Hunter x Hunter

Was this the most controvertial trail since the OJ Simpson case?

I will literally marry Pitou-sama!

Why are all Benjamin's men such jobbers?

[Yuri, the silly protector]
Since the test tells me i'm a conjured, i conjure a cat. This cat looks and behaves exactly like a normal silly cat, judging the distance wrong in his jumps, sleeping most of his day and other cat stuff. His phisical abilities are exactly the same as a normal cat, and other cats react to him as they would to a real sterilized cat (won't mate with it).
He is a nen-storage type of nen beast. I can put in him nen in determined amount, let's call them nen rounds. Those nen rounds need to be at least 10% of my maximum aura in dimension, and he can tank 50 at max. I can load as many as i wont in one loading session, but if i give him more than 9 i will die. After i load it, the cooldown to do it again is 24h. This can be bypassed, but i will be put in a zetsu situation for a number of hours equivalent to the nen slots loaded in that particular moment. The cat itself doesn't use a particular amount of aura to stay real, and can also turn cat food into aura to keep itself conjured if necessary (won't stop meowing until you give it food in that situation, no matter how unconvenient it is for it to make noise). The nen slots can't be returned to me to be used as a istant powerup.

The cat can active 3 different abilities, decided for them to be conjuring, manipulation and transmutation since they are closest to my type.
(1) - manipulation - Scratch of loyalty: the cat can scratch an item (a door, a bed, whatever) and if someone with ill intentions touches it the ability activates. The target will use the next hour to write his intentions on a piece of paper and leave it under the said object and then to get as far away from the location as possible. Reacts to any ill intentions, not necessarily directed at the user nor omicidal, even a scammer would activate the ability, or a friend angry at you for whatever silly reason. Takes 12 nen slots


Is cleopatro a boy or a girl? Someone please it's urgent

>2 IPs

Reminder that getting caught was only the first step of her master plan

Did Togashi change her mind on Kacho's personality during the hiatus? She was depicted as a two-faced, immoral manipulative bitch at first and more or less like Camilla.

Which of the princes do you want to live for a while and play a bigger role then they are right now?
For me, it's Sale-Sale. I find his section to be more interesting then it has any business being. I hope that he is secretly a Nen user. After all he didn't send anyone to the Nen training

>(Continued from the last thread)
Quick! Come up with your own Hatsu and explain it's ability. We'll try to assess its usefulness/weakness.
Hardmode: No specialist.

I want my shotas back.

>actually capable of planning something

Tse. I just want to see him fuck some shit up.

t. speedreader

I wasn't too sold on Fuu until this chapter, seeing her use her brains and try to develop a plan a lil, and her and Kacho's relationship kinda interests me.
Also sistercest makes it better

I'm going to marry Theta.

Tse already is gonna have a big role. I think he ment the lower prince's

>After all he didn't send anyone to the Nen training
His mother did, if it means anything. I'm talking about Mushasho aka Silent Majority

What did I miss exactly?
That she was treating Melody like an ally this chap felt so oddly, weird given her original characterization. Someone deceptive wouldn't go to that length to keep face.

Prince's IQ list:

>High tier

>Average tier:
Zhang Lei

>Low tier:

>Shit tier:

>Undeveloped tier

>Dead tier

Girl. I will fight anyone that says otherwise. Just having the name end in "o" doesn't mean anything

The right soldier in OP is a woman at least.

No you aren't.
Cause she's gonna marry the meat-grinder Tse brought along for lying bitches after he makes a wedding dress out of her skin.

Ya, I like that she isn't entirely naive. It's nice when characters act like real people

His mother isn't him though, even if he is her only son. He has plenty of people he could have sent

So as far as we know:
Tserriednich > Meruem > Netero > Royal Guards > Zeno/Silva/Hisoka/Chrollo > Squad Leaders/Spiders


>>High tier
Instantly shit.

Melody actually understands her feelings, it's implied they head an off-screen conversation after chap. 374.

She was openly rude and a brat, but Melody listened to her and said she's lying to herself. so she's like her twin but purposely being an asshole to hide her feelings about the succession thing

Nigga you really need to reread the chapters, what we saw in this chapter is nothing new and here you completely blow out of proportion her bitch side.

necromancy nen shit incoming

The absolute CITY of waifufags

What hatsu will Kacho develop?

