What does Sup Forums use to watch anime? VLC master race here.
What does Sup Forums use to watch anime? VLC master race here
your not even trying
You people should really post proper pictures more often.
(Completely SFW, I guess.)
what does kraftwerk have to do with Sup Forums
Still using mpc-hc
I suppose that I did use vlc for a while but that was a decade ago and stopped since it had problems with so many fansub releases.
..Now i'm just using old cccp mpc-hc codec pack that hasn't been updated in years but I have been too lazy to change.
I used to use VLC but it wouldn't run a certain file type, so I started using DivX. it's a bit more 'adsy' but at least it runs the file.
this is kinda hot for some reason.
How pointless
What's wrong with VLC? I've never had any problems with it and it does the job fine.
laws of sheep
>What's wrong with VLC?
Not a lot. Mostly just autists who have seizures when someone else doesn't care as much as they do about something.
Search for Machino Henmaru CG collection. It's about 10 years old, but I am not aware of updates available.
your post is shit, check em fag
there is literally nothing wrong with using VLC, no matter how much Sup Forums memes about it
While I use MPC-HC on my desktop, I use VLC on my phone and fire tv for the LAN capability.
Does it still have that distorting issue, haven't used it in years and is the reason why I stopped using it in the first place.
Same here.
just stream lol
ids babedig
vlc does pretty much everything now. I went from vlc to cccp back and forth everytime I reformatted, now im on vlc and I guess i prefer it.
>CTRL+F mpv
>0 mentions
This is what Sup Forums has become.
Subtitle rendering is still awful compared to others, distortion happens if your computer can't handle the playback and it still has to rebuild the font cache sometimes.
>implying Sup Forums has ever accepted Sup Forums's memeplayer
vlc still fucks up with some encodes
stupid ass font cache rebuilding
worse quality than mpc+madvr
no reason to use vlc as your main player
> his system doesn't have a native font cache that is kept updated automatically
Stop using OS for kids.
Sasuga VLC-sama.