>Make an absolute worst girl
>Make her the main character
I just don't get it...
Make an absolute worst girl
Other urls found in this thread:
>have shit taste
>make shit thread
What an awful thread.
>Make an absolutely perfect girl
>Only give her one season
I just don't get it...
please delete this
Why does she have two mouths?
She has no mouth. That's her mustache.
how on earth is tohru worst girl by any stretch of the imagination? here's your (You) you desperately wanted
don't talk about best girl like that
Delete this.
>nobody ever posts sauce
The artists twitter was posted a while ago
seriously....has anyone tried the Tohru pose? The one in pic related.
fuckin impossible.
Fuck off lucoa fag
How inflexible are you? I do it all the time
This is wrong
>fuckin impossible
If you've had both of your fucking arms amputated, sure.
just tried it, it's easy user
its impossible to exactly do it looking like tohru
How in any way?
What part are you struggling with user?
face facing the viewer. but with your back facing them as well.
point an arm towards them, with the other arm finger pointing parallel to the arm.
shes doing like a 135 degree head turn, and her left arm is fucked. its impossible to have it not touching her head. She has her whole arm visible. her left arm is long af, and disporportioned.
I am ok with this
user, it's not hard to do unless your arms are too fat. Who cares if her arms are "disproportionate." It doesn't change the fact that the pose itself is easy as fuck
show pics, its not easy at all.
Tohru is fat.
You realize she's looking parallel to her right shoulder, right? It really isn't hard at all to do that
I forced myself to finish this shit bland anime. Never understood the hype
Only in dragon form.
Couldn't stop laughing
Why the fuck are these posts getting so much attention?
Are you a fucking rock?
fuck off, post pics if your so confident
>Amerilard finds out that his range of mobility is in fact sub-average
heheheheh nice one user
>Guy who can't even bend his arms properly is acting smug
I'm not the fat 'Murican fuck you were talking to.
how do i get these tiddies onto my face
Kill yourself and reincarnate as shota
Damn son.
thats not me, that was some other user.
my best attempt. also it fuckin hurts and i put a bike helmet on for anonymity
now post pics. With FULL left arm visible like tohru
Lose some pounds loser
oops wrong pic guys sorry
attempt at full arm visible, but when i did that, my neck was completely tense, therefore arm couldnt move.
its impossible
What the fuck user.
Yea, I don't get VEG either.
what is this
You're just a fat prick that's the issue here
what am i looking at here exactly?
ok maybe your right. why dont you prove me wrong, and show healthy people can do it.
the pose is difficult af, and defies basic body mechanics.
i don't know the hentai. give me like 5 mins, ill try and find out for you.
After attempting. It is indeed impossible to get your entire right arm visible in this pose
You too would act bitchy if your onii-chan wasn't giving you the onii-dick you so desire.
Here you go its called "飯塚先輩×ブレザー ―姉キュン!より"
>pic unrelated, I'm talking about Darling in the FranXX
Thanks user. I have a thing for ordinary-looking JKs.
This but unironically. But let's be real. Nobody has such shit taste. OP is a maidragofag and wanted to bait replies for his maid dragon thread.
Here is a link for you: hentaihaven.org
what does JK's stand for?
Tohru is in no way, shape, or form a worst girl. THAT would be that fat fucking one with the horn that can't stop eating for two fucking seconds...
lurk 1000 more years
>Been here for years
>Only saw JK used for the first time last week
tfw you aren't even a newfag but retards won't tell you what it means.
Elma is better though. Office tits are hot.
Elma a shit
i bet you don't even know what the "JK's" term means faggot
Kobayashi is best girl.
>calling other people retards for knowing more than you
go back to Sup Forums
I've never posted on Sup Forums in my life you faggot. I used to post on Sup Forums a few years back but i stopped going there due to all the dick posting.
What the hell is so bad about Tohru?
Then you haven't been paying attention. For example JKと淫行教師4 aired in 2011.
When a newfag says "I've been here for years" then it almost always means 2-3. That is if they're not lying.
Same. Only started seeing this term being used a month or so ago? I'm guessing jk is short for joshi kousei i.e. high school girl. Weebs are getting out of control.
i can but that's because my arm is permanently bent from breaking it when i was young
you cant move your arm up any higher? and a fucking bike helmet was all you had? And youre a fat fuck? the absolute state of Sup Forums desu
Do you think Kobayshi is a virgin?
She might think she was.
But we all know toori constantly fucks her every night and then just remove her memories of it.
I shouldn't even be doing this with my bum shoulder. You should go to a doctor if you can't do this user.
youre touching your head dude. You're entire arm must be visible away from your head.
haha still impossible.
That's my hair and you're not getting a shot better than this unless I dislocate my right arm or get someone else to take the photo for me.
you can barely see any amount of arm even if you were bald.
thats the idea, its impossible. youd have to dislocate your arm to have it like tohru
>you can barely see any amount of arm even if you were bald
That's because of the camera angle you tard. 4/10 for making me reply
She was a great and cute character
>we need heroes like you
Worst girl is Elma and her turd horn though
You do understand she's not pointing directly at the camera in that shot
>stay steady and true down the arduous path of the maid
>Kobayashi still won't kiss you
I'll never admit it to anyone and I'll deny it if you fuckers ever bring it up again, but man, I /got/ kobayashi.
Miss Kobayashi may be a picky eater, but YOU ARE SMALL TIME.
Wtf Isis is on Sup Forums?