I'm still mad
It was so close
I'm still mad
I'm still mad
It was never close
get on my level
My wife, Kosaki, is so cute
She won in the spinoff
I love my wife.
Onoderafag here, but let's face it, she was doomed from the start. Considering the very title of the show, it would have been a surprise if she did win.
Honestly after her sister was introduced and Onodera didn't make a proper attempt to straighten her out it became really hard to root for her
I refuse to belive anyone but kids give a shit about Onodera. The shitoge cunt is more up the Sup Forumslley.
Nisekoi made me realize I really don't have the patience anymore for generic haremshit.
I might give it another go since I'm a Chitogefag, but it was painful to watch.
You do realize the people that hated Nisekoi the most were Shitogefags that were always mad the manga wasn't about her relationship with Raku 90% of the time?
This is when I gave up.
I don't, I never followed the threads on Sup Forums.
But I can understand the sentiment.
I'm not a Chitosefag, but did people ever really believe any of the other girls even stood a chance?
Sup Forums is always surprised when the obvious girl wins
I think people are more mad about the bullshit reasons Komi came up with to cast Onodera aside. I don't think anyone found the final arc convincing despite the predictable outcome.
You should be, they stole it
Chitoge is /our girl/.
Fuck this show, man.
More like the Reddit alley
best girl
I can't remember the last time I used that pic.
Good taste.
I take solace in the fact that she will find somebody else who will make her happy. And she’ll realize he’s a million times better than raku because raku is an awful person.
she always pine after raku and never move on
You can not use this image and not use the pasta for it.
You meant fuck the manga
no it wasn't
You meant fuck Komi Naoshi
It was never close. Just look at the oneshot.
Sup Forums habitually lets their own personal tastes get in the way of common sense. There were actually people convinced kirino would lose in oreimo. One dumb tripfag was so convinced that ayase would win that he recommended the show to his own sister, claiming it was just about siblings becoming closer.
Tsugumi is love
Tsugumi is life
I was hoping that Raku gets trucked so everyone loses.
You would be angry because 3DPD is shit & doesn’t deserve victory.
Haha get kek'd
Nisekoi would've been so much better if it was just about Raku and Chitoge with Shuu and Ruri to the side
Boring ditch deserved losing and living a cuck life.
shonin garbage is not about romance~
Nisekoi makes the huge fucking mistake of being a straight romance selling itself as a vapid harem shenanigans thing. You can't do both, you need to pick one and stick to it. So far bokuben seems to understand that.