious, and had a bunch of cool moments, like pretty much all his interactions with Koichi, turning the lighter into a flower and flirting with the guard, killing Polpo, sparing Buccellati etc.

Virtually all of that is lost as soon as he joins the gang. He never, ever makes attempts to get to know or bond with his coworkers. While they talk and joke around, he stands silently to the side. Every two fights or so, another character has to have an inner monologue about how great and inspirational he is, even though he's really just written as a more perfect, less emotional, less charming and less interesting Buccellati.

What happened to the thread?


mods hate shitposting

Stop making jojo threads unless there's a new chapter.

>Gappyposter just wanted to express his love
>this causes threads to become deleted
Do mods hate love?

We're on probation with mods for excessive shitposting, evidently

Let's be good boys and actually discuss JoJo.
I mostly just like his design, but otherwise he's my least favorite JoJo.

what specific shitposting killed it though?

If I had to guess, it's Gappyposter's fault for never giving up.

Just the sheer amount of it.

Agreed. Who is everyone’s favourite Rock Nigger so far? Damo’s still in first place for me but Urban is pretty great too, and both Aisho and Dolomite are endearing for their helplessness.

>Gappy makes me Happy
>Joshuu makes ME happy!
>Doppio gets me uppio
>I love~~~ 'fush saussages'
all of these

Gappyposter got a public ban once, and many deletions, but has never been anywhere near as relentless as hairposter.

Hair and hairwindow never get deleted though. Gappyposter keeps getting deleted but he never gives up no matter what, and it's caused us trouble now.

Aishou is my favorite for how he's characterized, but Damo is the objective best

I haven't read part 5 yet but he reminds me of Josuke but gayer

The mods probably got fed up with all the reports coming from Jojo threads.

I actually wanted to discuss the last thread's topic but nope. How about you grow some balls and stop fucking reporting posts and fucking us over.

He's nothing like Josuke. Part 4 is really heavily focused on Josuke's friends and how much he cares about them and just how they goof off and do stuff together, Giorno doesn't seem to give a shit about anyone in his group as long as they can do their jobs and stay alive.

I think so too. Let's all lay down and try to be good boys, everyone.

Me too. I made that thread and it felt bad to have it deleted.


>mod sees yet another report from a JoJo thread
>every single day
I'd get tired too if I were them. Either we stop reporting so much or we stop shitposting so much. Preferably both.

>constantly puts the group's safety over his
>doesn't seem to give a shit

To the user who was looking for me last thread, I feel like complete shit tonight so I can't write. I think I'll just rest. Sorry everyone.

Giorno was cool type of character but not developed enough to really shine. Araki also intended Jolyne to be a strong female character but she ended up being passive observer instead.

Dolomite. I find Dolomite fasctinating an I really felt for him. Araki has made a god effort about showing us he full spectrum of Rock Humans and their different interpretations of their philosophy. In general they are my favourite group of minor villains, and Damo is easily my second favourite fight in the entire series.
Urban is kinda overrated and it's no surprise whiy it was hard to find any art of him, turning up after amo/Dolomite and alongside Rai was a little awkward for him. He'less interesting as human than Rai with a shit stand, and less interesting as a Rock since Doremi exists. I mean it's a cool design and I love the double spread but hes down there with the Aphex Twins for me.
But that when it was Star Platinum was doing the shitposting, it wasone person who made 3-4 shitposts ever thread but changed them an actually made OC from them/interacted. Not defending him per se, but I miss when there was more effort. No bias because he used one of my Gappys

Where did Star Platinum go?

Stop it with the generals and start making actual threads then.

i don't think gappyposter is the op, i think they're all in a discord shitposting group

Jolyne is active in virtually every arc.

Part 1 is the only part where Jojo dies and the villain survives.

How so? She's reduced to reacting to everything, being bossed around by Jotaro and played by Pucci in every possible situation.

