How would you make a Warhammer 40k anime, Sup Forumsutists?
How would you make a Warhammer 40k anime, Sup Forumsutists?
I don't know if the universe would lend itself well to the medium of art.
cease thy lies, filthy xeno
A decent OVA is all I ask for.
Adventures of an Ordo Hereticus agent on hive-world, animated by Madhouse
Sisters of Battle or burst.
You know exactly what I was thinking user kun
I'd take all the funding, shift 75% of it into shell companies hedging against my project, blame the inevetable production failure on Games Workshop meddling, and laugh my way to the bank while then charging thousands plus expenses to talk about it at conventions.
Sisters of Battle hijack.
Make the most otaku pandering shit so it will actually sell
every thread has the potential to be Adepta hijacked
100+ episode OVA detailing the complete Horus Heresy with changing MCs and a horde of supporting characters.
Siege of terra and the assault on horus's flagship will be released as a feature length episode with movie-like production values.
Pic related as a Space Marine Chapter or Imperial Guard Regiment.
The Emperor is a complete dumbfuck
Id make it about the life an inquisitor. Set in a hive world where he has to head an investigation on a suspected gene stealer cult.
the emperor was operating on faulty information and lack of help from the elder races
I'd explain how but I don't wanna spam text unless I'm asked for it
the Big E didn't even know about Necrons
Marimite with Sisters of Battle
>in the armory cleaning your cleansing tools
>suddenly solid qt3.1415926535897 walks in
What do?
I could see them making an anime compilation like what they did with Animatrix and Halo Legends.
>blame the inevetable production failure on Games Workshop meddling
>Games Workshop meddling
is amazing how a company shoot itself on the foot that many times, they really fuck a lot of their side material because "muh wont allow progress/affect canon"
Give her some spare sacks.
Empress-chan adventures before the betrayal.
Screw that Horus Heresy is trash intro to the setting. Now Badab war is the real entry level meat you could build a series around. You got a bunch of disenchanted warriors ruling over a part of the galaxy declaring independence and their compatriots honourbound to join them as the grind of war forcing them down dark paths. Then you start rooting for the heavy boot of the imperium as the guys who used to be heroes are now monsters worse than one they fight, and then the asshole chapters show up.
>thinking about anything but STC's
nah, Emps was too amazed with himself to ever share any kind of info, even the custodes are in the dark on a lot of his shit, he demands humanity to cooperate with him, but he himself doesnt really trust anybody to any of his plans, and I bet that even with papa smurf coming back, he doesnt have any big plan to save humanity now that his precious webway was destroyed, despise having 10,000 years to think on a new one.
Orc orgy with squigs.