How can one film have so many 10/10 moments?

How can one film have so many 10/10 moments?

Amuro? More like Chadmuro

Sieg Zeon


Hahahaha is this what americans actually think


CCA is legitimately awful. Amuro and Char are the only two in the entire film who make any damn sense as characters, but 90% of the story focuses around a bunch of fucking side characters who do absolutely nothing, sperg out and then die.

This film is terrible and anyone who says otherwise is crazy for over looking the flaws of perhaps the worst thing to have ever graced the U.C. timeline. Casvals plan was so fucking stupid and the whole PULLING A FUCKING ASTROID WITH THE POWER OF NEW TYPE BULLSHIT, that makes no sense at all is the perhaps the worst thing I have seen in gundam.

>Expecting gundam to be good

Do you really believe that apart from the Japanese, only Americans love Gundam?

The japanese have shit taste though, but they at least know gundam is nothing more but a shitty toy commercial

Newtype bullshit is the best part of Gundam


It was okay; I feel like there was too much that Tomino wanted to show or expand upon, but he was limited by what little runtime he had.

CCA probably would have worked out a bit better if it was a series of OVAs.

>90% of the story focuses around a bunch of fucking side characters
This is just straight up not true. Most of the movie's focus is on Char and Amuro. Quess and Hathaway are meant to be a subversion of the undercurrent of "evil adults" that was in Gundam.


>Gundam is good

Why does he keep piloting mono-eye shit that have no depth perception?
It's literally the only reason he keeps losing to that Amurofaggot.

gundam is absolute trash, decent toys though

More like 10/10 meme moments. It’s a decent movie and the conclusion to Char and Amuro’s rivalry was top notch, but there’s so much wasted potential.

*ruins the entire film*

It's some good shit.

Char is the one that makes the least sense in this mess of a movie though.

>Casvals plan was so fucking stupid and the whole PULLING A FUCKING ASTROID WITH THE POWER OF NEW TYPE BULLSHIT

I love how Char's "space magic and nuclear war" plan is treated seriously, but Full Frontal's "place an embargo and set up economic sanctions on trade" plan is treated like some sort of magical plan in the realms of fantasy.

>Tfw his noble sacrifice resulted in the longest stretch of peace UC has ever experienced, only to have it all ruined by a bunch of fucking jovians.

Didn't Mineva have a line to FF was that essentially
>You're not the real Char, your plan is TOO SENSIBLE.

Would you trust a mobile suit with or your girlfriend this kid?

I don't trust him with the damn Haro he's already holding.

I would trust my life to this kid.


My mobile suit is my girlfriend.

sayonara ienakute

he works if you ignore his character development in Zeta or assume that he reverts after that series.

Really I feel that CCA would be so much better if it takes place between 0079 and Zeta, replacing 0083. Zeta Char works a lot better if he is trying to correct his mistake in causing the creation of the Titans.

Brainlets like you sure love posting this image. I guess it gives you the illusion your tiny brain can comprehend deeper meanings.