What was Sup Forums like when clannad's anime came out?
What was Sup Forums like when clannad's anime came out?
What's with all the Clannad posts today?
I was in highschool still
Is Clannad worth reading and/or watching?
Found the SAO-fag.
I was merely asking a question.
Tomoya had a shot with this beautiful, responsible, strong girl and he decides to go with the half retard dying girl
Even Ryou would have been a better option than Nagisa
naruto was not allowed or quikly spammed by accelspam.
love does that to you user, makes you retarded
Nagisa is worst girl by far. Kyou is superior in every way. Another World was a godsend
Dam tomoyo is beautiful
Key was a mistake.
Is the main guy behind this shit still dying a horrible slow death from heart failure?
How can Key be a mistake considering they created my wife?
Anons said it's better in the VN.
The only true route was Nagisa in the VN. There were no other after story arcs (aside from tomoyo as a spin off game.)
So Nagisa was the only true route because of after story arcs excluding another girl with an after story arc.
Choosing Tomoyo means he dies of brain damage so that's actually the worst choice he can make.
Worth it.
Yeah but don't worry we got sca-ji saving visual novel industry
It doesn't matter whether you think he's overrated or not. Most VN writers left the industry becoming soshage sellouts or whatever after gaining some fame. There are not many writers who still love this medium as much as sca-ji does and stuff like sakura no uta wouldn't be possible without him as of now.
The same pathetic shit hole it is now.