Is there any story similar to re zero that doesn't have a cringey autist for a protagonist...

Is there any story similar to re zero that doesn't have a cringey autist for a protagonist? I feel like the premise of a weak protagonist that advances through the story by resurrecting from checkpoints set to determine whether he is doing something he should really good. It could've been such a good story if it didn't have so much waifubait and boring/pointless shit.

Stein;s Gate
Madoka Magica

Re:Zero is easily one of the most overrated shit shows out there. People praise it for the LN, but the anime is dog shit. Don't get me wrong, the LN isn't even good either. It basically brought the Isekai concept to normalfags and whenever you see somebody praising it, you know they're a fucking retard.

Out of the popular, Madoka and Steins;Gate use similar plot elements (time travel). Especially S;G should feel very similar, I wouldn't call Okabe a weak protagonist though.

>watches re:zero
>hasn't watched steins;gate
everything wrong with nu-Sup Forums

What's wrong with rezero?
It's better than s;g.
Madoka is not really the same as them.

I know about shits; gay and madoka, was asking if there is any new stuff that set out to copy re:zero but fixed what's wrong with it. Similar to what happened to oregairu.


I would recommend to check Saike Mata Shite Mo, the MC is leagues above Subaru but there's still the chance that you'll not like least in the first 3 or 4 chapters.

Watched re:zero because of pic related. Was only mildly disappointed.
Wasn't it enough of a success to get copycats?

re:zero is shit because of Emilia. Subaru is a retarded cringelord because of her and she herself is as unrealistic as it gets.

>shutin loner chases after a girl who is shunned from society
>girl still doesn't want him
thats about as real as it gets my dude

there is much better guro + time loop series out there

check seacats

my dude he had to go full retard before she told him to fuck off and then still blamed herself for his shit behavior, wtf are you smoking?

I'd read the light novel, because the protagonist was a lot more cringy until the anime toned it way the fuck down.


acting realistic 1 out of 10 times doesn't make her realistic though

Just watch Groundhog Day and imagine it's an anime.

Stay mad Ogre fag

There's a shounen about a protag that resets days by drowing himself.
Called something about a pond. Just search the tags on mangofox or some shit till you find the name, then go download it.

That's Saike Mata Shite Mo, from the creator of Law Of Ueki.

>tfw liked ReZero and Steins Gate
Think I'm a sucker for "redo" shows. Maybe it's cause I'd do anything for that power IRL.

Season 2 when? Rem best girl

kill yourself stupid self insert fag
>waifubait and boring/pointless shit

Re:Zero is as good as it gets, too bad the anime was shit.


Amazing series by the way, totally recommend.

Never because Rem is put into a coma and won't show up for a long time. In the first episode she would be erased which would tank the ratings because in the polls 50% of the audience have her as their favorite character.

In the LN rewrites they tried to make Emilia more like Rem and failed terribly because the editors don't know why Rem is popular and really from the groundwork laid in the WN Emilia can never be Rem or ever replace her to Subaru because she means the complete opposite to Subaru. Emilia facilitates Subaru giving up while Rem is the thing that keeps him from giving up.

At this point I believe Tappei isn't even writing the LN anymore and he just sits there and plays FGO while the Kadokawa editors make major changes and ruin the story.

Konosuba actually is really similar to Re:Zero in how the MCs deal with their problems. They rely on other characters to do most the work with them running around behind the scenes to put their plan into action. Then Konosuba becomes a standard isekei with the over powered MC and uneventful romance plot.

Good taste anons.
The 227 times panel made me pick it up.

Sasuga Kadokawa.