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What's the status of the main series? Did Marmalade ever release a new volume?
Database Thread.
What's the status of the main series? Did Marmalade ever release a new volume?
The webnovel has been getting updated somewhat regularly throughout the years. It's currently at volume 14 with the last update in august 2017.
The published LN stopped at vol.10 and the publication just started up again. Volume 11 will be out later this month on the 20th.
I see. Thanks! I've been rewatching, and submersing myself in the superb artbook.
S3 never.
That's not true; it was funded by the government, which means we could easily get a new season once there's enough material!
It never cease to amaze me that the guy had a govt funded anime while committing tax fraud
His tax advisor did the fuck ups. He never bothered doing his own taxes.
Why not doing all that shit with a computer nowadays?
Its 12:40 am, bear with me.
He's using the computer for more important stuff, like transcripts for the story. Also, sometimes authors and other creatives have other people who do things unrelated to being a creative so that said creative can focus on his work.
A series that was murdered by its own lengthy exposition.
I watched season 1 years ago and quite enjoyed it. Is season 2 any good?
He should have hired a lolibaba to do them for him like other LN authors.
I love season 2 but I love the series as a whole. That said the most glaring flaw of season 2 is that it starts a lot of plot threads gearing up for a third season there was and continues to be no real sign of. There are still the lovable character interactions that I quite liked about the the first. There are even some great additions to the cast and the story seems to be going somewhere fun. That said, it needs a third season. And knowing that there isn't one when you get to the end of the second season leaves a really sour taste. So overall I love it but I don't know if I can recommend it as an incomplete series.
Somewhere around the middle of the season everybody becomes insecure and begin doubting themselves, all at once for a couple of episodes. This delivers some characterisation, but it also bothered e a bit.
But that aside, the second season is just as good as the first, and some new, interesting characters show up.
Or, you know, just don't bother doing that and have enough money to pay someone to do it for them. Like everyone else.
thanks, good to hear that it's still going
2 days ago there was a news report that he just got caught with CP so I think this series is never going to recover
Log Horizon thread reminder that womenlets are feisty.
I personally found the second half of S2 to be insufferable, but I am not a huge fan of the show overall. YMMV
sauce or gtfo
S2 was made by DEEN.
They extended the boring portion (noob party adventure) and compressed an entire volume (vol 9) into one episode.
It was bad. But if you love the series you might still enjoy it.
Minori finally confessed. Shiroe told her he loves someone else.
Still doesn't mean Akatsuki won though.
>i love emilia
The worst part about season 2 is that there isn't a season 3.
I just hope this won't end with some shitty drama because he loves Kanami or something. Marmelade should just go with the OTPs he already set up.
>Mamare will never visit Sup Forums again
Akatsuki's like 23.
Whatever happened to the TRPG translation project? Any hopes of ever seeing it completed?
Akatsuki is pure love.
that she is
It's Henrietta! We just have to believe!
This was truly the greatest of days.
well she'd certainly approve
when is the tubby druid going to get the cat barbs?
Are the LNs worth reading? Are they better than the anime?
>that scene with Shiroe and Akatsuki on the moon
There is no way she isnt already the winner of the Shiroeball
Nyanta is a gentleman and will wait for her to reach a marriageable age.
LH has such a lovable cast of characters
Every single one of them is memorable and endearing (and there are a lot of them)
I really miss seeing their antics, I hope we get a S3 someday
Season 1: No one dies. Okay. That's a new idea, but the story is too slow.
Season 2: Story is too slow, I end up sleeping every episode. Can't they act in a more riskier manner to speed up the story. They're immortals for crying out loud.
Why do you guys like this show again? Is this just a meme?
>when two people care so much for each-other they even share respawn timers
do adventurers even age?
Its iseki done right
I fucking love politics and inventing new ways to interact with the world
I dunno. I dropped it after the monolouge episode in S2.
Season 1 was an interesting look at how people would adapt to immortality and being trapped in an MMO.
Season 2 had some weird direction and jumped around a bit too much, then had a lot of exposition on secondary characters that slowed down the story unnecessarily. Ultimately Season 1 was great, but season 2 was mediocre with some notable high points. It ran into the common problem of LN adaptations with season 1 being a great self contained story, while season 2 served to set everything up for a future season that is probably never going to come.
It's not isekai because they were in the game all along
I think in the first 8 or so volumes they had no real way of knowing since it hadn't been long enough.
