Tsuru Tsuru to Zara Zara no Aida

>Tamaki's family owns a pet shop specialized in reptiles and amphibians, though he himself doesn't particularly like them. He catches the interest of a girl named Saya, who really likes reptiles and amphibians. They start dating.

I really like this manga but haven't seen a thread about this on Sup Forums, must be due to its irregular translation schedule. It's nothing extraordinary but is really comfy. so without any further ado dumping.(will be a slow dump mind you).















I dig comfy cute shit like this, keep it up OP



thanks for the bump.

I like that this is starting to go places, no 500 volumes of the same stuff








chapter 2.








chapter 3.











chapter 4.








chapter 5









chapter 6









cucked by a lizard

chapter 7.










chapter 8.









chapter 9.