Read it again and see if you still feel the same. I thought so too until I reread it.

The key phrase here is 'as they can do their jobs and stay alive.' He doesn't care about what music they like, their political opinions, their stance on vegetarianism, he isn't interested in knowing them as human beings.

This is absolute nonsense. Even if you don't like her, Jolyne is easily one of (If not the most) outspoken and motivated Jojos, constantly enforcing her will, stating her mind, and pushing the plot.

I'll do that someday but give a few examples.

Was Jotaro intentionally being a dick here or was he just being autistic as always?

Why is Jolyne blushing? Does she want to fuck her dad?


>could've stopped time
>nah if my daughter wants to be retarded she'll deal with the consequences

Absolutely not. You really, really need to reread, this is missing the point about as badly as saying that Phantom Blood was defined by what a mean, horrible boy Jonathan was.

First of all, Jotaro is rendered comatose in literally the second fight in the part, and only returns for the very last one in it. She is not 'bossed around by Jotaro'. The story makes it extremely clear that Jotaro was never even around to do so. And when he was in prison with her, she was cold and dismissive towards him, though showed open yearning and excitement when she incorrectly thought he was reaching out to her and showing her affection. Jotaro was willing to sacrifice himself to save her and told her to escape with the SWF. Jolyne ignored this and chose to go back into jail, because that's where Whitesnake had gone with his discs.

In prison, she's extremely assertive - she makes Guess her bitch, she establishes herself as a force to be reckoned with, and she also goes out of her way to help another bullied girl out. When Hermes wants to kill Foo Fighters, Jolyne intervenes and says that F.F deserves a chance at a life beyond mindlessly following orders. After Jolyne inspires Anasui and Weather to lend their assistance to get Jotaro's memory-disc back, she breaks out of jail, but prioritizes chasing Pucci because she knows it's the right thing to do rather than focus on getting the disc directly to Jotaro. She's the leader of the team, they're all following her.

This claim about Pucci is absolute nonsense too - a villain winning a lot doesn't make a hero 'reduced to reacting to everything', particularly when said hero goes out of their way to chase said villain down.

He believes in his daughter.

The more I reread Stone Ocean the more I fall in love with Jolyne. She's so good.

>7shitters still haven't killed themsleves yet

>7pleb mad because jolyne does more than johnny

>does more
>jobs to a literal child

My post was rude, unhelpful, and contributed nothing but needless aggression to the thread. I'm very sorry and will try not to do it again.

Based jannies

What about 6 and 7?

Was this the pinnacle of the series?

Not when 80% of it is a waste of time.

>favorite artstyle
>favorite villain
>favorite antagonist ability
for me, yeah

It wasn't janitor shit, I deleted it myself.

Pucci dies and is erased from existence in 6, and Jolyne arguably lives on in Irene. Valentine and Diego both die in 7.

>Valentine and Diego both die in 7
Yeah and the villain gets to live. That's my point

why Does One Person Play In the lives of Others? who Gets to Educate us about This or that? Someone does not have the right to dictate whether or not your posts May be shitposts, Everyone here appreciates what you did crappyfag. Unjust is what I call this, it Puzzles me that someone would go to such lengths to go against your Posting~ Infact, One might say that they are stealing the lifeblood of these threads. but shitposting will find its way, one way or another.

>Everyone here appreciates what you did crappyfag
I fucking hated him from day 1

I knew it, you're actually writeanon aren't you?

since mods want us to discuss
what is your favorite part and why?

I'll start.
Part 7
>best and most realistic jojo
>good character development and arcs
>memes aside, good villain
>diego is handled well
>doesn't rely on stand of the week to much

Oh, you were trying to make that joke again.

