
Did the last arc change how you feel about this girl?

No, I love her as much as before. Still 2nd best girl after Yuri.

She's the same as always. I like her, yeah.

recent chaps made me appreciate Asuka more

I like her way less than before

I want to be raised on Asuka's milk

yes, I hate her even more


I hate her even more.

I don't like her attitude. Hope she gets blown the fuck out by someone like Kii-Chan.

is it true that the manga is officially a yuri manga?


Nemo's great for the plot.

I like her attitude, she's an otaku that is smart enough to put on a facade of normalfaggotry to have a good social life


Might as well be.

Everyone is trying to get Tomoko's affection.

It went from self cringe to spaghetti magnet to a yuri harem.

Has any other manga had this much development?

I enjoyed recent chapters and want to read more on what's happening next.

I tried rereading earlier chapters but stopped from too much embarrassment. I think I had early Kii-chan chapters blocked from memory. Boy, was that tough to read through.

Not quite but it is becoming generic yuribait bit by bit.

I'm afraid of Watamote going the way of Genshiken with all the alternative sexualities only relevant to less than 10% of the population.

Not at all.
Sup Forums is just full of insecure faggots who can't see females being friendly with each other without homo glasses.

Unchanged, she's alright. Of course, the only character I truly hate in this series is fang. Nothing pineapple said about her was untrue, and it disgust me that she's going to have to apologize to her. The only one who even really wants her to come back is the Holy Mother Asuka. And that's only because of her kindness, not because she actually likes her as a person.

My personal bias aside, I don't think this was "enough" to start a true redemption arc for her. She needs to be knocked much lower first. LIke throwing a birthday party for herself, and no one shows up.

> he asks after this


Yes, now I know she'd be down with anything it opens up a lot of fapping potential.

That fanglet was cut from her friends, and banished by her classmates. Ashamed of her own state she wasn't able to connect with anyone anymore. Right now she is supposed to be on the way home while everyone else have blast at the parade and fireworks. And stay alone until graduation. This was her fate.

no yes maybe

gay girls:
>mako, evidently
>pineapple, only for nemo

straight girls:

It leans more toward yuri than straight.

Ucchi only for Tomoko
Tomoko only for Yuu
*Maybe* Akane for Nemo

That's it. Tomoko has also demonstrated plenty of interest in guys so she's at most bi.

So far, the only one that could be full lesbian is Ucchi.

Mako the molester will still show up though.

She's okay, but the latest arc just made me like Yuri even more.

It's not exactly a yuri manga but it's a manga that has yuri in it.

How is she so plain yet beautiful?

>Ucchi only for Tomoko
Ucchi probably has interest in girls in general, but she only dares to vent it on Tomoko because she feels that Tomoko is the only one who would understand her.

>Tomoko only for Yuu
And Nemo, and Kato, and any girl with big boobs and cute panties, or just a nice body like Yoshida. I think she's a lot gayer than she is straight.

>*Maybe* Akane for Nemo
And Nemo for Akane.

>That's it.
I forgot to mention Kii-chan.

>So far, the only one that could be full lesbian is Ucchi.
Ucchi is the most perverted lesbian, but any of them could be fully lesbian since they never show any interest in boys.

I want Kato to teach Yuri to do make up and then do a make out session.

No. I already knew she was a cunt and if shit ever hits the fan in this manga it will be because of her.

waifu powerup

I like the hat though.

I want to be fed on Methy’s breast milk

I like her a lot. What will happen with her from now on? She made clear she wants to keep hanging out with Tomoko and considers her a friend, but what about Pineapple and her normie friends?

Nemo is straight. Prove me wrong

Katou finds Tomoko to be a nice and cute girl, so she'll probably hang out with her as well. Pineapple's going to be nothing but a sexual object for Nemo.

I gotchu.

She just thinks her friend's reaction to her voicing hentai is amusing.

No, she said her face was "interesting". Here's what she really said.
>But Ah-chan was really interesting just now. Getting so flustered at the idea of me being in an eroge.
>If I end up voicing in an eroge or an anime porno
>what kind of expression would she make?

>And Nemo for Akane
If Nemo and Pineapple like each other then why they haven't fucked yet? They're still in the best friends status

Nemo gives me the willies honestly, but it's a great character trait. She comes off as just a little too nice.



Nemo is a psychopath, but her intentions are (generally) positive. Still scary though.

I hate Nemo even more.
I like the delinquent a lot more.
I like Yuri the most still.

Tomoko is not gay, she is just sexually curious. Not gay at all if you do it once.


Saigado yuri doujin when?

What kind of soulless monster could actually hate Yoshida?


She has become more creepy, but I also feel that her intentions are benevolent. She seems to genuinely want to befriend Tomoko and her friends. I guess she'll become a reserve member of the reject posse soon.

It's the biggest mystery in Watamote. Is Tomoko closet lez or just prison gay?

