
Who would win in a fight?

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I'd never bet against an A10

Gate basically gave you the answer why are you even asking, fuck everybody knows jet planes fly faster than dragons in most standard fantasys. Its a throwaway match.

A girl with the body of a 10 year old

a10 has 30mm rounds

Really depends on magic bullshit.

Feasible biological material isn't going to survive a 30mm round, let alone 1350.

But the moment we're talking magic, arbitrary RHA values are a matter of power. It's entirely a failure of OPFOR intel that they aren't warding soft targets... You've got magic guys, cheat a little.

Considering swords/axes/ect are still viable weapons in fantasy settings even with magic wielders existing in the same universe I'd say the A10 would demolish the dragon, and the 50 other dragons behind it.

forgot to mention the girl is centuries old

maybe it just had thicc scales with titanium

A lot of people harp on about the gun on the A10 and yes it is impressive and effective in some situations but the A10 also carries up to 11 Mk-84/82 bombs which make 11m deep holes in whatever they hit.


No stronger a material than steel.

better strength/density ratio

This would've done the trick

The dark elves were already slaughtering each other enough with the normal rocket launchers


GATE chose the most boring way to handle Magic vs Technology. Doesn't matter who wins, I'm still disappointed.

They didn't make much out of the setting but the characters were enjoyable enough that I still never got bored.

boring how?

Depleted uranium tho

Because in the first encounter we establish that a rocket launcher can damage a fire breathing dragon so immediately you understand that all it takes is one coordinated group or maybe a tank to take one down. What is quite literally the biggest thing we've seen in the series can be handled by a handful of soldiers.

The story then goes on to try and rectify this by having Itami give a bunch of untrained Drow noob tubes and then they kill themselves which is supposed to make me feel tension. It failed.

The saving grace for me is the manga because the art style is dope and there's still enough worldbuilding and interesting interactions between the people of Alnus and Earth that the story doesn't feel like a wash.

It was Itami's fault for not training them enough

the manga has the worst art style

opm web comic

The only thing I actually disliked were the politicians, journalists and Zolzel's generals for being utter shitbags.
The characters were all fucking great though
>Lelei & Lalena

>the manga has the worst art style
Oh (You)

I prefer left
The faces in the manga look weird and samfacey

I'll take some minor sameface, to idolshit.

Loved that Itami was completely unapologetic about his personality.

what's idolshit

I see you are man of taste.
Anime Rory truly is plague of this world.

How most of the girls were made overly cutesy, hair styles that sometimes don't match their vocation or living conditions. Rory has already been like this to some degree since she's wearing Gothic Lolita. however, the anime redesign made her also look like she belonged more on a stage than at a maid cafe.

Basically a combination of ramping up the Moe factor for already young/cute characters. And for the rest of the women, making them look more like they should be on a stage. It depends on how you interpret the text from the WN/LN and whether or not you prefer the manga, which does go for a more grounded approach to it's character depictions in certain areas.

the only characters that look better in the manga are the earth politicians

Any news on the gaiden translations?

Gate dragons are shit. The JDSF are lucky they didn't run into some DnD Dragon with magic.

Came to the thread an outsider because of muh dragon, but looks like I'll be picking this series up.
Manga only, obviously. Anime looks so generic it hurts, if I was the author I'd be upset about what they did to the feather hat chick in particular, it looks like a completely different character.
Idolshit anime was a mistake.

Does DnD Dragon magic protect against thermonuclear weapons?

just because no one gave them reccoilless rifles to do the trick.

Yes if they happen to be a ancient dragon that knows 9th level spells or higher. There's a literal 9th level spell called wish.

>Because in the first encounter we establish that a rocket launcher can damage a fire breathing dragon so immediately you understand that all it takes is one coordinated group or maybe a tank to take one down.
If a dragon CAN'T be harmed by a rocket, then they would literally be unkillable by the GATE citizens. The fact is you are suppose to be able to scratch a dragon with swords and arrows, and that limits how tough they actually could be.

What I never quite got was how Zolzel could really think he had any chance against the JSDF. Even with Tyuule egging him on, he saw what Kuribayashi alone had done to his guard in the throne room. And that was just one girl without any heavy weaponry.

Which weakens the user heavily after use. So they may survive the initial blast if they get the spell off in time but the fallout will ruin them.

he's mentally ill

However, how in the fuck do you accurately drop bombs on a moving flying target?

>not having smart bombs
Do you even 21st century?

I don't see how anything short of complete amnesia about that incident could make him think he stood a chance. The JSDF were basically demi-gods compared to their soldiers. Might as well have tried to take on an army of apostles.

What part of moving target did you not understand?


i like gate because it pisses off the mutts.


>What I never quite got was how Zolzel could really think he had any chance against the JSDF.
Cultural misunderstanding.
The Empire considers peace treaties something you strive for when you are losing. If you are winning, you keep attacking until you invade and kill the ruler. The JSDF appear to constantly stop attacking but instead insisting on having a peace treaty, which to their eyes mean the JSDF is actually secretly struggling and the Empire just has to find their hidden weakness.

The Empire simply doesn't understand the very idea of NOT burning a country to the ground when you can. Japan doesn't want to conquer, and the prince misread the reason for that.

Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense.

What part of SMART bombs you didn't understand?

>Zolzel could really think he had any chance against the JSDF.
Especially when he saw a demonstration first hand within the throne room. Thus, to answer the question, Zolzel is pretty much an imbecile.


