How do we stop them?

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By banning netflix shill threads.

So how long until anime version of GamerGate happens?

We can’t! Anime is DOOMED
And it’s all YOUR FAULT

>stop netflix from giving money to studios

so they're actually funding original series instead of just slapping their name over distributing rights.

>Implying Netflix won't force them to shove their agenda.
Anime cons already have panels that are focused on gender and feminism.
Funimation shoves their politics in translations.
AnimeGate is coming.

Because Netflix subs make shit translated by LH look amazing.

We don't


I'm having a hard time seeing a sjw agenda in devilman crybaby

Problem isn't Netflix, they'll just do whatever the target audience is willing to pay for.
Problem is anime stopping to be a niche hobby. Normies ruin everything they touch.

Let them be. Let netflix cater to the west while japan keeps making the moe/loli stuff. If [insert prude-feminist] tries to use netflix anime's success as reason japan should stop being pervs then get loud, don't dox or similar shit.

>le Sup Forums argument
Go back to ResetEra

Nice /mlp/ defense

>Actually giving a shit about what goes on in American animecons
kys Sup Forums

It's 2007 all over again but this time with anime.
Soon there will be nothing but SJW pandering.

>Normies ruin everything they touch

Nothing is sacred anymore.

Literally who gives a fuck about "western" anime cons?

Anime is "cool" now just like games became cool since 2007.
Prepare for normiedom.

It's pretty ironic giving that anime and manga have been treated the same way as western comic fans were before it suddenly became cool and hip to latch onto that fanbase for validation.

I'm not worried. It's Netflix's Japan branch that is heading this. They will have the west as an audience in mind but it won't be as bad as you guys think.

Game of Thrones is edgy too it's nothing special, violence and gore and sex is mainstream now. Until Fate Illya's on Netflix I'll be convinced this is the death of anime.

Like a majority of Sup Forums can tell if a sub is shit or not. If you hate the sub so much why not learn Japanese and watch it in it's native language?

Well, look at VEG.
They have managed to completely ruin one of the best anime studios out there.
I don't give a shit about KyoAni, but anime as a whole is a different story.

People are bitching about "gatekeeping" but the truth is that people are seeing the same people that bullied them for liking anime now pretending to like them because it's suddenly "cool".

Why is Netflix so bad at doing weebshit?
>Release mediocre at best readaptation of an old manga that is panned by anyone with a brain and filled with sjw shit
>Release low effort edgy shlock like B
>Release garbage CGI fests like Sidonia
>Subs are garbage

Not a fan of Amazon getting into the market, but at least they're not afraid to license stuff like Made in Abyss.

Kyoani ruined themselves

What about VEG? I never watched a single episode. Is it some SJW propaganda?

>it won't be as bad as you guys think.

I disagree with a lot you say, but here I agree.
It will be worse.

Nothing of the sort. There's a marriage with a 14 year old and romance between violet (14 years old) and Gilbert.

Shill Thread


Go back to Sup Forums

and that will cause a backlash vs netflix in the west as being too extreme

I can see where the problem lies with that. Thing is these people will always stay in their containment series, they won't be able to see anime or manga for the medium it is and will only like shows from childhood but the problem lies with them becoming ironic weebs and damaging the image worse than Narutards did back in the early 00s.

The only bad thing is we need to rely on fansubs for netflix shows and we have like 2-4 decent ones left.

No user, you are the normie, you filthy normalfag scum.

We must suicide bomb Netflix HQ. The path to Jehenna is clear to us, Brothers. Our waifus await us in the next life. Allah wills that we destroy these infidels before they destroy our anime.

>Letting the white man touch anime.
It's over boys.

It takes a special kind of retard to defend horrendous sub quality.


I hate people that only watch shit like Keijo or New Game but shows like these are necessary. They show that the medium is free from SJW and feminist degeneracy.
With Netflix funding more and more anime they will surely demand studios to alter some of the content.
At first they pretend they don't care and that they give them freedom but it won't be long until they will become dependent on them.

I'm actually pretty happy we're getting some classic manga released in English for the first time this decade we would never have gotten years ago. That's something to be thankful for I guess with this recent boom in anime and manga overseas.

Cast them Sup Forums.

>Implying Netflix won't force them to shove their agenda.
>"Push these agenda in your shows yellow man"
>"No, Nippon Banzai!"

Kill yourselves
Netflix pays such a low rate for subtitling that no one who's in any way competent will work for them, because they can just get a job literally anywhere else that pays 4+ times as much.

>implying Nips won't bow down given enough money
Netflix and SJWs know that anime is the last bastion that wasn't yet corrupted by their agenda. They will try everything to change that because once they succeed, everything mainstream will be under their control.

Fuck off.
You don't belong here.

netflix is a good deal for studios
just don't support shows that pander, I think studios are clever enough to realize the reason the international fanbase exists is because they create for the domestic market

The budget for subtitling anime will be higher as that's a crucial part of it, that's not really where the issue is.

Cry more nigger. Bet you wish you could downvote my posts right about now :^)

>trying to stop American anime

It is inevitable

Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish
Remember that Netflix is just tumor doing what all tumors do

>implying Nips won't bow down given enough money
>and alienate their most loyal fanbase
Jap otaku dont really care much for the current state of western progressivism. The higher ups aren't stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot over this.

>people on Sup Forums claiming to not be normies
>the largest western anime discussion board in the west
When will people realise this isn't a sekrit club anymore? It hasn't been for over a decade now. Why are newfags this insufferable?

Why would they bow to the west? It's not like anyone here actually buys anime or anything.

When the money from outside becomes greater than the money from inside, it won't be shooting themselves in the foot.

