B: The Beginning

Who could have guessed it would be compete shit?

Only at episode 3 right now, I don't hate it but those villain clowns and the super power shit doesn't fit to the rest at all.
Who came up with this idea? I honestly would have prefered a typical crime/mystery series without those shitty genre mixes.

it's a false flag, they're all actors.

Nope, Idc I can watch complete shit if it's well animated and fun, no that doesn't count VEG, that's just boring.

I unironically liked it though.

Kagari gets killed again.

Why are there so many Japanese surnames? And why doesn't Boris have a surname?

>anime targets the US market
>has nu-male beard and glass
Fucking netflix anime is garbage.

It wasn't though. Some parts could have been better but it was still an entertaining ride.

There is no way to please you people.

Lily being Asian is a plotpoint tho. For the others I guess they couldn't be bothered thinking up names considering this screen is up for seconds at best.

What I didn't really like were the obvious anime moments. They don't fit the mood of the show.

The scene in the first episode where one guy is like "I'm looking for you." Another guy goes like "I will find you" and then the first dude goes like "I'll be right here..." /Fade to black.

From that point on I already know it was going to be shit.

The only good part so far is the party thing episode.

I'm fucking dying laughing how bad it is.

Fairly certain anime in the west is enjoyed for not being western. Once you start catering to westerners, then anime is just another name for cartoon with no variation. Boring shit

>implying that's a bad thing
I'd rather let humanity live until resources run out instead of slavation.

>>has nu-male beard and glass
This post is very stupid.

Since when is having a goatee and glasses considered "nu male"? Is this an American thing?

Living in the Amish paradise~

How much value do you put into visual direction?

This, netflix is basically using anime as a cover to make cartoons.
And their audience isn't us, it's the normalfags who "like" anime but are disgusted with fanservice or anything typical to anime.
I can guarantee that western media is going to take over anime and fill it with their usual bullshit and try to satisfy everyone.


He's not wrong

Haven't seen the show yet but I guess that dude is something researcher-ish. The beard fits him just fine going by looks. It's just a goatee with reverse-sideburns (?) and not a full-on neckbeard accompanied by a super happy reaction, hipster clothing or balding hair. Calm your tits down for a bit.

Finally I can watch my chinese cartoons without all the pedophilia

Fuck off.
I genuinely mean this, the only reason netflix isn't making animated shows and calling them cartoons is because they can make cheap as hell anime paying only peanuts to the Japanese and their is already a market for anime imagine the effort that they would have to put to start making cartoons


Yeah that's literally the only thing setting apart Japanese media and western media, lolis
Why the fuck are you this retarded?
Anime is filled to the brim with Japanese culture there are also a lot of things typical to anime that will get removed once western media starts fucking it up.
Also netflix can literally make show and call them cartoons they don't just to save money.

>Yeah that's literally the only thing setting apart Japanese media and western media, lolis
That and futa and shota, pretty much yes.

Then Fuck off?
You clearly don't like anime and if you can't see anything special in anime apart from lolis, futa and shota then you can leave no one is stopping you.

did you forget to take your autism pills today?

So what would you rate this?

Sorry, I thought I was having a genuine argument but you seem like a retarded samefagging shitposter.
I'm a bit disappointed in myself I can usually smell your kind from a mile away.
that being said you can fuck off samefagger shitposter.

6/10 - 7/10
It's a pretty entertaining mystery/sci-fi romp - there are some parts which could be better and 12 eps was a bit too short a run for it, but it's solid overall.

still better than soyDevilman and VEG


This is one of those extremely rare shows where the English dub is far superior to the Japanese. The characters have more colour and come across as more authentically "western". The meaning is retained, but the wording is different, closer to day-to-day English. I wonder if this was made with the English dub in mind?

Huh from the trailer the dub sounded pretty bad - the "I will find you"s in particular were cringe inducing

Actually I was the one who made the chinese cartoons comments, the other posts aren't me. Nice to see you're easily triggered by a joke though

I haven't watched any trailer for this. I only picked it up because I'm a fan of Kazuto Nakazawa, especially his character design work. The Japanese lines are pretty unnatural (they tried to ditch some of the formalities to make the characters feel more European, but it just comes across as vulgar or rude in Japanese) and the delivery is stiff as fuck.

I'm not actually, but everytime I hear netflix and anime in the same sentence it seriously pisses me off.

I'd rate it a Psycho Pass Season 2.

Go back to ANN/sakugabooru/wherever.

Still better than Pedo Camp and Sora Pedo.

It was a lot better than that.

I guess Sup Forums finally found a way to consistently shitpost on Sup Forums to try and spread their blight here using netflix threads.

