Rin > Saber >>>>> Sakura

Rin > Saber >>>>> Sakura

Not sure about the Rin > Saber part but Rin is surely the best girl.

Old man < money

I think you meant saber> Rin, though Rin's zettai is SSS+

It's like a simple up and down movement, but it's actually a pot of meat that wriggles around from time to time to stimulates my manhood.

>comparing inferior girls with each other

Uh oh, this user is retarded

The One True Waifu Pecking Order.

I'm thinking that Rin is vastly superior to Saber, so a simple > won't do the trick, you retard.

Ilya > all > shit > Sakura

This guy gets it

This guy gets it

Rin > Saber >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sakura

I don't completely agree, but this is respectable taste.

I can buy Rin for 10 dollars a night, why would anyone ever waifu her?

Why isn't that girl wearing any pants?


Pretty much. I would add :

Rin molesting Saber > Rin > Saber >>>>>>>> Sakura

Shinji >>>>Rin > Saber >>>>> Sakura

>People this mad at Sakura's popularity

It's the same with Rei in Eva. Japanese beta males like doormat women.

Saber > Rider > Illya > Sakura > Taiga > Caster > Ayako > Rin

tsunderes are trash and all the ZR in the world won't change that fact

This is the only good post in the whole thread.

Rin = Saber

what a retard post


It's a dumb /u/fag's post.

Blame Nasu for deciding that he had to have two of his three heroines going at it in the first H-Scene.

Sex sells, who knew.

Sakura > Ilya >> Saber >>>>>> Rin

Good post.

swap Saber with Sakura and this is correct

yes, but
Illya >all

Why the hell would want a girl who raped by worms anyway? Fucking gross, dude.

Sakura = Illya > Saber >>>>>>>>>>> Rin

The rapist/worms are what's gross in that situation, retard. You'd have to be from a third-world country to think lesser of the victim.


Saber is infinitely better than Rin. Although I agree that Sakura should khs

This is the correct answer

Take your stockings off, Tohsaka.


There's used goods and there's broken goods, Sakura is broken goods to me. Whatever you like I guess.

>seeing women as "goods"

You are literally a Muslim aren't you?

I guess you a better man than me?
Wow such Islamophobia, do you go to Sup Forums often?

>accusing others of being Sup Forumsfags after calling rape victims gross "broken goods"

That's how they're viewed on most Sup Forums threads though.

Like I said, if you're happy about it that's fine. However, I'm no white-knight, not by a long-shot.

By crossboarders, perhaps. Yes, that even goes for the oldfags saying it, as old Sup Forums was heavily influenced by Sup Forums bullshit.

But her anus is defenseless!

Only by a vocal minority of shitposters.

And full of shit.

Patrician taste senpai

Rin is probably tsun because she needs to poop.

Caren> Your waifu


Like every Normal human being.

This, FSN at launch is literally a Low budget (Doujin Tier) eroge game at first.

t. loser

Shirou x Sakura = canon ship

>Low budget
It was high-spec as fuck for a 2004 VN. Most VNs were just text, static images and music at the time, while F/SN had all kinds of fancy effects to convey high-speed action.

Saber >>>>>>>>>> everything else > Sakura

>Fate Series
>Only HF is Canon

>Sakura > Saber >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

>he doesn't know

why do people like tsunderes, I just don't fucking get it, do they like being bitched at?

Hello there, Sup Forums.

what got deleted?

It's was this minus picture since I've been keep forgetting to add the pictures to my posts

Shirou x Issei is also canon what are you on about

>what is The Taming of the Shrew

weak men like being bullied by bitchy females.
It's pretty pathetic.

>the mascot of the series, often touted as the main heroine and gets to have a prequel
>the heroine who makes the MC's character arc complete and wins the grand finale, therefore being the true heroine

>just kind of there for the sake of having a love interest in the middle route, but is completely irrelevant to the plot which is all about Shirou and Archer

Yes, we know.

Why, yes, I did post that about an hour ago.


What's the appeal of worm girl when this exists?

Fate is for normie neckbeards.

>/vg/ degenerates strike again.
At least try a little bit next time.

Kara no Kyokai, Tsukihime, Melty Blood, Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Extra CCC are KINOko Nasu's masterpieces

fuck off

>go to the car dealership
>yes mr salesman, I'll take the one that was in a wreck, thanks

personality>non personality, bland seiba

Hello there, SakuraAnon.
You should visit another boards, Its Fun.

t. OP fag

What about Grand Order?

>>/vg/ degenerates strike again.
But I'm not a rinfag, user.
Nor do I play videogames, or ever post on Sup Forums

Genuinely good post.

Each route has their own Canon.

>not knowing how to repair a car

>have the option of a new car and one that was in a wreck
>choose the new one
>wtf why didn't you choose the broken one

Why would you choose a cramped one when there's a comfy car with lots of space?

And yet you post a character from FGO.

How am I supposed to know the difference between FGO characters and regular Seiba if I never played FGO?

Why would you want a car with lots of space (loose) instead of cramped (tight)? The metaphor is still about girls right?

>Claiming to be a Saberfag but not knowing the difference between their waifu and a clone.
You should feel ashamed.

Are you the type of retard that doesn't post an image unless you've seen the anime it comes from?

>expecting me to learn what version a character with 30 different alternates is

A tight vagina is just uncomfortable. Everyone knows loose is best. Just put some rubber bands around your dick or something if you want to adjust the tightness.

>muh ideals

You're not sure if Rin is better than a specific girl but you know she's the best?