Whatever Tse's Hatsu is, Kurapika is gonna steal it and use it to kill Chrollo. Screencap this.

power manipulator
the ability to post on Sup Forums without solving captcha and having to buy a 4chanpass
condition cant use punctuation

Put Cummy into undeveloped tier and it's good.

Am I to expect a "Goodbye Horses" scene from him soon?

Yeah, after you reread the chapter about how the dolphin works.

More please.


Definitely think it could end up being the best arc of them all the way it's going to now.
In my opinion HxH is the only manga that's been progressively better with each new arc.

Add her to Meruem and Komugi's death scenes

too much samefag shitposting in this thread.

Specialist, Bauble of I’m My Own Worst Enemy - This bizarre nen hatsu allows you to live every day twice, once as yourself, and once as the person you consider your worst enemy or greatest rival. You possess your opponent basically and relive the day as them.

So if you’re essentially the same person, then why be enemies?

Well you’re not really? The second time you live through the day, you know what’s going to happen, however, the moment you do something differently your rival reacts accordingly and changes the day. Also, who who you are the first time you experience the day gets swapped around, just for added fun, allowing you to redo the outcome of the first day.

That might be a stretch, CA arc was so legendary I don't think anything could live up to it

She's just a teenager put inside a deadly game, user.

Has there ever been another shounen with a full story arc mainly composed of a massive amount of newly introduced minor characters? Or is this a first time ever?

How can you even read the manga and say that. It was implied to be a lie every time she appeared in a chapter.

Sakata vs SM user when?

Well, it's subjective. I like intrigue and shit so this hits home for me.



>that last panel

It's not like no one saw it coming, but despite there being another special snowflake I dig that.


why didnt togashi subvert the white hair gay for his best bro trope?

[The Triple shortstack Trenchcoat (Transmuter)] - Takes the appearance of a tall Trenchcoat. When the Triple shortstack Trenchcoat is worn by the user, the coat will squeeze its wearer tightly before vanishing leaving behind three 1/3rd size versions of the wearer with 3x the strength of the original, each. The newly formed trio contain all the knowledge and personality of who they used to be, and the hatsu continues as long as all 3 are wearing the coat. At the end of use any knowledge, or damage gained is returned to me as I'm restored.


All other rankings aside, I cannot fathom liking GI more than Yorknew.

Someone come up with one for me. I'm too dumb for this.

>When you realize Togashi is setting up a series of 'mysterious conditions and mysterious effect upon fulfillment' abilities with the nen beasts in order to pull off a massive chain of O MY RUBBER NEN asspulls
This is going to be a hell of a ride.

Too soon...

Pay your tribute to the 15th Prince of Kakin, Gon Freecs.

This guy must be one of the most dangerous guard planning-wise, just look at what he thought right after hearing how Halk's power work, he immediately foreshadowed how to beat Halk.

> another special snowflake
This arc is basically the anti snowflake arc, groups and planning have weighted much more than the singles in every chapter, complaining about Tse in this context would be silly.

(2) - transmutation - Fur allergy: only works in a 20m radius at max, best if in a closed spaces (wind can wash away the fur). The cat needs to stay still 10 minutes before laying down the fur, but this ability doesnt activate automatically. When someone enters the area covered (basically works like en, up to 2m height max) the cat swell up (you know when he get angry) and if the user yells "Yuri! No!" the ability activates (takes 20 slots). The biggest aura source detected becomes the target of the ability, which attaches all the fur to the taget's face and transmutes it all into highly allergenic molecules, leading to severe allergic reaction and possibly anaphilaptic shock. If the user is the one that has the bigger aura output, he will be the one attacked.
(3) - conjuring - Cat's favourite hideout: it's a separate dimension, a cube of 5mx5mx5m. Can be activated by giving the cat 3 pats on the head, or if the enemy attacks it directly. Whoever touches it, is the one who gets teleported to that dimension. To get out of it, someone outside of the dimension has to pat the cat's head again 3 times. Takes 10 nen slots each time he teleports someone. The cat can be conjured by the user inside the separate dimension, but it cannot be reloaded there with new nen slots. If the cat runs out of nen slot, the dimension collapses disintegrating whatever is inside it.