However with the lore solidifying more and more into the world, their aging rate will probably be 1/12th of normal accounting for the time difference. Shiroe for example has already been in their history books for 98 years.
>You will never brave the journey to Kurwa to obtain the winged hussar class
Tax day is March 15 in Japan.
Pray that he doesn't fuck up again and have LG canceled/forgotten for another 3 years
Given the changes of the world, the golem summoner specs must be looking forward as all fuck to figuring out how to contract vehicles and the like.
Yeah but thats when his character was still a golem being controlled from elder tale inputs
Is it actually different now that the players themselves are the characters?
>Mamare will never write in a "My familiar is an attack helicopter" speech.
>Lv 100 Summon Yamato
>Possess Summon
>Get your guild to ride you
The bodies should still be the same and aging's mostly a physical thing (that's not to say there won't be crotchety old bastard adventurers in young bodies fifty years). The girls were happy about their bodies keeping auto-clean just like the typical game avatar for example.
>You will never put a cute loyal little ninja in your pocket
why live my dudes
I honestly want to lick akatsuki's navel
Only her lord may do that
Lore seems to take priority. So as far as the lore's concerned, adventurers have eternal, undying bodies because they've looked the same for generations. And that, is going to affect the players.
On the other hand, that means the kids have-been and will-remain kids physically this whole time too.
One has to wonder what effect that may have on any attempts to get bust-size up. It'll probably require the recreation of appearance potions
I'm so sorry for your feeble mind user.
>be neet
>don't pay taxes, of course
>become author
>have success
>forget he have money now and still don't pay taxes
He probably did, and she tried to evade more than she should.
So if any one has read the LN can you tell me does some one win in the boring romance sub plots?
Also can people of the land get pregnant and can adventurers get pregnant?
I remember healers and tanks always complaining about this for DPS. Truth is, though, they were no better - it's just easier to say the DPS is doing it because there's like 4 times as many DPS as everything else in the raid.
>Healer runs out of mana in Phase 1 because the instant costs twice as much and heals 3/4 as much but is instant so why use anything else
>And of course he didn't bring a stack of potions, because he can just sit and recover between fights
>Not-Main tanks taking aggro from the Main, not keeping said aggro after the adds follow him around, and then demanding the mage and the hunter be kicked for dying because he stopped taunting about ten seconds in and they just stormed the rear.
>The elemental shaman - back before you could swap specs mid-dungeon - is the only one using any healing on anything other than "mindlessly spam on the main tank always even when the whole group takes those unavoidable hits from boss mechanics" like the four priests. He'll get booted from the guild two runs from now because his DPS is just too low as a result.
Good DPS required knowing one's class as much as positioning, pacing and timing. There were retarded players in *every* role.
season 2 never
>its another "japs have never played an mmo" anime
>Isuzu has the perfect girl-next-door-design
>is whiny as hell and has a dumb inferiority complex
why do mmo mongoloids assume they're always talking about their particular brand of virtual cocaine? there's different mechanics for every game you cocksmuggler
I hope marmalade's imouto isn't disappointed in him.
>more than one potion a fight
>He wasn't on Sup Forums when Mamare visited and talked about the MMOs he liked
>plays mmos
>makes an anime about mmos
>its nothing like mmos
More like no potions at all, shit maximum mana, and throws out the conjured water and muffins because she hadn't emptied her inventory beforehand and didn't want to lose a few silvers dropping vendor trash.
My roomate was like that. She also got quite confused when trying a new game about how to open inventories and would end up remapping it to spacebar so it's easy to remember, not that that would ever blind her in the middle of a fight.
>friend gets new girlfriend
>tries to get her into wow
>hear them questing
>wtf you stole my kill!
girls shouldnt be allowed to play video games
Worst is when they've been habitually gaming for *years* and none of the info has ever transferred across games, so every new MMO is a complete "I tried to call the mouse over but it said something about sticky keys" experience.
oh god this. trying to take a girl i knew from one moba to another was fucking nightmare fuel and then trying to take her from that to ffxiv was even worse
>can dodge skillshots really easily in the mobas
>stands in fire like its her day job in ffxiv
There's also the classic strategem of it can't kill you if it's dead. I get that you should hold back damage to not get hate but there's a certain point where if your role in a raid is to be the gimpest POS dps you can be then what's the point in bothering with any of the loot? There's little practical reason to ascend above garbage tier.
