Kata is sleeping. Don't make too much noise
One Piece
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Page of the year?
Oda is a hack
Definitely one of the better moments of the arc.
what a jobber
>Luffy wo-
Your father is a hack
Is this the best fight in the New World so far?
>Luffy gets beaten to piss for a million chapters
>still standing
>Katakuri receives a few punches
>knocked the fuck out like a bitch
You literally cannot defend this. Oda is a hack.
>m-muh rubber body
It was already established that haki nullifies his ability to absorb blunt damage
>m-muh luffy is just tanky
And a fucking Yonko commander is not? This doesn't excuse Katakuri breaking all jobbing records to a form that DOESN'T EVEN PRIORITZE POWER unlike Boundman
Also, people have been constantly defending Luffy's tanking by saying "Everyone in One Piece can fight for days!", but suddenly when Katakuri jobs this point is conveniently dropped.
>Katakuri can't tank hits because he's always dodged
This is headcanon. Precognition dodging is the absolute peak of Kenbunshoku Haki mastery, and thus he obviously didn't have it all his life. He is 48 years old. It stands to reason he's received his fair share of beatings.
>Katakuri eats a lot of sweets so his stamina is bad (Yes really)
Appeal to real life doesn't work in a series that blatantly ignores laws of physics. You can't pull "muh rubber man whacky shonen" to defend impossible things and then do the exact opposite. By this logic Katakuri should be a fatfuck. Rayleigh is 78 years old and has done nothing but sip alcohol for the last 30 years and he can swim across a fucking ocean and duel Kizaru.
>hurrdurrr protagonist must always win IT'S A SHONEN DON'T YOU REALIZE
Literally not an excuse for shit writing. Nevermind the fact that "DUDE JUST TURN YOUR BRAIN OFF XDD" is a defense only DBS spics use - You are just admitting it is shit writing and asking people to ignore it (which is why DBS spics do it; they can't defend the writing so they beg you to ignore it). In other words, concession accepted.
>Luffy fights then
Back and forth struggle
Both Luffy and villain get BTFO repeatedly
Ends with Luffy edging out a win
>Luffy fights now
Luffy gets BTFO for 5000 chapters until
shitstomps the enemy
Quick reminder all the people saying Pudding kiss Sanji are trying to deflect from the conversation that Oda confirmed Luffy is not interested in Nami.
Since there is 0 proof pudding kissed him
I can't believe Thatch is fucking dead...
LuKa won
The funny thing is usually it's the villain of the arc who's knocked out with that eyes-rolled-up face and Luffy's who's falling calmy out of exaustion. This time it's reversed.
Yeah I too love when the protagnist bullshits a win through plot-shield-
Le rubber man of much stamina.
Reminder that Katakuri won
>collapsed after Luffy
>standing up before Luffy
>have to wait another week
So i think we can all agree this is the best fight in all of One Piece?
Katakuri's just got exausted fighting Luffy. That's kinda understandable.
No user, not all of us have brain damage.
As long as we agree that it was a tie.
are you retarded? he clearly lost
>toei being the morons they are will only animate the relevant parts and then complain later on that they're catching up too fast to the manga and need filler
>tfw they all laughed at us
>tfw they thought we were delusional
>tfw they thought we were just fooling around
>tfw we were right
>tfw they were all wrong
It feels good being a LuKabro
Not even top 5 luffy fights
Wrong on the second.
It's not the win I care about, it's Luffy covering Katakuri's face out of respect. I'm not a fan of Katakuri's lack of stamina either.
It's intentional. Too bad Sup Forums is too retarded to recognize Oda's nuanced writing style.
>mfw Sup Forums doesn't think this is the best fight in One Piece
>L-luffy, you're alive!!!!
>He.... he let me live.
It's probably among the worst Luffy's main fights, barely better than Lucci's. Cannot even compare to actually good fights like Luffy vs. Usopp or the Oars battle.
Well lets find out for sure
>current neo Sup Forums is filled with women and soyboys to the brim, who would never understand man's battles
yfw not everyone is mentally 10 despite this being a kids shonen
This man may have autism but he is right.
>Oars battle
what universe are you living in?
>It's intentional.
Well, duh, it probably is.
>Too bad Sup Forums is too retarded to recognize Oda's nuanced writing style.
