What sort of cocktail would you like tonight, user?

What sort of cocktail would you like tonight, user?

Why do they call it a cocktail?

this show was shit

Shit taste

something that makes me forget about life

Cuba Libre, virgin.

Really vegetable-tasting blood mary.

Screw you and your fancy cocktails, just give me a bottle of whisky.

Whiskey, double, neat.

Vodka tonic and a beer


Gin and tonic, dash of elderflower cordial, rosemary sprigg

Dry martini.

I'll take a screwdriver

Something really bitter but just a little bit sweet to remind me of that the burdens of being an adult are compensated by very small pleasures, and reinvigorate me to run for re-election

White man’s bourbon, my man, white man’s bourbon

B52 is always my favourite

Piano Woman

What kind of whiskey faggot. Don't try to come off as some kind of supreme gentleman manly man ordering his whiskey neat if you can't even tell the bartender what whiskey you want.

Don't call other people virgins. That's rude!

It's japan, they mostly only have one kind. But if I've got the option, Rye.

thats just a fucking coke then

>he doesn't know about japanese whiskey

Vodka Sprite and whatever cider you got

I'm well aware of Japanese whiskey, which is pretty much all that japanese bars carry. It's not that terribly different from factory to factory since the whole industry was founded by one scotchaboo