How do you guys deal with that feeling of depression when you finish a really good anime?
How do you guys deal with that feeling of depression when you finish a really good anime?
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By watching shit anime like Kimi no Na Wa
you have garbage taste
Your name was a masterpiece though
know that feel to well been watching anime that give too many feels also some of these threads on Sup Forums don't help just adding more feels
watch a comedy anime or something to bring up the spirit maybe some music that gets you pumped up
need to get Sup Forums version of this pic
Shinkai is the best animation director of the decade.
Literally the saviour of anime.
Which of his other movies are worth watching?
All of them,really.
But my favorite one is "Children who chase lost voices",that movie is his aunthentic masterpiece.
You should start by posting something good first.
I'm feeling generous so I'll help.
Start watching something other, its never ending circle you cant escape
5 cm per second was his best. The rest are average.
I dont get depressed
I get inspired
His best was Your name by far. We're discussing the second best, which is between 5cm and Garden of Words.
5 wallpapers per second was garbage
That was me after watching Tatami Galaxy.
All of his movies are wallpaper material,tho.
I hug my mom and suck her titties
It's a never ending loop. That's the human condition for you. What you need to watch is what is called a "healing anime". Minami ke (season 1 only!) or Nichijou are some examples
If you're gonna post a movie of that shitty studio you can at least post a good one.
Am I retarded or the meteor plot and romance plot are literally unrelated?
I seriously can't grasp any thematic connection, the entirety of getting wiped out by a meteorite feels like a fake raising of none-existing stakes.
Or Makoto Shinkai just really really liked Ghost Trick so he ripped it off while doing his "yeah, dating online can work out guys, I made it with my current gf"
you are retarded
no u
After watching evangelion
I usually kill myself
It only gets worse, especially when most of the good characters die in the worst possible way. I'm really starting to miss good endings
>healing anime
So, how do you get back to life?
Everything in this post is wrong. Minami-ke 2nd season is truly a pleb filter
>when you finish a really good anime?
I don't, I stop at the last 2-3 episodes, wait a month or two, then rewatch, up to the last couple of episodes, rinse and repeat.
I don't
I've seen over 900 titles, there's like one or two anime every year at best that still manage to give me post anime depression. And even then it's pretty mild and goes away the next day
I finish a really bad anime
By starting a series and never actually finishing it. Simple.
But that's one of Ghibli's weaker movies?
I don't see where you're trying to go with this. Are you trying to imply that Kimi is better than average at best?
Grave of the fireflies is boring as shit.
This is literally the only animated film, not just Ghibli, that I quit halfway through. It's premise was actually better suited for a serial anime with all the various clubs at the school. But goddamn what a boring and pointless plot.
Everyone with taste know Marnie is the best Ghibli movie.
>Koe no Katachi announcement = sticky
>Code Geass announcement = sticky
>Panty & Stocking announcement = sticky
>Full Metal Panic announcement = sticky
>Keit-ai becomes highest grossing anime film OF ALL TIME = no sticky
wtf mods?
Sup Forums is a board infested with autism like no other. the mods included.
Dubs confirm.
When I was a NEET every time I finished an anime I would be forced to reflect on "what comes after", which is my own life. Feeling satisfied with your own life, or working towards that satisfaction is the only way to stop anime depression. You can do it user, I believe in you.
Because nobody really cares about Your Name
>mods care about anime
Yeah sure
you just proved your own point
>implying grave of the fireflies is good
Call me a contrarian but i can never get over the fact that the events involving their death all happened because the brother was a dumbass.
Mods are dead. If they were here we wouldn't have Boruto, One Piece, Dragonball and BNHA threads right now.
I watched this movie when >no gf and then again later when I got one, and man, did it make a huge difference in my enjoyment of it.
I haven't felt like that in many years. I miss when anime could make me feel something at all.
how will user ever recover
what this i see it posted from time to time
Only way I can see it getting a sticky is if it get's the Naruto treatment like that one time with moot.
I dunno I haven't experienced that in years because of the constant stream of garbage seasonal shows
I really miss the Razer and Aya show. So much better than it had any right to be.
Koe no Katachi is ranked just below Your name. on MAL. Is it worth watching?
Bait harder
It's way better than Your Name.
is it really? I really liked Your name.
Yes, go watch it right now.
Downloading! Any other anime movies I should put on my watchlist? So far I have this, 5cm, garden of words, and KnK
Children who chase lost voice is really good too.
>new anime announcement = sticky
>sales shitposting = no sticky
If it's not a lengthy show, I watch it again with my friends and we discuss it.