Remember when people thought this was gonna be an action show?

Remember when people thought this was gonna be an action show?

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>he hasn't seen episode 8

There's some of it on episode 8 but yeah, it's not an action show.

I don't actually. I've only seen people claiming anyone thought this will be an action anime, whining that the only reason they don't like it is because they thought that.

Try any normalfag site or youtube shit about the earlier episode, you're bound to find those.

Same with Nichijou.
>Baww it's not funny!! Japan u suck!
It's sol, it's for wasting time with cute girls, not for ggs.

Wow, this is nice. Does this ep show how she loses her arms too?

That's the latest justification for why VEG isn't as popular as everyone thought it would be.
inb4 "Popular in China"

I allways throught it will be show about some robot girl and still feel like it.

That's happening next episode.

>you can't prove me wrong if I inb4

Nobody did we knew it for the crappy LN adaptation it was a looong time ago

Can you really call her actions "brutal" when for her it all was just kind of a mechanical action? That line in the LN about her "liking" to kill and torture doesn't seem to apply here.

Literally no one thought that you retard.
Shut the fuck up and fuck off back to wherever you came from.

How in the first place was a 12 year old girl skilled with martial arts and marksmanship to begin with?

She is not somebody who like things in way normal people do.

Also she may like it in sense she following Major orders.

Anime Violet is a different character desu.

>this body

Her mommy is the goddess of war

No i don't, but i like that it has actioni.

I remember when people were spoiling the novels so we knew from the start it wasn't an action show.

How can violet be a beautiful girl in present and cute shota in the past?

>muh realism
Go back

Late bloomer

I don't ever remember anyone saying this would be an action anime. I just heard it was gonna save anime where Kill la Kill and every other savior since 2013 has failed. I don't even know what genre this is supposed to fit into, drama probably, but whatever it is its pretty great.

She is robot


It's pretty much a pure drama.

would you help her?

only got one episode before I knew it would be shite. Ive watched trash like this before, cant fool me twice.

Remember when people said this was going to be the AOTD? Good times

its good maybe possible anime of the season if franxx continues to get worse

I expected Kino, not action.

Saber (Assassin)

Fuck off FGO fag


>King Arthur

make a show completely realism focused aside from robo arms and god of war, don't explain them. What's the next step in your master plan. Make the first four episodes dull as possible?

i-it´s a joke user, sorry
Go nuts

Pleb filter.
KyoAni trolled its audience with Endless 8 and now they're at it again with VEG.

Endless 8 was ambitious and risky, VEG is just not for everyone.
They knew what they were getting into when they chose to make it a slow burn drama focused on a protagonist that starts off emotionless. If you're into this kind of stuff like I am then fuck yeah it's amazing, otherwise nah. And that's ok.


>a slow burn drama
I cant be the only one that feels it´s the complete opposite. Everything happens so fast, you get to know some character and then it´s gone in ten minutes after telling you their sad back-story

Why is everyone all butthurt about how slow it's going? Every single episode people shitpost about how much a disappointment it is but I feel like it gives a good slow ease into the feeling of loss and regret.

The drama is about the protagonist, it's also a slow burn because it took 7 episodes to really get into it.
But yes, the episodic nature of the first 6 episodes can become a problem if you cannot relate to a side character's story.
I'm fine in that regard because their stories are simple yet well told and they all relate to one another via the protagonist's growth but I understand why some are not fine with this.

People being autistic as usual

Yes!!!! 15 year old anime girls murders badguys like a ninja!!!! !!!

>not wanting a 15 year old ninja

I just wanted my FMA-esque story about a robot-or-whatever fighting villains and shit in a 1900s setting.

They wasted 2B's voice for this.

>what are savants

She's basically a savant athlete and her early exposure to human fighting and killing shaped her aptitude. i.e. she has a talent for physical maneuvers and her hand-eye coordination is probably in the 99th percentile and she would be her country's representative in the Olympics. Hence she's referred to as a 'tool' because she doesn't understand anything else besides fighting and that's her talent and that's what people valued her for.

>i like shit, i am fine with people who don't like shit

You seem upset about something.

>wasted 2B's voice
Oh, they are the same VA, nice

The VA likes voicing robots with no emotions.

shitty backstory which reveals nothing that couldn't already be inferred
yeah, this is a completely garbage LN adaptation

You can't be an athlete unless you have the physical capabilities for it. An untrained 12 year old Violet does not have athlete physique or gymnast physique. Everything about the show is extremely disingenuous, including the animation and character designs.


>muh dishonest animation
You also missed the fantasy tag you utter moron.

she's better now

I'd say so since they only started animating the LN around episode 5.

All those trained soldiers losing to an stupid girl, I hate that shit desu

>no OST
How can people watch this?

It "look realistic" with no music...for some at least.

Music is supposed to add something to a scene or help describe what a character is feeling. When neither can be accomplished by adding music or a character is feeling nothing or the lack of music strengthens the message then don't put fucking music on top of it.

Watch more anime. No, seriously, watch at least 1000.

Lieutenant Dan...

Is this copypasta?
Lmaoing at ur life

Same guy trying to get from anonymous people online what he didn't get from mommy

I'm only watching it for the comfy psuedo 19th/20th century aesthetic. I wish we got more Chinese cartoons with it.


>Remember when people thought this was gonna be an good show?

There, fxd4/u.

That last scene was pretty fucking brutal.

Remember when people thought this would be good?

as it turns out they delivered a masterpiece instead

I remember when people thought it will be the best anime ever made.

Why do we still watching this shitstain of anime, again?

Because it´s Kyoani remember

Remember of what

Do you have any semblance of reading comprehension you goddamn ape? She didn't need to have the physique required for athletes and they don't need to include that certain aspect of realism when portraying characters like Violet - she's an orphaned child soldier who only knew how to fight and now adapting to society after her only purpose in life is now rendered meaningless. I'm saying that they provided some good idea on why she's really good at fighting and that's enough to build her character.

>Everything about the show is extremely disingenuous, including the animation and character designs.

Well then if you're THAT good of a critic then why don't you give examples of a show that does animation and character designs pretty well?


Sup Forums, you should wait to the next episodes where she fights magic battle nuns from Catholic rape cult by jumping on them straight from the airplane with magic axe twice her size called Witchcraft, which also has embedded clockwork device allowing her to fly like Shingeki scouts. You will like it, I swear! Just wait a bit.

Sup Forums has always had shit taste. There's literally a thread up right now praising SAO.

SAO is a masterpiece of writing compared to VEG

>There's literally a thread up right now praising SAO
Oh god, It´s true

>I like and take inspiration from Hollywood movies, like the Transformer series.

-Taichi Ichidate

More like
>Try to remember the basics of CQC

The synopsis was pretty clear it was about typing and shit, but yeah I remember when people were dumb


Did you draw that?

I did

they have what I can only assume is uncolored blood splatter in the air in the first webm - maybe one of the edits for the bluray.

Pretty good. How long have you been drawing?


Started around 2011 by tracing Mirai Nikki screenshots. So a little more than 6 years I think.

Oh and thanks btw

Not that it matters with action scenes this terribly written and choreographed.

You have good taste.

Also Mikasa AoT


You shouldn't really expect much from Kyoani when it comes to action, I personally would like it if they had removed all the chuuni and action from the series.