ITT post your dream harem of anime girls or boys


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One of the shittiest tastes I've ever seen.

++ Utena, Benten
+ Hitagi, Faye, Satsuki, Chihaya
+ Yukiko


Please do post your.

>having a harem when Senjougahara is on that list
It's like saying you want a garage with a Ferrari and the rest of the garage are trashy cars.

Who is the bottom left?

Kill yourself.

I need a row for more best girls.

Underrated taste
What is so great about her? She seems like a bland cunt.

This but unironically

Waifu gluttons. Don't you fags have a semblance of standards?

The funny thing about Benten is that she’s such a fantastic character but I still hate her guts.

Ukiko from Kabuki.

God, I remember this template. It's all the way from ... 2004-05. Yeesh.

Anyone got that site with all the harem templates?

This was the site I made mine but it is showing 403 now

You can use the simple 3x3 maker from this site

benten, hitagi and satsuki trying to kill each other in the most passive-aggressive ways possibile, Faye steeling your money left and right, Utena and Yukiko minding their own business.
Chiahaya meanwhile is playing Yaku Isshin in the corner of the room


Is this bait?

Having multiple girls in some tiles is playing dirty user


++ Faye

I approve.

Shit taste.

Any list with the Major, Saber and Faye cannot be shit.

Yet somehow he managed to make it shit anyway. Go figure.


>Not liking Aqua or Akane

I guess that would be mine.



Somehow, it turned into some sort of de facto standard and by the time I considered balancing mine, I was already too autistic to deviate from it.

I haven't seen a Mikifag in a while. I feels like a rare sighting at this point.

I made this about 10 years ago, and my tastes really haven't changed since then

>I haven't seen a Mikifag in a while.
Same, I don't know where they all went.

Surprised to see Kaoru being popular. Kenshin and his villains outshone other side characters too much in the show.

To me someone like soujiro is the first one come to mind when thinking about Kenshin side characters than Kaoru.

Had a good laugh with you fags having a dream harem consisting in incompatible girls.

Especially with all those Tsunderes.

People actually still read Dorohedoro? Lol, why hasn’t that shit ended yet.

Great taste, each row got better and better

Wouldn't she be the default normalfag choice for anyone who felt attached to a female character in that title? She's practically there from the beginning and probably the one who got the most screen time among the female cast. She gave a homeless Kenshin a home even if he's a magnet for trouble just because she can tell that he was a good guy. That would make an impression on anyone, at least from my perspective.

The only common denominator the characters need to be in one of these things is for the person who made it to like them a lot. Whether the end result turns into heaven or hell or anything in between, it's part of the fun.

You have Japan to blame for that one. They keep cranking out more of them. Even mine was half-filled with tsundere before realizing it.


To me Tsunderes in general just seem to have more Spirit/spunk/personality than most other archetypes in anime. I am pretty boring guy, so it's great wish fulfillment for me to see such characters.

I mean there are some with no redeeming qualities like the one from Masamune revenge anime but the popular ones like Toshaka, Akane, Kurisu, Taiga, Asuka, Kaname etc... are just charming.

It's a femdom thing.