Nemo asks Tomoko for something in return for the food
Tomoko replies "how about my body"
Nemo gets all excited and starts thinking about going to the UFO love hotel

Something like that

geez tomoko would never be this smooth

I kind of liked old Nemo's look a bit more. I remember when old Sup Forumsnons used to call her Madotsuki because of the combination of pigtails and big rounded head.

I meant Yuri, disregard my retardation



yuri looks like she's about to explode

How would Ucchi even look in the anime's art style?

gay by circumstances not by choice.

The same. The anime's style wasn't that different from the manga, and her character design is a gag anyway.

Isn't it pretty much the same?

Everything she does is pretty friendly and normal when you stop reading Tomoko's thoughts and just look at the actual responses she gives Nemo. I think she has Tomoko (incorrectly) pegged as a tsundere and is trying to win her over from that angle.

Tomoko is genuinely gay, not prison gay. Also closet gay, but if a non-creepy girl asks her out she'd wholeheartedly accept her. She might be bi, but guys can't really satiate her lust as evidenced here, girls however can.

Here's the evidence.

Are these two Ucchi's parents?

To be fair Tomoko's so short sighted she often comes off as either smooth or creepy

i wont surprise this happen in future

>those thicc pensive eyes

No, this is just what happens when you have next to no friends or even outside communication and your only social interaction is playing VNs and watching late night anime aimed at otaku men.

Like dudes that get trap or sissy fetishes.

If Tomoko wasn't a bi/lesbian, she'd be a fujo. But no, she chooses hentai with the girl as the focus.

Oh I get it. You're trying to convince yourself that liking traps isn't really gay.

>But no, she chooses hentai with the girl as the focus.
No. We've seen her getting steamy over yandere boy CDs, touching a male seiyuu's hand and even tried to edit a VN so the boy was talking to her.
Saying she's just gay is stupid and you need to take off your yurigoggles.

>You're trying to convince yourself that liking traps isn't really gay.
Traps are gay, but there is a difference between getting a gay fetish through repeat exposure and being intrinsically gay.

True, tomoko isn't gay.
She might become gay though, the manga is moving in that direction with all the characters. Becoming one of those dime a dozen yuri series.

Disneyland trip was fun but a wasted opportunity.

Oops, didn't see this thread.

Anyways, since people were asking earlier, have some (badly) scanslated volume 12 omake pages (including author's comments).

>gay fetish
How is that different from being gay? Stop deluding yourselves, Tomoko is clearly bisexual.


>We've seen her getting steamy over yandere boy CDs, touching a male seiyuu's hand and even tried to edit a VN so the boy was talking to her.
So she's bi. That means she's at least half gay. And I can use this against your argument, because even though Tomoko mostly consumes female oriented media with boys as the focus, she still sexually likes girls equally if not more than guys.

Tomoko was already doing gay things to Yuu back in junior high. That was before she turned into a completely antisocial mojyo.


Thanks senpai.


It's very different. One is developing a new brain connection. Similar to how you can get a dog to salivate to the sound of a bell by ringing it when food it brought, someone can "train" themselves to be attracted to gayshit even if it isn't their inborn nature.
On the other hand, the intrinsic gay would need to "train" themselves to like straight things. They might not even like traps due to traps being fake women and real fags not liking women.
Traps are gay shit and I hate trapfags, but there is a difference between a trapfag and an inborn gay.

>protect that brat
Did she mean Tomoko? When did she decide on this anyway?

>that page
Is Nemo defending Tomoko here, or is it just to establish that Minami has some kind of hate-boner for Tomoko lately?

This is so sad.

Those without the "intrinsic gayness" will avoid anything with a dick though. Unlike the closet gays who slowly gravitates towards traps after they first got introduced to it. I mean, why do you seek that kind of entertainment in the first place? Because you like it. Why does the dog salivate when it hears the bell? Because it likes food. Same shit.


What misunderstanding was Yuri talking about?

>Those delinquents had to have been secretly studying

Yeah I didn't really those two panels. I think they might be talking about chapter 118?

I think there's some sort of statement being made about how Yuri and Yoshida both communicate in an interesting way (very pithy and jumps to all sort of different subjects), but my Japanese isn't good enough to get it across.

For what it's worth, the entirety of the author's comments were easier to translate than those few panels of Yuri and Yoshida talking to each other.

Yes Nemo is defending Tomoko, I think.

Is it true Yuri is the most popular character in Nipland as well? Does this mean she's confirmed winner of the Tomokobowl?

>Why does the dog salivate when it hears the bell? Because it likes food.

No you retard. Even when there is no food anymore, the dog still salivates. Traps are basically just girls that have dicks from the way they're drawn. Basically dickgirl shit. I imagine a mixture of the taboo and the female appearance ensnares people. Traps are "traps" in that they'll likely catch someone off guard at first.
The fetish is gay but there is a big difference between a gay fetish and being born gay.
Furfags aren't born as animals, they get it somewhere. Trapfags are no doubt the same.

No, that glasses boy will file the boyfriend application.

Artist-chan is moe