Fate/Extra Last Encore

>less than 100 people on earth and timeline is probably on its way to become a lostbelt
>mooncell got sick of humanity's shit and started discarding from the bottom layer
>seraph is dead and the entire of hgw is only being held by together by chakravartin
And I doubt Hakuno would get his wish granted by the Mooncell even if he managed to get pass Buddha/Twice since it didn't seem like it wanted to deal with human anymore. Seems to me this LE timeline is the worst of bad ends and nothing sort of Root fuckery could save it.

Other urls found in this thread:

dvdbd.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/Fate/stay night

God I want to be that sash

Mooncell and SE.RA.PH. are the same thing. Hakuno kickstarted it when he killed Shinji, now the gears are slowly turning again.
He'll just have to kill other masters and defeat Buddha, then the Holy Grail will grant his wish. It's still there after all.

>I don't follow

Praise the Emperor Nero!


God I love my wife. Say what you want about other stuff, but Shaft definitely did her justice in the audiovisual department.

>fate without Shirou

Le is a prologue for lostbelt 4 search your feelings you know it's true

I am genuinely enjoying this series despite knowing nothing about Fate other than watching UBW and Zero

Yeah, it's a good show. Despite having some pacing issues, it holds up because the visuals are great (even though Shaft's typical TV quality shows its ugly head here and there) and i the mystery it keeps up regarding Hakuno's true identity is engaging. We can only hope that the ending will be worth the wait.

Watch Apocrypha

Apo is the worst Fate anime of them all, maybe only surpassing DEEN's TV series. Its problems lie in its source material - the story is incredibly long and dull, with a top of missed opportunities. Apocrypha leaves you frustrated at best and bored to death at worst, and even a very bad show is better than a very boring show. It's only better than DEEN's series because at least it doesn't spoil a much better story that you would otherwise read, being a pretty faithful adaptation.

To be fair, Shaft is horrible in explaining shit. People only understand what's going on through previous knowledge (of EXTRA and Extella) and with extensive analysis (Rani mentioning the dolls could become other things explaining Hakuno's gun, Dan's trick was shooting and reflecting the bullet into a bell to lure people into a trap). It's as if it was a badly adapted LN/VN

Nah, definitely it's far better than people make it seem like.

It's not a bad show, it's a very dull and inoffensive show. That's why I said that even a bad show would've been better - at least then you would've gotten something out of it. But as it stand, Apocrypha is just a painfully average TV series that leaves you with pretty much nothing to discuss or think about.

Really makes me think. I bet the conclusion will be some mind-blowing shit since we are pretty much in the dark here.

Also please post more pic related.

>dull and inoffensive
Then I guess we watched different shows. Also, people keep discussing it over and over, for the battles and for why Shirou was wrong and had to be stopped. It's constantly popping up here is Fate threads and apparently the same at /vg/

Apocrypha's got some of the best action in Fate anime though, that makes it well above average.

I understood the bell trick when I was watching the raw, and I know barely any Japanese. I don't think it was badly shown.
I think the issue is a lot of exposition. That's not even Shaft's issue, that's Nasu's issue. He loves writing walls of exposition dialogue, I still remember almost falling asleep during some parts of Heaven's Feel where characters were literally sitting in one room and discussing how Holy Grail works for half an hour.
I dunno, I see barely any Apo discussion nowadays. Hell, I saw barely any Apo discussion when it was airing, it seemed like most people left during the second cour.

Like I said, Apo is not a bad TV show. It was perfectly fine, and that was the issue. I'd say that's the issue with most A-1 shows, it feels like that whole studio is devoid of any passion for their art.

>apparently the same at /vg/
The only times Apo is mentionned on /fgog/ is to talk about how bad it is, how Amakusa did nothign wrong and how Sieg is an abolute piece of shit of an MC. Also when they were laughing at the siegfag on Apo threads.

>less than 100 people on earth
Missing a few zeroes there.

Rani is underrated.

>I barely see any Apocrypha discussion
It's actually being resparked recently because Extella and FGO exposed the stuff of pruned timelines and Lostbelts, together with the existence of an Amakusa Shirou that came from one of those. So people started to theorize that Shirou winning and making everyone immortal lead to stuff like either some sort of abuse of power to wreck the world or stagnation of civillization - both cases making the timeline candidate for being pruning.

Also, whenever Karna is brougth up, it leads to discussion that included always the same guy that didn't research thinking Brahmastra Kundala is stronger than Balmung instead of equal. There were some discussions regarding Achilles offensive use of Achilleus Kosmos, the extent of Chiron's power, reasons Jeanne couldn't abuse CS to force servants to kill themselves etc.

I fucking knew it. "Rin" was Tamamo all along

Nero is Arthuria



>she looks slightly different
>she "gave" her servant to Shinji, that's something Tohsaka would never normally do
>she drank the mana drink for servants, not masters
>the bucket with those drinks had Tamamo's sticker on it, why would such a thing have some random Servant's sticker plastered on
>she has some weird abilities much like Hakuno, except she's supposed to be an ordinary hacker
It's not a perfect theory, but I won't be surprised if it turned out to be true.


>Apocrypha leaves you frustrated
indeed they cocktease me with astolfo i only want to cuddle him

>Flop tier
>1,478 pt (***,504; 2018/05/23) Fate Extra
Be honest with me, is it really that bad?

Hey, what a coincidence. I just finished UBW and Apocrypha before that. Aside from Fate/Extra is there any Fate worth watching? I mainly liked it because the animation and fights were so good.

They switched the place and points for maximum shitposting.