A powerful dragon wizard that can cast 9th level spells that's on par with someone like Nicol Bolas from Magic wouldn't be stopped or killed by a nuclear weapon. There's plane shift, etherealness, simulacrum, lichdom, etc. Could also just open a portal to the River Styx or the Abyss and let demons just pour into the world.

Two points you are missing:

1. That dragon is very agile and would likely dodge the bombs.

2. There's no GPS in the special region, rendering the "smart" part of the bomb useless.

The dragon, because japan hasn't unlocked america mode yet.

people actually got upset by that?
>wow, why is the main faction of this story winning?

Then your bombs are not smart enough.

You do realise a nuke is practically the real world equivalent of high level magic? The amount of atomic level bullshit that happens and ground zero isn't something that can just be waved away.

Doesn't the A10 have laser guided missiles? You don't need GPS for that

you should have seen the threads when it was airing


I wonder what would have happened if the gate opened up in Texas instead

Probably start exploiting the world on the other side for natural resources.

The invaders through the gate would be destroyed.

Oh right and clone, which is a backup test tube body so even if you do nuke a high level D&D wizard, they'll just come back. Not sure if you can stuff it in a demiplane, but I know a few of the more powerful liches in the DnD multiverse hide their phylacteries in secret demiplanes.

>you should have seen the threads when it was airing
Somehow I always miss out on watching the shows that would be the most fun to talk about live.

I was pissed off that they let a bunch of protesters ram the gate without doing anything like a bunch of cucks

>laser paint the target
>it moves out of the way

i don't know, you couldn't even beat malnourished rice niggers.

>Probably start exploiting the world on the other side for natural resources.
But Japan is already doing that. They are just less obvious about it.

are you fucking retareded?

> texan state government orders the construction of a pipeline through the portal horizon.

I'm not American and even I know if that happened especially in Texas of all placed the blokes first through the portal would get fucked lad.

>be a cute girl
>but your name is Beefeater
What did she do to deserve that?

>What did she do to deserve that?
Just imagine how much "beef" she ate. She might be lesbian.

Did Sugawara's Japanese dick fit?

Bozes seemed more like the carpet muncher between the two, considering her mental breakdown when she couldn't rescue Pina

That's true. She might have been imagining the hours upon hours of rape by which Pina would be subjected to.

More like she barely felt anything.
She had to learn how to fake it, just like every Japanese girl.

Man, Sherry was fucking great.

Any doujins available, by any chance? She likely masturbated to him a few times.

There's one image set on sad panda but otherwise I don't think so. GATE got a criminally low amount of porn in general. But at least the stuff it got was decent.

Best maid


Since when did the Japanese turn Jewish?


To those wondering how to bomb a moving target:

An f15-e scored a kill by dropping a smart bomb on an in flight iraqi helicopter during operation desert storm. It is possible, they laser guided the bomb because they couldn't properly get the helicopter on radar for some reason or another.

I imagine you just try and match the speed and heading of your target (from much higher) so that their isn't any relative movement to make tracking easier with the laser.

hilariously huge.

also where's the runway

The first Drakengard answered, air force > magical dragon.

I think the scales were made of tungsten.

where's the surrounding village

Tropius is a girl?

it's probably neither since its diet mainly consists of humans which have no significant amounts of titanium or tungsten in their bodies

Either that or some fantasy material that had the same density as tungsten. But I remember them talking about tungsten when they were checking the dragon scales.

pretty sure they were just comparing it to tungsten

when are the americlaps going to invade and nuke some shit

That's her hair, dude. I think she's a wind spirit or something.

Also, I have to warn you... The original author submitted his light novel manuscript to the publisher. They told him to tone down the hard-nationalist elements before they'd even touch it. Then when the LN was being turned into a manga, they turned down the nationalist elements again. Then when it was turned into an anime, they turned them down AGAIN and it STILL comes off as Japan's version of "'Merica! Fuck yeah!" Don't expect anything even approaching competence on the part of any of the enemies, either from the other world, or ours; Spetsnaz, Delta Force and PLA Spec Ops all apparently lose in a four-way gunfight involving them and JSDF Rangers. I could buy it if it was just Rory tearing them a new asshole - although it'd be the first fucking time in the series when magic and fantasy is actually shown to have literally any chance at all against guns and special forces - but the foreign teams were getting hammered even BEFORE she showed up!

But the worst offences are saved for the Imperial forces from beyond the gate. I can understand getting your forces ripped apart in your first engagement with the 21st century, but continuing to use the same worthless tactics over and over, even when you can see them failing, is just unforgivable. The imperials act like they're poorly-programmed video game enemies, rather than intelligent beings with their own ability to think, react and adapt!

That's not even getting started on how the JSDF are apparently better at close combat than the empire's elite troops-! I can totally buy that the JSDF have vastly superior stand-off capabilities, but every part of their weapons, armour and training emphasises long-range engagements! Regardless of "Muh WW2 banzai charge," any modern military sees hand-to-hand and bayonet drills as a weapon of absolute last resort. So someone please explain to me how private shortstack is able to have a kill-count that keeps up with RORY THE FUCKING REAPER, or defeats the prince's ELITE BODYGUARD in close combat! Her equipment and training is simply not as specialised or extensive as her opponents, who are armed and armoured in ways that emphasise melee combat and have likely been training for years, if not from infancy, in how to fight this EXACT TYPE OF BATTLE-!

But no, I guess that all gets beaten by Nippon stronk and muh samurai heritage.

>Who would win in a fight?
Modern army, every time. It's is this kind of show.
Everything depends on screenplay. For contrast, in Sengoku Jietai archaic army didn't even need magic bullshit.