Nope, I would never lewd my beautiful Doppio like that degenerate, I don't have a split personality so you can't make that claim.
Guess you were the one who went to such lengths.
you're also missing the joke of my post, but if I explain it then it'll become meaningless

Huge Giornofag here. In general, I just like quieter characters as I feel like there's a lot more to dissect about them. There's a certain amount of unshown personality and subtle characterization to them. The kinda thing like looking for smaller things and catching some new character traits while rereading is what I love. I love analyzing characters and that's why I love Giorno. He's a great subtly written character. I think saying he's boring is basically admitting that you glossed over his characterization. Not saying people are wrong or stupid for thinking that, just a bit ignorant

>saying he's boring is basically admitting that you glossed over his characterization
>just a bit ignorant
Why are Giornofags like this? I've never met one that didn't have an inferiority-complex, or who didn't spout passive-aggressive crap.

Stone Ocean.
>Sexiest Jojo also a very fun and respectable character
>Plot that resumes the series main story after the past 2 parts were rather gaiden-ish
>Awesome main villain, probably the best
>Creative action packed fights and story pacing

2 x 2 B A L L S

Nice try 6ie.

Agreed. Not only that too but Jolyne is such a badass.

Name one (1) thing that makes him different than a blond Griffith.
literally the sale exact character down to the muh dreem part

>a bit ignorant
what he said :

he is 15. mods pls ban

What did Sup Forums think of the Diamond is Unbreakable movie? I just saw it last night and thought it was pretty decent

Didn't read Berserk yet so I have no clue, but isn't he considered a good character anyway? Is that an insult or a compliment?

He didn't rape Trish in front of Buccellati.

I'm Giorno was done before but better

*I'm saying

Buccellati isn't romantically involved with Trish so this is a shit analogy.

But you said they're literally the same

>Gappy's reactions to certain things match the general reader's position, feels are you are adventuring with him
>Minor villains are this interconnect web where even the most minor like Ojioro link back into the plot.
>Constant suspense, theories.
>Feel pity for the Rock Humans even though they are the aggressors, feel pity for Gappy's entire situation.
>Sides characters minus Daiya/Kyo have al lcome into their own and the down time chapters between events show the developments of the cast
>Best Stand/Character designs
6 was my previous favourite part, but to sound like a complete mongoloid, I feel every part is better than the last.
I like quieter character but the newer translations made Giorno even more flatter for me. Giorno is great if you ant to project/fill with autism but I feel he still falls flat at many points. I don't thin he quite hits the random personality shifts part 4's cast held but Giorno feels inconsistent and mre towards a hazy mess. Take for example Baby Face and White Album, Giorno fights vastly different in each one, making the stupid "drive car into water versus ice stand" into the ear thing and being more tactically aware than the older Melone. His speeches, like one given to Cioccolata doesn't match with his back story or his general goal. He's portrayed as a street rat who lied and became smart in a street sense way to be able to survive and get his dream. This is reinforced repeatedly with his interactions with Bruno, Abbachio and Koichi, so it seems mismatched that he gives his doctor speech. The Talking Head fight for example, there was no need for Giorno to Lightbulb and kill the entire flow of the fight, messing with the crew's interactions. I like him, he's not my least favourite but I sometimes feel too many Giofags project onto him. I feel that's why in both GHGR and PHF, the Giorno's presented are entirely different.
I would murder for a Part 5 where Araki didn't have his down swing.

Diavolo then, since Trish canonically wants to fuck him.

they're literally the same personality wise, what i meant by done better was that Miura did a better job in execution, he put Griffith in situations that showcase his Charisma and willingness to make sacrifice in order to follow his dream alot better than what Araki did with Giorno

I think Mista would be the best fit

braised bear poster

>Araki isn't the best writer
In other news

your mom is wet

based hairwindowposter

Whi's your favourite Husbrando?
mine is part 6 DIO

Are we all scared of mods?

we'll just make another thread if they get their panties in a twist. and another one if they delete that one.
They literally have no power here

I don't want Gappyposter to give up. I don't want the original thread maker to give up either. I don't want anyone to give up. It's what the JoJos have taught us, like in those meme images.