Every Bleach arc ever.

how does that make a lick of sense?

The best part is it's not an asspull if he sets it up (but actually doesn't because the condition/ability is myssssterious wooooo)

>I apologize for the interruption

Pitou is my wife

Yea, that one I'm not sure about. But GI got a lot from having an interesting setting. Kind of a predecessor to the current wave of isekai, in a way

I've posted it in a thread a few days ago in more detail:
Type: manipulation (requires some emission) Name: undecided
The ability to 'program' objects with a set of movement commands and conditions. For example, programming a throwing knife to 'after traveling 5 meters, change direction 90 degrees to the left' or a carpet to 'when stepped on, fly upwards in a straight line for 2 seconds'.
A more advanced technique is connecting different objects, for example 'when this floor tile is stepped on, this spear will shoot out of the wall.'
There is a limitation on the number of programmable objects, and the more complex the commands are (and the larger the object it) it requires more aura output. Using In is recommended.

gonne is dead

>Both sisters are also hecka smart on top of being hella cute
>They're still doomed

What would a jury composed of Cammy's peers look like?

Poor man's shaiapouf.

Same desu.

why is the nail on her thumb merging into her knee?

I bet Cammy doesn't know a thing about soccer.

>pregnancy stone
>missing mother

How does it not?

When will Togashi reveal the 2 new spider limbs?

>Best boy
Only faggots, reddit, and those that don't know what a garystu is actually like Killua

>What would a jury composed of Cammy's peers look like?
Like this, probably.


He's the future king's bodyguard after all.

High class Brentwood-type

And the difference is that those minor characters were majorly one note and easily forgettable. Mere punch dolls for the MCs to flaunt their new swanky powerup brought gift-wrapped from Kubo's inner crevice.

How many more chapters until RIP?

we don't know if the pregnancy stone lets you take in genetic material from more than one source, and Gon definitely takes after Ging. His dad obviously never married the king either, so he doesn't have a shred of legitimacy.

Not only black, but dressed like that ?

I would never trust that lawyer.

Solar flare.
Really surprised nobody does it in hxh

I just want this shitty arc to end but apparently Togashi wants to drag it out for years

Hatsu: Mobile Fortess
Type: Emitter/Manipulater

Up to a range of 50 meters, I can emit barriers of a size no greater then 2m x 2m, or a 1 meter radius sphere.These barriors are extremely durable, and cannot be moved by someone other then myself. However, if they do manage to break a hole in one, the entire barrier shatters.

To create a barrier, I must extend my hand in the general direction of the barrier I wish to create. The longer I hold my hand out, the stronger the barrier. I addition, I can also extend my hand in this way to manipulate (move around) barriors I already created. The force of this movement cannot exceed my own physical strength (as such, if I were to push a barrier against someone, it woukd be similar to if I was pushing against them myself).

I tend to get bored of stuff pretty quickly, so having a Hatsu that does something really cool but specific would eventully get boring for me. So, having something simple that can be used in a lot of different ways fits me the best. Plus, I hate getting hurt and I'm definetly an emitter, so I think this ability suits me fairly well. Restriction is similar to Jajanken, as the durability has a charge up time. With enough time, I could block some powerful Ko punches, but that takes up a lot of Aura.

Four. After this chapter I am much more confident in the pacing of the arc, we basically had an entire day pass in this one chapter.

Drop it, brainlet.

>Mere punch dolls for the MCs to flaunt their new swanky powerup
Basically this.

Level App - Conjurer ability, let's my phone console show a person's level of skill in any field or task, and any activity associated with that skill will increase the persons experience points, leading to the levelling up effect. It can also be programmed to directly show the steps to 'level up' in a certain field or skill, step by step and the task can be anything (Learning Nen, killing an opponent, defusing a bomb) but the steps aren't always achievable. If the odds of beating someone or leveling up to become a millionaire are low, it might show 900 steps for instance.

That's why his participation is a secret. It's his advantage to make up for the lack of official backing and guards.

Say hello to your new protagonist.

>The manga still has 1999 colors
At least the superior 1999 anime lives through the colorized version of the manga. The 2011 anime is done forever.

Hell the fourth day is nearly over