Did you actually finish first season of SAO past 11 episodes? How did you manage to do it?

Did you actually finish first season of SAO past 11 episodes? How did you manage to do it?

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It was still airing and the arc wasn't over. Once they switched to fairies I dropped that shit.
Same with the second season.

By watching the abridged series instead.
So much better than the dumpster fire of the actual anime.

Masochism and low standards.

I've seen worse. Why is SAO such a trigger warning anyway? I know it's self-indulgent but it feels like it could've gone much dumber

hahaha no

Go away

I mean it's so much wasted potential. It actually was interesting at the beginning and for few episodes onward but it spiraled to something awful fanfic that wasn't by any means necessary to forward the plot. I just don't understand why they would bring in some fairyshit

My issue with that is anything is better written. Even the games made "anime Hitler" a acceptable 6.5/10. What makes Abridged so special? Only Asuna has a quality jump character wise and she was at least fixable unlike Kirito.

If you can stand the jewtubification, this breaks it down pretty well.

Asuna is so damn sexy, I do as my dick demands.

Just watch Abridged/read Progressive. SAO was never gonna amount to anything; it was mediocrity all over the place or trainwreck, and I prefer a good a old fashioned trainwreck over "eh, it got the job done".

Doesn't help Reki did not think things through (SAO was originally one LN volume and stuff like Silica/Lisbeth were side stories IIRC)/no one reads Progressive outside dedicated nutters and tsunderes

So being diet Konosuba and some PTSD makes anime Hitler rise to Maidragon flavored acceptable? Still feels like SAO is a unfixable mistake if all fixing trash does is make it a passable seasonal

>percussive maintenence

I reached episode 21 and lost all interest

i'm a little ways in to season two and i'm not annoyed, but i could see why people would drop it

Download episode
Watch it
Repeat it first two commands until there will be no episode

Watched till episode 12, it just turned to cringe fiesta so i couldn't bear it anymore.

waito something is wrong with the picture

Because of sense of obligation. It really wasnt that bad tho. Its flaws a glaring, but it helped me get into its superior continuity, the gameverse.

Dropped it around episode 4 or 5

Not difficult. Now watching stuff like reddit:zero and memesuba past episode 5, you need some heavy tolerance to cringe

I couldn't get past episode 2.
Hated the dialogue at the end of it.