Thoughts on this franchise?
Thoughts on this franchise?
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Splitting IMOQ into four games was a huge mistake. Should've been two.
Fun games, bad anime.
Once i got into the original anime i actually loved it, until then i found it boring. Never got into any of the other hack stuff and thought the roots anime was awful
waste of time
cool idea but horribly executed
would you accept her as payment for your sword annon?
Was .hack the original "MMO becomes serious business" or did something else come first?
i thought it was a good idea, but
Believe it or not the SAO LN's came first ironically from someone who's never played them either.
The games start good and progressively get worse as the series expands
The animes start bad and I wouldn't know how they end cuz they sucked too much to finish
SAO was released as a web novel approximately at the same time SIGN was airing. The LN version of SAO came out in 2009, so most people initially thought it was aping .hack, but it was just a popular concept at the time. There's been plenty of other similar story ideas before. Avalon (2001) comes to mind.
It's a bit hard to take seriously, but its still my jam.
When I was a kid, I got the series on 3 dvds, I think it was a japanese set, but it had english menus and english dub so I was good to go.
And it's still basically the proto-isekai even though it would be a deconstruction of isekai now
Good OST
You should try the .hack ps2 games. They wrap up the plot that sign started. GU is optional since its years later and almost completely unrelated to .hack and sign, since .hack wraps up pretty much all the plot points.
The gay ending killed SIGN for me. I liked the one with Haseo but he turned into an edgelord faggot near the end. I never played any of the games.
>Edgelord faggot
Well she definitely was a faggot, but I dunno where you are getting the edgelord part.
Tsukasa's whole development was stopping being an antisocial edgelord.
The op of the first anime is pretty good.
I should learn to read
I would've been fine with SIGN had it not had that whole gay ending going on.
The gay ending made it great.
And haseo becomes an edgy faggotlord but that's just the start in the games
Hack//roots is awful.
Hack//SIGN is good
The LNs are good for teens, O read them when young
The hack series with the 4 games where great though. A lot of people lived their childhood with them.
And hack//G.U. was cool before but now os cringe worthy I can't believe someone wrote that holy fuck.
Then there were OVA's that are actually pretty good? The one with the npc that's a catkid made me cry in the end.
G.U. also hs a 3d movie
And there is another one I haven't seen
Although it is a great franchise I believe SIGN is the only one that can be considered something that will last in time because it was great
>The gay ending made it great.
No it didn't, homosexuality is never the answer.
Great series that streched the story and world building from online to the real world through the players point of view using different media's such as anime, movies, OVA's, games, manga, ect. to where following the series was like a game of "Where are they are now?". Something I don't think you can easliy replicate in todays time. The way .hack did online(or atleast mimic it) was from a time long forgotten, to where I feel like its almost lost in translation. Not just talking about e-mails or forums either, online communities and games in general today is just so different than what they were back in mid and early 2000's.
Damn, nigga I agree with every one of your points.
I do hope they remake the original 4 games. Like, remake them but keep the core game play relatively the same. It was neat to play the G.U. remaster but I was really hoping for something more out of that. The extra volume they included was rather bland.
You're never the answer.
It was a neat twist, and it wasn't super in your face about it.
>everyone calls haseo an edgelord
>play the games
>it's just every other character is literally retarded and simply pisses haseo off
Wow faggots don't even know what real edgelords are