Who else lost all respect for Rukia after this? The main thing she had going for her was her hair & purity.
Who else lost all respect for Rukia after this? The main thing she had going for her was her hair & purity
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Who cares about purity
I don’t get it
Favorite of insecure people who are afraid someone gave better dick
Why do you care? She grew up and the manga ended like eight pages later.
Cute 16-year olds in here.
That may be the superficial reason for the sexually insecure, but it's actually instinct. Men don't like women who they know have been with other men as a means of securing an identity as the father. Human evolution going all the way back to most apes is structured around the inability to know who's the father unlike most other mammals.
Japs just take purity to autism levels, it's a fictional character, but they have to keep her canon virgin even if it goes against rationality. It's like how Yoko Littner became the amazing 35 year old virgin.
Straight men with a functional brain.
Fuck off.
This is the only pairing that counts.
She should have ended up with Ichigo.
IchiRuki will always be the OTP of this series, nothing can change that.
I thought you all commited ritual suicide by now. Maybe you should get on it if you have any scrap of dignity left
I was all about Orichigo when I was a lad but after Orihime got kidnapped by Aizen and it started to become a reality, I realized what a fool I'd been.
>red hair child
Black is a dominant trait and any child of Rukia's should have black hair. That isn't her child. He cheated on her.
She won in the end. Good for her.
Do you even punnett square?
>She won
Nigga what.
She won a healthy dicking and a loving husband.
Why must every girl only want the MC? She never wanted him, so she won in her own way. It was never a competition for him.
What I think he means is, who else was competing for him? More like he won instead of her winning.
She did. She got the best end.
He won the only battle that mattered.
Not even once.
>implying ichiruki is better
It is.
IchiTats is the best and you all know it
How? You get bonus points for not including the word chemistry in your explanation.
Tatsuki would never do that to Orihime.
>woman found a man
>woo all respect for Rukia lost boo
Go back to tumblr, fujo.
Purityfags are just a meme that sometimes seems serious
but yet Tatsuki was a better choice, Orihime had the powers of a GOD and didn't do a damn thing, Tatsuki wanted nothing more than to stand beside ichigo
brown girl is the best girl
IchiRuki fags are just as bad as Narusaku fags
>Who else lost all respect for Rukia after this?
Ichirukifags have truly become the Narusakufags of Bleach fandom.
What moment of closure did Ichigo and Rukia even need? Their relationship has been the same since the beginning.
What are you even trying to say?
This entire post legimately makes no sense whatsoever. What does Orihime abilities not being used to their max potential have to do with pairings?
>The comprehension of an average IchiHimefag
Ichiruki is a bromance.
>Implying that Tatsuki would want to cuck her BFF.
Tatsukifags, everybody.
Orihime should have grown up and got over Ichigo.
I'm patiently waiting for you to explain your statements.
Get over what, exactly?
Why shouldn't she? It would have helped her character by developing her own confidence and not being Ichigo's #1 fangirl cocksleeve.
The dick is not the real reason though.
No matter how much they deny it, women are naturally hypergamic. Their very nature makes them compare partners. Its even clearly visible in statistics, the more partners women had, the less likely she is to form stable marriage.
Also first love is a thing. You can always fall in love with someone new, but first love will always be magical and wonderful. Why would anyone prefer relationship involving weaker, inferior feelings? So she can be experienced in bed? A virgin inexperienced girl who explores both her and yours sexuality will always be way more charming and intimate than good mindless fuck.
The IchiRukifags arrived. Laugh at them.
Im glad she got together with Ichigo
women have to...you know...get pregnant?
She did develop her own confidence or did you miss the last two arcs?
While everyone else is not.
>Everyone else
>Who else lost all respect for Rukia after this?
What? The Bleach manga ended after the Hueco Mundo arc.
Unable to think back fondly of this Manga now. It ruins the re-read.
I nutted in your waifu at long last!
So petite I scarcely fit!
if ur alpha as fk u dont care
What's wrong with Ichigo and Rukia have a non-romantic strong friendship?
>Bleach fandom
Just about dead, honestly.
I'd ask the same about Ichigo and Orihime, she's the only one who clung to him like a retarded puppy. Ichigo and Rukia seen each other more as equals.
Aiichi is best. Prove me wrong.
Right, so insecurity.
Real men don't have to worry about not being able to secure fatherly roles just because they didn't hit home base first, they know the woman is going to keep coming back to them above any others.
>Ichigo and Rukia seen each other more as equals.
Ichigo sees Orihime as an equal though hence why he trusts her with the defense during the Yhwach fight. Dislike IH all you want, but stop pulling shit out of your ass to make your rabid hate look like it has some type of footing. Just say you like IR better.
Why do any waifu-tier characters have to be in a sexual relationship? Rukia is best off as a virgin.
Kazui has been added as a playable character in Death Awakening. When will the same happen for Brave Souls?
Is instinct, pure women are more desireable for a man looking for someone to settle down with and be faithful. If you just want to fuck, then no one cares.
You do realize that studies have been done that ex partners semen forever lingers within a woman and affects the DNA of your offspring. So if a woman fucks that pajeet at the bar, your kid will have pajeet genes.
