Hakumei to Mikochi

No thread? The episode was really good.

But why was the lizard pink?

Oh you.

Waiting for subs

WAR ... WAR never changes!

For so long I went on without knowing the background art studio had a logo, never seen one in credits.


already out...what are you talking about?

Oh yes

Motherfucking thief guild.
Funny image for some reason, need some big ass titties though.

Why is Konju feel so at home at a criminal den?

Is it because she also works as a prostitute at the place?

If you're watching sentai's release of this show, and you don't know Japanese, then you're not actually watching this show.

if it's green then it's dead

But HakuMiko are flat. This woman on the other hand is a tiny cow semen demon.


just watch fucking horrible subs


We takunomi now.

>habit-forming smoke
Corruption doujins when?

Well I do, I know Japanese. If YOU'RE doing it, then you're watching a different show, one where dialogue is always somewhat disjointed and sometimes makes no sense whatsoever and essential plot points are often shrouded in mystery so thick that nobody could reasonably be expected to understand them.


They consume an awful lot of various kind of drugs. Is that why they are so "peacful"?

Probably not a good show for recovering drug addicts.

Lets hope we see more of this little cute.

You can just compare it to a corresponding manga chapter to see where the errors were.

Or you could just wait two days for subs like a civilized EOP?

Is it normal to have a crush on Mikochi? She somehow has a naturally seductive air. I find her mature, feminine personality extremely sexy.

Enjoy even deader threads then.
I'm happy enough with the current subs because they convey the plot just enough to make at least some sense. They also aren't filled with dumb through the dark lord shit so that's a plus in my book.

Is it even possible to not love her?

Jesus Christ.

No, Dark Lord.


Nice episode, the pickpocket quarters/Honey house seems like a dead one though seeing how these fags just wanted to be invited.

What's Archer doing there?

my comfiness has become something different

Honey Home confirmed as opium den. We need tiny Lin Zexu to clear the place out!

This setting is lucky it's so damn comfy. We know the caravan is packing heat, so a gang war like this could have been the exact opposite of everything else in the show.

The art reminded me of mistudomoe.I cant think of lewd things, some big titties might change that though.

These little quips are what makes this show alive

I want to abduct Konju.

ᵐᶦᶜʳᵒ ᵇᶦᵏᶦⁿᶦ

Hakumei you can just ask her out.

delete this

This was such a fun episode, especially Konju was great, didn't expect her to be so cool about everything.

I want to tickle Konju's back.

I thought she would be a complaining ojou-sama-like this episode but she is pretty hardcore herself too. Must be an ex-gangaanger.
I want to grab those shoulder blades and swing her around!

Stitchbro, where art thou?

Yeah, exactly.
But apparently she enjoyed it a lot.

Something felt off this episode.

Its one long story than a multiple short ones.

How stupid are you?

i can't believe it was really necessary to burn alive so many tiny people and animals for a plot purpose

Meant that it wasn't as engaging.

Did she just start a gang war on a random impulse?

Am I the baka? I had a hard time following characters motivations this episode.

I wish our old/newfag wars were half as fun.

It was already on way, she just added more fuel for chance to taste some legendary alcohol.

If you had waited for subs, you'd know that she fucking lives there.

>oldfags on 5chin
>newfags joined
>oldfags wanted to be included in the cool shit that newfags did
>didn't get included
>made some funny pranks to get attention
>in the end thanks to booze/drugs and good food oldfags and newfags joined up again in a feast

Hakumei isn't a boy?

If you wouldn't write like a fucking faggot someone might feel like listening to you.

No, she's Mikochi's female husband.

My autism won't let me.

I really thought they were going to end the show on gang wars. What's a good place to stop besides it? Rhythm of the Deep?

i would never join up with newfags

You just need a Sup Forums julep (bleach)

Seriously dude most show's you're fine but Sentai's TL for this show is legendarily incompetent. She just straight up doesn't know Japanese.

I don't care. These subs in particular don't bother me and I don't know enough Japanese to confirm if they're completely wrong or not, so I'm going to keep using them because they come out first and aren't riddle with retarded memes and forced localizations.
Also, there's nothing stopping me from rewatching each episode with the better subs when they come out. In fact, it's even better to watch both versions so I can compare their subs and notice what was wrong with HS's release.

Nothing wrong with that. I just don't want to see people watching machine TL tier subs and complain that the show doesn't make sense or fill discussion of the show with misinformation.

Wait is the girl with the purple eyes and long black hair the one who let her sleep in her bed naked?

She might be, I don't have that episode downloaded

Sure looks like her.


Underrated couple.

>kidnap hot girl
>don't rape her
what a waste


She is best girl desu

>they didn't gangrape konju


Gang wars haven't been this cute in ages

Thanks Stitchbro!





Finally the gang war, didnt expect to be just one episode though


When do subs usually come out?

Delet this

13:34 UTC

That was a nice episode, though I'm disappointed they haven't divided Walking underfoot story as mango did.


Would she have liked it if she were being raped?

I miss Tensai.

If you cum on one could you encase it in jizz?

>cum once
>enough to encase
Damn, son.

Das it

rip tiny moot

nah, she was just join the fun.


delet this