It can't kill you if it's dead is certainly true, and also see rage-timers and the like of course.
But when you're talking MMOs, bigger (party/raid) scale enemies *do* have to be managed. With a good group, it may mean holding back to maybe 98% of your maximum potential output - but not 100% all the time (there's forced-taunting but those are often temporary in most MMOs, after that it can be stolen again).
At those scales not-tanks often can't handle more than a few seconds (if even one hit with some) of being glared at by a boss, and what would potentially be a 2-3s faster TTK on a ten minute fight slows everything down and risks a wipe: you can't kill it if you're dead, and the lowered DPS with some mechanics might mean more than one or two people who do this will result in a wipe.
If it's at the "must be piece of shit" level you're talking about, chances are the problem is the Tank is undergeared or too completely shit to be in the position that they're in.
holding back or forcing yourself to be a shitty dps isnt really necessary unless the game is ffxiv in which case every other boss has a "stop dps at exactly 20% or we wipe" mechanic
Season two had a big series of problems and the worst of which imo is that they shoved the best volume/story into one episode. It could have redeemed the other problems if more space was allocated to the greatest party ever.
That's different since you can just be good at your job until 21%.
I guess the point i was making if you dont see other classes/roles get in trouble or complained about for doing their job too well. You don't usually see tanks get told to fuck off for being unable to lose hate outside of one extremely rare fight or two.
That monster doesnt pin down and rape the bard for the massive buffs it gave the party.
You don't see mechanics that punish white mages for being too damn good at their job.
DPS on the other hand end up commonly being punished for doing a better job.
ive been playing wow for 10 years and have never seen a scenario where the better dps are punished or looked down upon in any way
I don't play wow but that's one of the first or most common things I hear complaints about when it comes to raids/dps in wow. "Oh the dps was going all out like a dumbass", "Idiot dps aren't holding back and are trying to do damage like that's their role in the fight", and so on.
I never really thought about it until now but it is rather strange that the standard/core enmity/hate mechanics in these sort of games are based around punishing players for doing a good job. Wouldn't it make more sense to make a dps doing an amazing job to force some sort of bonus that makes the fight easier instead? If a dps character just eviscerated a large chunk of the monster's hp it should be reeling from the sheer amount of damage in a short time rather than casually swatting the dps into a puddle?
what game specifically punishes dps players for playing their hardest? every game ive played puts the best dps on a pedestal
So did Shirous mind travel to the game or did the character clone his mind or did it gain sentience on its own?
I guess it's sort of a fish don't realize they're in water scenario here?
If you rack up enough hate the monster turns to you and dps generally aren't as good at surviving as a tank which is why tanks are needed. I figured it was rather standard that hate can be generated via damage as a way to make tanks have to actually try to maintain hate a little rather than yell at it once once-->afk.
Another form of punishment is that monsters generally have phases based on HP. This one isn't readily apparent but if the dps are too good they might shift through the phases too fast and cause any associated aoe or nasty moves in general to be fired off too many times within a short period for the healsluts to keep up. The strategy for one phase could be very bad for another phase and so on. That's the general source of healsluts/tanks complaining about dps not holding back from what i've gathered.
I don't think i've ever seen good dps put on a pedestal before. DPS are usually considered a dime a dozen because there are so many of them that you get to be picky about which ones join.
a lot of modern mmos make it so tanks get like 500% bonus threat (hate) generation so its near impossible to get aggro as a dps unless your tank is retarded
Mamare just released a new web novel chapter today.
What I've gleaned so far is that Mizufa tries killing Roreil because she thinks he's in the way, only to find out that his armor is basically Royal Guard Armor. It seems like Minami did some experiments after the Enbart Nelles experiment and made their own version of it, or found a way to make it work outside of the city.
Krusty's profile image for volume 11, which was added a few weeks ago.
>It never cease to amaze me that the guy had a govt funded anime while committing tax fraud
Yeah, it's not like the governments are filled with inept and corrupt leeches that consider themselves above the ordinary peasant.
Oh shit. Minami OP, pls nerf.
Nureha's in the middle of convening with some Akiba representatives (including Shiroe, of course) to talk about a Akiba-Minami cooperation against the Genius threat.
Of course, Mizufa and Indicus are in the camp that don't like that at all. Minami was also in the middle of a civil war a volume or two ago, and I'm not quite sure what happened there.
watashitachi no paatiiii