I love the emperor!

Not that bad since it doesn't look like LE has a huge budget and it's only one core show, i'm still a little sad wish they put more effort for umu

You can wait for heavens feel movies, I don't think deen's fate worth watching

Watch Zero.

Zero. I recommend reading Zero's final volume in addition to the anime, Apocrypha's manga for explanations the anime skipped and Strange Fake


I know it makes more sense to watch Zero before UBW, but did anyone do the opposite?

Dude Nasushit lol.

>The Mooncell of the timeline Alaya in the Seraph inside the Grail (Buddha Twice) LE Timeline Root wishes chakravartin chakra.

I started with Deen Fate/Stay Night, then Zero and UBW last. I do not understand how anyone could not do the same. Do you watch new trilogy before old trilogy as well?

Actually, it's supposed to be the opposite, since the VN was released before Zero. Thing is Zero is nicely self-contained and no full Heaven's Feel adaptation mean people can watch them sequentially

Umu is the best and I love her!


First week sales:
43621 Fate/stay night UBW
42690 Fate/Zero
18671 Fate/stay night
6184 Fate/Apocrypha
(4940) Fate/EXTRA Last Encore

LE's numbers are the current projection, including both BDs and DVDs.

>since the VN was released before Zero
That's irrelevant for the anime though, which is why ufotable did Zero first and then UBW

do people not realize breaking 1k sales is still okay for anime

>worse than apo

nero has the most pokable tummy ever

You display anger, tamamocuck! Is it rage over it being a shitty anime since it lacks Tamamo?!

LE is one core tho

You're supposed to read the VN, and then watch Zero.


Fair enough. I lacked time to read a single route of VN, not mentioning the whole Fate, so I went for anime instead.


>Nero spends all Extra hitting on Hakuno
>in the sequel we learn that Hakuno is actually the sexually aggressive one

Those numbers don't make any sense. I don't think you mentioned all sales for Apo and LE, and I have no idea where you found the numbers for DEEN/stay night. Zero and UBW also seem kinda inflated compared to others, they probably include something we're not aware of. We should also consider that DEEN/stay night and Apo/LE came out at very different points in time, the industry changed a lot since those days (multiple editions and streaming services were not a thing back then, we should also consider overseas licencing).
Honestly, this sales autism is stupid. The actual serious analytics require numbers we will never see, and simply looking at amazon sales or whatever and making judgement is like judging video game success by Steam sales.

That was his Mind. Mind!Hakuno is pure passion, he completely overwhelmed Nero by his advances. The actual Hakuno is more calm and collected because his Soul makes him more passive.


dvdbd.wiki.fc2.com/wiki/Fate/stay night
I compared the first week sales of the first volumes because that's the only meaningful prediction Stalker can make.

The LE estimation was taken from Stalker by adding up all the editions:
Since posting that, the projection has fallen again, it's now 4924.


>Red Saber seems to be top tier waifu material
>Can't get over that she's supposed to be this literal neckbeard

Would you want his neck hairs caressing your balls as he sucks you off?

Why do secondaries hate Fate/stay night VN?


I tried my best to like this but holy shit, this is worse than Apo.

Takeuchi art maybe, I have a friend who played staynight but he can't play tsukihime

Artoria is supposed to be this.
That's just something you learn to ignore in Fate.

I think that's easier for me to handle cause Arthur is completely mythological. Nero was a real dude.

>You never repopulate the world with a roman Emperor

I don't hate it, but I don't feel the need to glorify it or even read it

Umu! My name is Nero, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day rooting for stupid chariot teams while I actually get to drive in one. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than losing to some Iron Age Warrior Queen.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I started the great fire of Rome in A.D. 64 so that I could re-build the city center and seized Iceni land. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Eastern people”? I also get to perform in the coliseum, and have several hot puellas (They like orgies; Shit is SO cash). You are all faggots who should just crucify yourselves. UMU!

Pic Related: It’s me and my Praetor

Servants are just ghosts and dont have physical gender anymore

I don't know, those numbers still seem very strange to me. Curtain Raiser was the first DVD release of FSN apparently, how expensive was that? How much money did it make? How long have they been keeping track? Because you should also consider that we're comparing the lifetime sales of a 12-year-old anime to Apo. And are you sure that numbers on dvdbd.wiki correlate with those on stalker?
I have a degree in economics and my gut feeling is telling me that we're missing a large amount of stuff going on beyond Amazon. We don't even know how costly each of those productions were, not to mention things like investors, other sources of revenue and adverts.
I'm just saying that we really shouldn't take those numbers as gospel or anything.

You should swap Nero for NIKUI, he would be a much better fit.

Those are Oricon numbers, not just Amazon.

I wonder how book episode will be if it will be one or two episodes to solve everything

At this point I'm glad that Tamamo isn't in this shit show.

5,978 Prisma Illya

Too much unnecessary character internalization.

Fate anime is better than the LN/VN.

That has to be the most retarded argument there user

Tamamo is Rin we will soon see the truth

By this point Tamamo is blessed to not be part of it

>being blessed
Sure thing foxcuck fag

I felt quite offended watching it.


Whatever you say

Zero it is then. Thanks!


She will job to Nero, user

Don't bring suzuka to this you fag


Finally decided to emulate Extra and went with Caster since I'm watching Nero route
Rin or Rani?


Maybe Rani would be better since she died so fast in LE and we still got Rin

Rani was boring desu

They're both bitches desu, would let both die if it was possible

Dont lewd book

>tfw we will never get the scrapped Leo route