It's not like Oda's writing style is that nuanced, it's just that Sup Forums is so stupid, a pdrawing can pose a challenge to them.
Definitely one of Luffy's best. I'm personally quite partial to the Foxy fight.
Best fights in One Piece:
Luffy vs Katakuri
Franky vs Senor Pink
Zoro vs Ryuuma
Fellow Katakuri friends, we did it! Who would've thought that our boy is strong enough to break Luffy's plot armor.
t. woman
Dogtoothfags absolutely BTFO
I do but I wish Oda made it more obvious this is a draw and Katakuri let Luffy go, all those retarded luffyfags are annoying.
I liked it, it's probably the first time a "Final Boss" of Luffy earns his respect.
I also loved Katakuri's comment.
So, you're mentally 8...
Is the joke that Carrot can only draw in one style, or that she loves everyone so much she ended up drawing them all as beauties?
His name is Dogtooth because he has teeth like a dog you noob.
This. Women, soyboys, kikes and niggers can't understand honor.
>No more based Kata
Hope he gets a cover story
The former.
Franky vs Senor Pink was thematically pretty good but the actual fight itself wasn't interesting. It was just two guys punching each other.
Also, Nami's fight against the Crocodile crew member (can't remember her name) was pretty underrated.
>literally the only group battle with combo attacks and an individual strenghts used against an enemy
>not good
Not even trying to be contrarian, but I never thought the Rob Lucci fight was that great. He's such a non-character so there was no chemistry between the two.
Mom's crew will return in Elbaf, where Luffy will challenge Kata to a rematch. Luffy will win this time.
Would be great
How will Rob Luccifags ever recover from this Sup Forums?
Sit down Katafags.
Well, I agree with you that the part with Nightmare Luffy was bad, but everything before (and the finisher) more than made up for it.
This. Luffy vs kat wasnt just about action. Both characters went through some kind of development
nice rigged poll
And nothing of value is lost.
We can finally go to Wano is witness best boy defeat King with his new technique "God's Operation : Gamma Scythe" and tag teams Kaido with his bro Zoro.
This. The reveal was great, but the final fight was meh.
If it was rigged then Luffy would be at 100+ votes.
>Lawfags still exist
>nightmare asspull Luffy wrecks Oars after all the crew get knocked out
>Oars looks defeated, but suddenly gets up again
>crew asspulls themselves awake
>finish him off with gay ass combo attacks
wow, great fight!
Edgeman is not even better than my boy Kata.
It's not, but it might be Luffy's best one-on-one with an antagonist.
The best will always be Luffy vs. Usopp.
>boring yamatoland
>nihonese catana is the stronkest
>pointless zoro fights
I already hate it.
The fight was great up until nightmare Luffy.
>mfw Sup Forums claims its not the best fight in One Piece >mfw Sup Forums doesn't dare to show the other fights in One Piece because there outdated
>mfw Sup Forums is so high on nostalgia that they blind themselves from claiming this isnt the best fight.
Go ahead read those old Lucci vs Luffy chapters again. I am sure they will hold up.
Just admit it Sup Forums
Its the best fight
Yeah, that's because this time the villain won. But they are too retarded to understand that.
Can Sup Forums not be aware of such simple story-telling?
The winner is made obvious if this isn't your first One Piece chapter.
This opinion is so rare around those parts.
I know some people think Lucci is the epitome of goofyness/a good antagonist because he has a pigeon for a best friend but honestly, that never did much for me either. He's so fucking bland even with that. He's just a guy who does his job, and he's fine with it, there is no interanl conflict on his part for the whole duration of the arc (unlike Kaku who obviously was kinda saddened he had to give up on his life in Water7). Luffy and Lucci never were on the same wavelength, not even once for the whole duration of the fight.
The LuKa fight is pretty much the opposite of LuffyLucci if anything.
Honestly almost every chapter of them fighting was just exchanging blows, there was nothing interesting. The few exceptions are the little sister appearence chapter and learning to see the future better chapter.
>water 7 is nostalgia
holy shit no wonder so many underages love this kakakuri fight
Katakuri vs Luffy is the best fight.
WCI is the best arc.
Snakeman is Luffy's best mode.
This are some objective facts.
Don't worry, when the fight is completed in the anime, expect someone to upload a compilation of all the LuffyvKata bits with no interruptions. Then all the reaction faggots will watch that and call it the best.
Fucking this.