How do we stop them?

>anime drifting from niche to major market
>30 new animes out of 700 original titles
>8 billion reserved for original content
>Netflix Japan’s content library is now the largest in the world
>only 10 percent of the people who watch anime on Netflix live in Japan

It's over, they are really taking over aren't they? How long until they buy KyoAni for pocket change?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off with this cancer

Kill yourself, faggot.


Stop making these shitty threads.

Sodomize yourself with a cactus

So mad

How are the little anime studios going to stop Netflix, Amazon and those that follow?

Enjoy your ban


For what?
I'm not breaking any rules


selling more dvd's ofc just 7.99B to reach Netflix reserves.

Fuck the shills, netflix is cancer

new animes out of 700 original titles
billion reserved for original content
>>Netflix Japan’s content library is now the largest in the world
>>only 10 percent of the people who watch anime on Netflix live in Japan
what is happening
i remember the days nobody knew about anime
what the fuck is about this sudden influx of weebs

ease of access and memes

This is 100% anime related. Probably the most relevant thing to happen to anime in over a decade.

I can't wait for the Black Mirror anime adaption


I genuinely fail to understand

Western normalfags in general dislike anime, they already have western thousands of TV Shows with real actors, movies, books and comic books, why is netflix trying to making anime that caters to them if anime doesn't have appeal in the west besides from a couple million of anime fans?

Why do they care about anime at all when they have tons of better entertainment options?

Great thread.


They need anime to compete against their former business partner Disney and its new subsidiary, the Fox Entertainment Group.

>I remember the days nobody knew about anime
No you fucking don't. You're probably in your early-mid 20s, which means anime has been on Cartoon Network since you were a kid. It's social media that's changed, not anime's popularity.

>what the fuck is about this sudden influx of weebs
It's happening to every geek hobby.
Thanks to fags like Mercer and Overwatch VA now every normie wants to play D&D and vidya.
Now many celebs (including fucking Kim Kardashian) admit that they are watching anime.
Anime industry is soon going to be bigger than Hollywood in few years if trends keep up.
Netflix wants to bite into this and shove their SJW agenda.

I'm watching B the beginning right now on nutflaix

>types like a retard
>doesn't know how to quote
It's not nice to lie about your age, underage user.


No, you are stupid.

Naruto and DB being known among tons of people doesn't make anime popular. Tons of people legit didn't know thay were even japanese products at all until recently.

>I like SJW angendas


>unironically using "geek"
Go back.

Give us new Trigun anime Netflix, you're my only hope

I don't care about political agendas. I do care about shitty, axe-grinding, non-anime-related posts like yours.

Okay, but Vash will be a transgender nigger that every 2 words makes a racist statement against white people, would you still like it, goy?

>I need an excuse to rant about my political beliefs by comparing two completely unrelated industries
Kill yourself.

They are trying to pander to japs and chinks. Its just that muricans thinks that everything revolves around them.
And even if they were trying to appeal to "sjw" or whatever boogeyman that doesn't mean that loli, moe and sol shows will stop being made as long as you have japanese otaku throwing money at BDs and merch.

>i do not care about political agendas
>gets triggered by previous post and links to Sup Forums

You suck at lying

fucking relax normal fags wont like anime because they think cartoons and anime are for children

No, screw it
Even without what you described, the new fanbase will likely be cancerous and repulsive like Jojo's

Sup Forums is dead and soon anime itself will follow

The normalfags of today are the second half of the millennial generation born from the 90s and the first adults of generation Z, great great grampa.

You're trying to retroactively make anime into your personal secret club. Yeah, anime on TV is largely shounen, but that's a large part of what makes anime popular, even in Japan. And westerners do know that it's from Japan. Kids figure it out because it's all over the Internet, and older people can spot anime because they watched stuff like Speed Racer and Kimba the White Lion growing up, which they learned were Japanese after the fact. Anime isn't underground anymore, and it hasn't been since the early 90s.

To be honest they don't really need to change much. Vash is a cuck who hates his own race, it's perfect already.

>falling for some obvious troll
Just report, don't give him replies and sage shitty threads.

Dubs thread.

>Now many celebs (including fucking Kim Kardashian) admit that they are watching anime.
fucking this
i wonder who could be behind it

You're the one throwing around terms like this and SJW. I just think you ought to go back to a board that will appreciate that sort of thing.