It's not about budget, they're just not willing to pay people to sub stuff for them because they don't care about subtitles in the first place. The only reason they even have them is because they were sued and the court ruled against them.
All they care about is getting normalfags to give them money every month in exchange for the absolute minimum expenditure, and that applies to everything they have, not just anime.

>all of these netflix shills
It's a sad time to be alive

I don't see it as a problem, All they're doing is giving money to studios and saying do your work, IF they start doing some nonsense like to appeal to the SJW cry babies and start fucking with scripts then we can start crying.

I buy physical releases of manga but only series I actually really like even then I know it does fuck all to actually influence the market. I just like having the physical editions since they are nice to own.

That is true for normal shows where barely anyone uses subs, you're deluded if you don't think the budget for anime is higher because of the medium. The issue isn't with bad subs, it's with castrating what kind of anime content will be allowed.

People here don't, but it breeds ironic weebs who do buy shit, unfortunately.

Jesus why all the doomposting? Netflix realizes that the main appeal of anime to the west is its eccentricities brought about by nip culture. Why would they willingly undermine it's main appeal?

At worst we'll get substanceless 90s OVA-tier action spectacles. Sprinkle in a little bit of Space Dandy, maybe reviving old series like what Adult Swim did with FLCL, and if you're all lucky they might even get the chance to get you that manga adaptation you've always wanted.

That will never happen though. They know enough to understand that the people that want these changes don't even buy the product they are complaining about. Oh and this Anime will always be Japan>Everyone else.

>from outside
Chances are it'll be from asia rather than murica. Asians and Europeans are way bigger weebs than the US.

While I understand your sentiment, the problem with your reasoning is that Netflix is a relatively new force in the Japanese market. Yes, they're a cash cow - however, they aren't essential to the market. Studios are producing shows perfectly fine relying almost entirely on the domestic Japanese market, and the addition of Netflix isn't going to impact their ability to survive on the domestic market - it just means that there's an alternative for studios who want to produce content for Netflix market

Why would it? We don't give a fuck about reviews written by women

>netflix this
>netflix that

You're all retards. The chinks are the real big boys.

Overseas money is 40% right now, and it's mostly from China
So 80-90% of all gross anime profit is from Japan and China
And I haven't counted Korea yet
The balance isn't shifting any time soon and the market isn't sustainable for western culture

>We don't give a fuck about reviews*

More like we don't give a fuck about anything, to be honest. One of the things I like about Sup Forums is that when some Sup Forumstard comes here and makes thread about some dumb youtubers or mal posters or what the fuck we tell him to fuck off.

Does this mean we can get more Kuromukuro?

I watch only ecchi and doubt netflix will cater to my taste.


Watch literally any anime Netflix has and you'll see that the subs are just as bad as the fucking Bulgarian subs for the 2005 King Kong movie.
Netflix doesn't care about anime and will not put any special effort into it. Someone has to have the picture showing the comparison between Netflix's subs and Asenshi's subs for Violet Evergarden, can you post it? Netflix's subs genuinely make zero conversational sense.

anime hasn't been niche since the 80s, get over yourself, there have been multiple generations that grew up with anime since it stopped being 5 turbo neckbeards (often some of the biggest manchildren around to) distributing shit.

It's probably because youtubers and mal reviews don't mean anything. They should just watch the show and make up their own mind about it. Sup Forums being the most xenophobic board towards all the others helps a lot.

It’s Netflix japan, it’s separate from the western one.

Just because people watched Dragon Ball as a kid doesn't mean it's not a niche hobby. By your accounts and logic then it hasn't been niche since the 60's since Speed Racer aired overseas. The mainstream only really cares about Ghibli or if they're black as fuck it's DBZ. That's about it.

When and if they fund a Parallel Paradise adaptation and the like maybe they'll be something other pure evil

What the fuck is GamerGate anyway and why are people applying it to anime? Wasn't it just some sort of controversy over reviews or something? Nobody gives a fuck about anime "critics" here anyway.

>anime hasn't been niche since the 80s
Maybe if you are talking about absolute classics like Akira or Ghost in the Shell which were big at least in my country (Poland) but anime overall is a niche hobby and only recently it's becoming cool because people who watched those grew up and now occupy job in media etc.

You guys should be more worried about china

Just ignorant Americans applying a suffix that has no business being used in such situations

The live action wasn't to bad.

ORIGINAL series..!

Anime has definitely stopped being niche in Asia ever since the 90s.

I don't know enough about live action western actors anymore to make a good choice. How young does Tom Cruise look?

Yes. It started because people were upset that some feminist got good reviews for her game because she slept with reviewers and journalists.
But later it turned into the whole "Gamers are dead" shit and thanks to Zoe Quinn and Anita whole world started to see gamers as sexist and racist bigots. And this is what GG has become.
So by AnimeGate i don't mean reviews but some big drama blown by media to destroy the franchise and take control over it.

why does people think that netflix investing on some shounen anime for the mutt audience means anime is dying

The chick didn't even sleep with the dude in the end. GG was Sup Forumstard injecting right-wings shit in videogames. These days half of the GG users are from the Donald and shit like that.

Because they become the majority and pollute the fanbase more than people who don't want bland battle shounenshit?

Sup Forums has aready had it's somethingGate though. It was when that mod banned a guy for posting a webm with nipples so Nipmoot said anime nipples are ok.

Learn moon, discuss on the nip sites and you won't have to see the so-called casuals. There, problem solved.

>I hate people that only watch shit like Keijo or New Game but shows like these are necessary. They show that the medium is free from SJW and feminist degeneracy.
What the fuck did he mean by this.

specifically, her EX got together with some people on a raid irc and started throwing shit around. The guy who apparently gave the game a good review never actually wrote about the game. Because never let facts get in the way of a good story eh?

The IRC logs were all uploaded online years ago.

Why do Netflix/Crunchyroll threads attract Sup Forumstards anyway?