Thought its hilarious how shit pic became a reality so fast

Shouldn't you be in a VEG thread? Stop samefagging with these phoney posts.

>Pedo Camp
Your backyard doesn't count as anime

I hate to agree with Sup Forums but it's true.


Shamo live action/10

This is a good unintentional comedy.

Its complete shit.
Only good for the visuals.

After watching till the end this shot has SO much foreshadowing in it it's not even funny.

Not even five minutes and I already got
>Ree I am late!
>Look the odd detective!
>Muh ugly serial killers to introduce the plot
>Smoking is cool
It gets any better?

Why didn't he just use facebook to find Yuna?

Then you should go back to Sup Forums

Well, yes and no. Be prepared for more of this bullshit.

>I hate to agree with Sup Forums

>Watch the first 5 minutes
>Animation smooth as fuck
Is this the power of Netflix money?
Please tell me the animation stays good till the end.

Like Thank you no terror level or Psycho pass level?

>Ugly serial killers
Well the villians get prettier as you go on

>Smoking is cool
Its to set up a few things that come into play later on, stop here if you don't want get completely spoiler - establishes that the Doctor is a liar and detective has also bugged the pack of cigs

How is that fucking true you subhuman? All of those cliches have been used since forever and only now because you're faggot Sup Forumstard you think they are sjw shit from the west? Did your mother try some delayed abortion on you using a mallet?

Does this semen demon get dicked? It'd be a crime if she wasn't. Just look at that tight body.

You heard me

Yeah it pretty much stays like that throughout - there's a few seconds of wonkiness in the penutimate fight but that's about it.

Why don't you just watch your garbage cartoons on Sup Forums?

Unironically better than VEG. Nexflix will only better the industry.

There are some little hints of comedy that get lost because the shitty Criminal minds setting. Like when the guy just make the circles in the expensive monitor. I wonder if they would get a decent Korean director who knows about thriller, they maybe could make a good anime.

But damm
>white hair characters
>with tattooed faces
>friend of Genki detective is special...
>fighting on a train with swords...

Oh, please!

The plotlines draw from a bit of both - there's the system corruption of psycho pass and the genetically modified humans who are also hella buggy taken from Thank you

>Unironically better than VEG
That's not hard to do

Psycho Pass 2 was a good comparison.

I like Detective girl and Old Detective, get me SOIL vibes, sadly there is no much for them in this plot.

Just you wait until you get to the shitty anime hacking scene. And centuries old human experiments. That was ridiculous.

Cryptic exposition like pic-related is driving me nuts. It's so pompous and overdone.

I hate this kind of trope

You're utterly retarded if you think that Netflix won't start adding sjw shit, and yes it's going to be subtle enough at first that people don't notice and then people will just say that netflix anime is "different" eventually it'll come to the point that even you faggots will start complaining. I'm gonna screen cap this and post it here again in 3-4 years, if Sup Forums hasn't been merged with Sup Forums by that time.

A Psycho Pass Season 1?

So many plotholes. Why does he even write in Japanese? What the hell is wrong with this show?

It was a lot better than that.

They are making the same mistakes that Thank you for the curry, but way more faster.
I wonder why nips are afraid of real criminal cases, without supernatural or special people manipulating magical shit. The character seemed interesting but man, this is really a B-list tv show.

what the fuck.


>State of speedwatchers
user they literally say he hailed from Japan earlier on. Its his mother tongue.

It can be executed well, but you really need to try and take the audience for a ride instead of spelling out everything right at the start anime-style.

Netflix doesn't have any input over these projects. The second they do I'll wholeheartedly agree with you, but right now you're just overreacting.

not a goatee
but having medium long hair, a short full beard and glasses is the universal nu-male uniform
70% of male university students have it


How about HACKERLADY from episode 2?

Where? His name is Keith Flick and I'm not a speedwatcher. Post the screenshot.

Almost as good as Psycho-Pass season 1, yes. This guy isn't me by the way.

why does this guy look like old man Touma?

Imagine a Memories of murder anime. They should try at least once. Why they don't ask Kitano to give them some script.

>Almost as good as Psycho-Pass season 1
>Psycho Piss

the dumbest shit

I felt second-hand embarrassment. So silly. So chuuni.

The setting is all over the place.

I'm supposed to find time in my busy seasonal schedule for this shit? this is why releasing it all at once is garbage.

Watching everything in one go feels good though.

>So gay, so easy
What did he mean with this?

Here you go user - Keith and Daddy Keith are from Japan. The fact that Keith's sister is Asian is a plotpoint later on too

>Skater trap
>Flying Twink
This is getting stupid with each episode.

Mysteries are the worst fucking things to watch week by week what are you even smoking