But the 3rd user is right

>muh underground secret club

Obvious b8 is obvious.

>You're trying to retroactively make anime into your personal secret club

Unless you are a normalfag who got into anime recently through some shitty youtube meme video, i don't see anything wrong with gatekeeping hobbies to prevent the cancer from coming.


Fuck off to dbz threads or back to

Pic related is anyone like you


>Plants in Trigun are white, good-looking and have blond hair
>stronger and purer than normal people
Trigun is white supremacism as fuck despite being japanese series for a good reason


Unless you have been an anime fan since the 80s, anime was already mainstream before you became a fan.


>evangelion is now ironic weeb
Is this another one of those "everything I don't like is ironic weeb" images? You know that shit like this just destroys the original meaning of the word right?

I actually agree, but in spite of whatever strategies you might use to keep anime from getting even more popular, it has already achieved a high level of cultural penetration. Honestly, it might even be so big at this point that it'll keep growing just by existing and being widely available. It would be nice if anime were smaller, but I don't know if it's possible to go back to the way things were. A lot of major companies would have to lose interest, and let things fall back into the hands of sub groups and pirates.

>anime has been shit since 2010
>netflix takes a cut out of the market now
>anime is still shit
What changed? Manga is still the only thing worth it from japan outside JUMP garbage

Cucks so easily triggered. Deep down, they hate their cuckdom after all.



This is Sup Forums folks. Talk about anime production and anons screech for bans.

Blend S is literally fine. It's not great, but there are some fun character beats outside of the sister stuff.

though i hate most of things on the image i somehow understand why kids and young adults today love them

>Evangelion is not ironic weeb shit


i'm okay with that.

Problem is going to come once Disney fully commits to streaming, Netflix will start spending hard in outsourcing to Japan to compete in the cartoons sector with them.

Okay, so if cherrypicking a few youtube meme videos is enough to qualify as "ironic weeb", then I guess every anime that's ever been semi-popular is ironic weeb. Great argument retard.

Eva is simply popular. That is why it's everywhere.

>every anime that's ever been semi-popular is ironic weeb

Finally you understand, so you are not as dumb like i imagined.

the only non ironic weeb shows are the pure loli sol's

It's not just Sup Forums. Sup Forums as a whole is now viewed by former outsiders as a save haven from corporate influence and scary political views. As a result, people with only a fleeting interest in anime (definitely not manga, because who even reads nowadays haha) keep showing up and crying about "normies," instead of using this board for its intended purpose.

imagine them funding actually good shit like Mx0 or OMK



They don't dislike it anymore.
Liking anime is now cool.
BNHA is basically Naruto 2.0.

Sorry, but the only non ironic weeb stuff is gritty dark mangas like berserk

"u mad" posts have nothing to do with anime production

normies ruined jap games
now is anime's turn
i warned you Sup Forums

>everything that's popular is bad because the fanbase is bad
Funny how Sup Forums pretends to be better than Sup Forums when they share so many fundamental similarities.

>all lowercase
Go back cancer

>Liking mainstream anime is now cool.

They are trying to grab more market share. They don't like that most anime is out of their control (expect trouble in Crunchy Roll's future).

>definitely not manga, because who even reads nowadays haha
fuck off


>"anime is mainstream now and Netflix is doing it! woooooow~"
>the picture in the headline isn't even an anime
I really fucking hate you people, especially you OP

Stop falseflagging
>He still thinks that it's because they popular and not because of the multiple memes that spawn from there and are posted everywhere on the internet to the point of being fucking annoying

you are promoting some reverse propaganda
You truly don' t hate it
It is a trick to make netflix more screentime at this board
It is too obvious though


Fuck off, Bloodborne is a legit good game and most people who played it haven't actually beaten the game because normalfags have no patience

Everything comes under influence of Social Jew Warriors. They have movies, they have games, they have internet, now it's finally time for anime and manga. You could stop it. But you didn't listen.
Also, fuck Daiz.

Yeah i believe in our japanese otaku bros to not let anime apocalypse befall upon us.

Why do you fucking shills always start these threads with Netflix/CR logo? You could atleast try to be subtle.

Sup Forums is everything that they hate, they are just too dumb to realize.

Every day.
How are mods so fucking braindead they can't recognize spam?

Wowie, are you going to tell me liking Dragon Ball is cool now too? Or Attack on Titan? Or One Punch Man?
Truly anime has hit the mainstream