You're a cuck if you fine that to be okay.
she is a streetrat. probably use to work the streets for a warm place to sleep.
>Kazui before Yhwach.
That doesn't make any damn sense!
How would Ywach combat even be done? Press button = auto-win?
You mean beta?
Welp, going to dump my girlfriend after reading this, I don't want to be a cuck.
This is what the majority of Bleach fags believe and why all their threads will be shit compared to comfy ends like Naruto's/
>He didn´t smash it first
How could you live with yourself knowing that she got the Chad cock inside her? Most sluts are smart enough to not tell.
>mfw I got a 8/10 import cute that does eveyrthing the modern women hates
>Reading anything after Aizen
That's where you screwed up
>Dating a used cumrag
Man. Those are one time fucks.
>smart enough to not tell.
To get laid you have to pretend you don't care about her past partners dude, there's plenty of guys out there who claim it's hot that a woman fucked lots of guys cause "muh experience" that they prefer guys who are okay with sluts.
The truth is the guys who say they don't care about experience are guys who have no intention of marrying the woman so it doesn't matter to them.
Women are stupid as fuck so you have to lie to them and say you find it hot even though you don't. I got women pretty easily when I started lying.
>fruit flies
Naruto threads are fucking shit though. Even now Sumire/Bolt/Sarada wars go. I've seen Naruto threads hit their limits on Sakura bashing alone. It was funny four years, but now it's just sad. They're even more shit than the Bleach thread that pops up once in a while.
>I've seen Naruto threads hit their limits on Sakura bashing alone
The heat death of the universe will happen before people get tired of bashing Sakura
Oh so you're one of the IRcucks that likes to ignore everything after the HM arc. Opinion completely discarded.
It was funny at one point, but not anymore. There is literally nothing left to hate or make fun of her for. It's just repeated shit from older threads.
But getting liad has nothing to do with dating. You can get a fast fuck with all the 100+ fuck apps. If you date, you invest time into a relationship, you don´t do it to damaged goods because if she couldn´t hold her snatch till she settled down, then she was never marry material. People that just want to fuck is something else.
>Implying that isn't the proper way to consume Bleach.
>Naruto threads
In what universe, retard?
Have you been successful with those apps? Do you got any advice or do I just need to take a good picture and keep swiping on tinder till I get through.
I been just asking out women I knew, and I wouldn't be dating this dumb bitch if I could get sex without having to cater to her stupid needs everyday.
Jokes on you, I'm secure in my insecurity!
Keep using this as the reason you can't get laid.
The entire threads aren't about bashing Sakura, it's usual a battle between haters and defenders.
This one. Having a good Bleach discussion nowadays is like a solar eclipse.
I though IRcucks stopped reading after soul society. Not like there is much else development-wise for that ship after that.
>There are people who still believe that Bleach should've ended after the Aizen fight.
Post your favorite OP
Hardmode: Not the first
>Real men
There are four types of men, the alpha, the foreigner, the provider and the incel.
Alpha men get a lot of sex, top 15% percentile. But these men have a harder time forming meaningful relationships because women would rather a more providing male raise children. This is because women like many other apes have developed a sexual cheating strategy of selecting certain men who are weak at parenting and having a provider raise the child of these other men.
Both Alpha/Provider have a high chance of fathering a child with this female, but the woman is trying to circulate the former's genes as well as the later's. It's contradictory, but evolution doesn't care. She'll either raise the bastard or her providing partner's but instinctively believe she's somehow merging best of both worlds.
The foreigner is just like the alpha, except he could be a "provider" in his home land. The foreigner is instantly interesting to women because of old chimp-like attraction to outer-band traveling males. This is typically the most attractive when the foreigner looks almost the same as the female but has a different accent or some other indicator. They're what women mean by "finding themselves" in Italy.
The provider is simply the male who doesn't get has much sex as others and seeks to be with just one woman to compensate and traditionally has the means to support a family. He wants a good wife and wants to start a family more so than the Alpha who either lacks this desire or can't because women treat him like a toy.
The incel are those men who die alone or without children or ever having sex, they make up 60% of men.
Civilization formed partly for and from these concepts; to keep Alphas closer to providers, to keep foreigners out of the equation and to spread Woman evenly among them all so there are less Incels. Civilization is dying as women are allowed to go back to their old mating strategies which naturally cause men to cease being productive.
Here are some protips. Might sound like a shill, but is cheap fucks, so whatever mate, you still save on money:
Get Tinder Prem, unlimited swipes and the option to see chicks that is into you even though you weren´t. Who knows you might want to bang whatever when nature calls. Go for chicks outside of your city.
Picture, don´t go for the chad douchebag look, dress in casual business style with jeans, get a fucking dog into the pic, chicks love that you are caring animal person, real good conversation piece to start. Don´t take pic in the fucking toilet. Take it outside in some nice setting with good lights, don´t selfie, have a clock timer or have someone take the pic for you. Makes the chicks think you are hot shit that got friends and not some weird fucker. Tinder women knows you just want sex most of the time.
Dating a women just to fuck is insane.
Exactly, these racist dumbfuck retard virgins will NEVER be anything but beta shitheads dwelling in a basement dreaming of pussy
What's left to discuss?